Everything was cool until he____(fill in the blank)

Everything was cool until he dropped the n-word. Yeah, that was a serious strike out.

@Meritamen: The N-bomb kills me. I had one recently.

Same (white) dude, all on the 2nd date, in this exact order. Everything was cool until:

-walking in the city and looking into restaurant windows for dinner. After about the 10th no on the 10th restaurant he says, "look, I'm a vegetarian. And since I'm buying, I'd appreciate you ordering meat-free. You want meat, you buy your own." I said: OK, I'll buy my own. (mind you we'd been talking 2 months--he NEVER mentioned being veggie!)

-he said understood why the soldiers hated the Sand N---ers. I give him the side-eye then full on "wtf you just say look?!" then he proceeds to stutter: "well, the Black soldiers call them that too!"

-he didn't think it was so bad if a molester slipped up once with a child. Then proceeds to lay out a fantasy of his friend's 12 year old daughter in the shower....this was immediately AFTER we attended an anti-rape themed rally--which was what the whole date was about! :sad: Guess he forgot I have a 5yo daughter too.

I ran like the wind.
@Meritamen: The N-bomb kills me. I had one recently.

Same (white) dude, all on the 2nd date, in this exact order. Everything was cool until:

-walking in the city and looking into restaurant windows for dinner. After about the 10th no on the 10th restaurant he says, "look, I'm a vegetarian. And since I'm buying, I'd appreciate you ordering meat-free. You want meat, you buy your own." I said: OK, I'll buy my own. (mind you we'd been talking 2 months--he NEVER mentioned being veggie!)

-he said understood why the soldiers hated the Sand N---ers. I give him the side-eye then full on "wtf you just say look?!" then he proceeds to stutter: "well, the Black soldiers call them that too!"

-he didn't think it was so bad if a molester slipped up once with a child. Then proceeds to lay out a fantasy of his friend's 12 year old daughter in the shower....this was immediately AFTER we attended an anti-rape themed rally--which was what the whole date was about! :sad: Guess he forgot I have a 5yo daughter too.

I ran like the wind.

laws there are so many stereotypes in this comment about your date :nono::lachen: that even if you didn't say his race, I would've assumed the race he was :look:
-until he asked to have my best friend number whom we by accident ran into on our third date...then asked if we, all 3 could go on a date and get a room...I don't even want to tell y'all my reaction
-he took his pants off and a smell of just musk, mold, and just all around nastiness hit me in the face...I went off, a grown man should know better...I left and never looked back
-he offered to go with me and we would go get pedicures all on him. Kool, then tech offers to do a manicure, he says sure I'm paying...kool, Time to pay and he starts patting his pockets like he aint got it...***** how the heck u gonna offer to take me out and u didn't come prepared....I paid my part only because its my favorite place and have been going of years...and left...They told me when I went back they made him fix things around the shop, clean wax area, sweep, and be their slave all day...lmao dude was 28!! Who does this???
Until he invited me to go to the movies and when it came time to pay for the tickets h extended his hand for me to pay for both tickets. I was livid. I payed for mine. When the movie started i said i had to go to the bathroom and took the train home. I just couldnt sit there and pretend like i was fine cause i was not. Never talked to him again after that. He blew up my phone for a few days smh
DaPPeR said:
Until he invited me to go to the movies and when it came time to pay for the tickets h extended his hand for me to pay for both tickets. I was livid. I payed for mine. When the movie started i said i had to go to the bathroom and took the train home. I just couldnt sit there and pretend like i was fine cause i was not. Never talked to him again after that. He blew up my phone for a few days smh

Did he leave a message? I'd love to hear what he had to say.
... told me he didn't do laundry "because it's boring." Then he complained that he didn't even know how to wash his clothes and it was "all his mom's fault because she never taught him." He was 24.
... rescheduled a job interview "because his mom didn't buy him work shirts." The store in question was walking distance from his house. Then he missed the second interview because "his friend didn't pick him up on time."
... left links to several porn sites on the quickbar on his web browser on an account that he let his five-year-old nephew use unattended. I SUGGESTED that he remove the porn buttons and he flipped out on me saying that I was controlling and it was his computer.
... stayed up all night playing video games in our bedroom. I had to be up at 5am for work and he was in there cutting up on the headset cussing at 16-year-olds. I had to go sleep on the couch. Then at 4:30 he came out in the living room trying to wake me up for sex. This happened more than once.
... I woke up one morning to the sounds of him choking his mother.
... he was unemployed and living off his mother at 25, and he had a mysterious, unemployed friend who bought him Gucci cologne, Ralph Lauren body spray, clothes from Express, and most recently an ARCADE CABINET. When I blew up he said I wasn't being fair because I didn't even know where he got it from and it was ok because it was a great deal and he didn't even pay for it.
... We went on our (first, only, & last) vacation and he called his mommy every single day we were there. He and his mother were up in each other's backsides for everything. It was revolting.
- When we broke up he blew up my phone at work and throughout the night. My phone actually vibrated itself out of battery.
Last edited:
... told me he didn't do laundry "because it's boring." Then he complained that he didn't even know how to wash his clothes and it was "all his mom's fault because she never taught him." He was 24.
... rescheduled a job interview "because his mom didn't buy him work shirts." The store in question was walking distance from his house. Then he missed the second interview because "his friend didn't pick him up on time."
... left links to several porn sites on the quickbar on his web browser on an account that he let his five-year-old nephew use unattended. I SUGGESTED that he remove the porn buttons and he flipped out on me saying that I was controlling and it was his computer.
... stayed up all night playing video games in our bedroom. I had to be up at 5am for work and he was in there cutting up on the headset cussing at 16-year-olds. I had to go sleep on the couch. Then at 4:30 he came out in the living room trying to wake me up for sex. This happened more than once.
... I woke up one morning to the sounds of him choking his mother.
... he was unemployed and living off his mother at 25, and he had a mysterious, unemployed friend who bought him Gucci cologne, Ralph Lauren body spray, clothes from Express, and most recently an ARCADE CABINET. When I blew up he said I wasn't being fair because I didn't even know where he got it from and it was ok because it was a great deal and he didn't even pay for it.
... We went on our (first, only, & last) vacation and he called his mommy every single day we were there. He and his mother were up in each other's backsides for everything. It was revolting.
- When we broke up he blew up my phone at work and throughout the night. My phone actually vibrated itself out of battery.

What in tarnations????
OMG this isn't all the same man is it? Jeeze

... told me he didn't do laundry "because it's boring." Then he complained that he didn't even know how to wash his clothes and it was "all his mom's fault because she never taught him." He was 24.
... rescheduled a job interview "because his mom didn't buy him work shirts." The store in question was walking distance from his house. Then he missed the second interview because "his friend didn't pick him up on time."
... left links to several porn sites on the quickbar on his web browser on an account that he let his five-year-old nephew use unattended. I SUGGESTED that he remove the porn buttons and he flipped out on me saying that I was controlling and it was his computer.
... stayed up all night playing video games in our bedroom. I had to be up at 5am for work and he was in there cutting up on the headset cussing at 16-year-olds. I had to go sleep on the couch. Then at 4:30 he came out in the living room trying to wake me up for sex. This happened more than once.
... I woke up one morning to the sounds of him choking his mother.
... he was unemployed and living off his mother at 25, and he had a mysterious, unemployed friend who bought him Gucci cologne, Ralph Lauren body spray, clothes from Express, and most recently an ARCADE CABINET. When I blew up he said I wasn't being fair because I didn't even know where he got it from and it was ok because it was a great deal and he didn't even pay for it.
... We went on our (first, only, & last) vacation and he called his mommy every single day we were there. He and his mother were up in each other's backsides for everything. It was revolting.
- When we broke up he blew up my phone at work and throughout the night. My phone actually vibrated itself out of battery.
-until he was climaxing and it sounded like he was having night terrors...
-until i found out his mother still did his laundry and cooked all his meals, he was 27...
-until we were getting hot and heavy, and he was helping himself to the "lunch box" and he proceeded to GNAW :jaws:the skin right off it. most uncomfortable gyno visit that i have had in my WHOLE LIFE!
-until i found out that he was engaged to his "roommate". she declared that i wasnt the only woman that he corresponded with. she still married his trifling arse too.
-until he wanted some "special attention" (read: hand job) but there was an essence of death and sh*t crumbs that surrounded his member that caused my eyes to water. i made up some story about timmy being stuck on a lake:drowning: and hightailed it out of there!
-until he informed me that he just got out of prison after 7 years and he wasn't going back for NOTHIN!
-until he opened his mouth to compliment me on my smile and i could see that he may not have brushed his teeth this month, and the saliva looked like pulled taffy in his mouth :barf:
-when we met for the first time (i might have met him on bp) and he "hopped" out the truck, i realized that he was a 5'7 lie!! I'm not even 5'2 and we seeing eye 2 eye!!
-(first day of hs, transfer from up north, now in ga) when a random football dude comes to me and says that he wants to pour bbq sauce all over me and work me like a rib!!

i have more, bbl
-oh yeah, until i found out that he had 7 kids by 6 baby mama's instead of the three that he disclosed. Anddddddddd, they were mostly all friends/acquaintances!! How trifling can you be to share some dack?? And he said that we would stop havin kids after we had one together. C'mon son! NO. THANK. YOU.
-oh yeah, until i found out that he had 7 kids by 6 baby mama's instead of the three that he disclosed. Anddddddddd, they were mostly all friends/acquaintances!! How trifling can you be to share some dack?? And he said that we would stop havin kids after we had one together. C'mon son! NO. THANK. YOU.

Everything was good until he... got drunk at the club :fat: then started an argument while driving home! While I was driving an he was in the passenger seat he said if I didn't forgive him he was going to jump out the car :huh: I didn't think he was serious until he opened up his door an flung himself out the car like super man :hero: on the freeway at 2am. That was too crazy for me so I kept it movin' :iroc:
Bwahahahahahahahaha!!!!!you left him rolled on himself in fetal position on the freeway at 2am????LMAO!!!! I bet he felt so f-in stupid!!!
Until we were outside for an hour and his Mother came outside to ask him if he was ok. Umm this is a 35 yr old man! *perplexed*

Until I was in Radioshack browsing for a phone upgrade. The rep asks for my name then goes in the back to see if my phone is in stock. This guy walks up on me "so Caramellites, how are you doing? I really like your personality". Then proceeds to tell me how much money he makes. *sucks teeth* for real brah? That was so lame.

Until we were talking for 5 minutes and he discovered I didn't have kids and proceeded to tell me, he can fix that right quick*shocked*. Then had the nerve to ask me what I wanted, a boy or girl? So I played along and said a girl. He says ok all I have to do is hang a right and you're good to go. I promptly hung the phone up on him.
This isn't about a guy I was seeing but about a guy who wanted to hook up with me.

I arrived at work one day to find out that a guy came to the office looking for me. I thought it might have been a client but one of my co-workers informed me that it wasn't. Everybody was so hush hush about it I thought that they were playing a joke on me. So I'm like maybe there is someone looking for me but I didn't know who could it be because I wasn't expecting anybody. Well the dude showed up about 15 minutes later with a dozen long stemmed pink roses (no lie) still searching for me. I didn't know this guy from Adam let alone ever set eyes on him before. He proceeded to hand me the roses and ask me out. I really didn't want to go out with him so I politely told him no and that I couldn't accept the flowers. Well this is when all the sh!t begins to happen...

He insists that I take the flowers anyway which I did begrudgingly .

Once I told him again thatI was not interested, he looked at me puzzled asking me "why?":evil: I don't have to give you a reason but since you asked...

U pop up my job unannounced with flowers trying to put me on the spot about going out with you and I have never seen you before in my life.

He was wearing a busted up hoodie and looked as if he hadn't shaved in a couple of days. (Really he looked like an old beat up dog.)

U wasted my time with useless chit chat even though u knows that I am not interested.

I kept up conversation with him just to be polite since we were at my place of business and my office manager could be such a fucin beetch.

For everything that I had to say he would reply with some lame bull that was supposed to make me think that we were actually compatible like...

Me: I'm trying to work out so I can get in shape.
Him: Really? Me too. Some times I don't eat for 3 days.
(U don't eat for 3 days? WTF?)

He told me that he was some sort of investigator/bounty hunter and also sold cars at auctions.:perplexed (I was like u ain't no real business man and u sound like u be unemployed on the regular.) Then proceeded to ask me what kind of car I drove. (I was afraid that he would track me down from the office since my car was parked out front.)

Looking at me he admitted that he likes hairy women.:nono: (Don't ask)
Then he also said that he likes big women.:nono::sad::nono:

Asked me how old I am I say "35" He says "Cool I'm 47":barf:

There's more but I can't remember it all because this happened a couple of years ago.

Something strange did happen a couple of days later. I was sitting at work listening to the radio (we usually had it tuned in to the oldies station). So this old song is playing and I realize that this same song is the song that his guy was trying to lay on me talmbout how he just wants to "touch me, hold me , we don't have to do anything else" or something like that.

When I spoke to a girlfriend of mine that used to work in the same office she told me that she knew him and that he had called her when he had come looking for me at the office that day. I was like "O really?" She was like "Yeah." So I told her about all the mess that had happened and she said that he had called her afterwards complaining about how he brought me flowers and all that and how I still shot him down.(Like the flowers were gonna work) I told her that it took forever to get rid of him and she was like "Good u don't need a crazy/possessive stalker like him anyway.":shocked: She started rollin when I told her about the song.:lol:

A few days after the incident at my job somebody rang my doorbell. I wasn't expecting anybody so I peeped out through the curtains to see who I was and I thought I saw him at my front door but I wasn't sure. I didn't answer but who knows I could've been him.:ohwell:
He told me he was a habitual cheater and wanted to get back with his ex-girlfriend after telling me how much he liked me and pictured himself as my boyfriend WOO lawd the mens I encounter.....
...until I found out he sent his 'friend' a Valentine's Day very similar to my own. Shipped it to another state along with a card. I didn't get a card and we were together for 2 years.
Until he asked me to pay back the 99 cents he gave me. :rolleyes:
^^^ :lachen:

...until he comes over for dinner for the first time after two months of sexless dating and drinks a glass of wine. Then proceeds to finish the bottle to my half a glass. Then finds the unopened rum in the pantry and drinks the whole fifth (I never opened it--it was there a year). Then loudly announces that he is too drunk to drive home.:alcoholic

He stands up from the dining table and strips naked right there. "WTF you DOING?!" I shout. He then bends over and asks me to (trying to put this delicately) use my fist. I refuse. Sulking, plops on my couch, grabs the remote and passes out. I lock myself in my room til he stumbles out in the mornin.

And this from an elementary school teacher?!?

OK, that is worse than the guy asking for the services of my fist, I think. WOW!

wait waaahhh?services of your fist??:lol::lol::lol:

yeah it was bad:nono: then after i found out, he told me that in his fam there were rumors of family members having sex with eachother:nono: i was like uhhhmmmm..........WHAT?!!!! lol craaazy
@Nique92: Uh yea... my fist. Dude tried to call an urgent meeting between my fist and his.... ugh. butt. the story is right before yours.

I've never known anyone to admit that they banged a family member...that's...twisted. You were very wise to roll out. :) Makes my stomach turn to think about it