Everything was cool until he____(fill in the blank)

After reading all 23 pages, I have to say the posts with "smells" in them are the MOST offensive. Nothing can make me lose respect faster. With that said ... this post has me in TEARS.:cry:

This is the BEST thread ever!


Ok, this is during the Getting-to-know-you stage. I was over this dude's apartment and I excused myself to go to the bathroom. I had to fix my pantyhose or something like that ( I can't remember exactly) but of course I didn't tell him that, I just asked where the bathroom was.

Do you know this fool jumped up, pulled a can of Glade out of nowhere and foisted it on me! He was SO serious, too! I started to tell him I didn't need it and he literally would not even let me speak! He just kept shouting TAKE IT, TAKE IT!!!!:orders: :spinning::spinning::spinning:

He physically barred the entrance to the bathroom and would not let me pass unless I took that can with me into the bathroom!!! :drunk:

:nono::nono::nono::nono: God only knows why he was so certain I was going to blow up his bathroom WTF?! I went in there, peed, fixed my pantyhose or whatever and washed my hands. I already planned to grab my purse and be OUT :cowgirl:

When I opened the door to the bathroom do you know he started hollering that he hadn't heard me spray anything!!!! :orders: If I'm lying I'm flying. He would not let me out the bathroom until I spritzed that Glade.

I got my purse and broke out. :roadrunner:
* when he said you look so good I just wanna spread you on some toast and eat you AT CHURCH


What kind of world is this?! These "men" (barely that more like out of control rabid possums) done lost all couth.

Here's some for me:

- he told me he was a virgin and wanted me to **** him in the rain in the park UHH NO!

- he told me that I looked good and that I smelled like Fructis. Negro, it's Pantene!!

- (not my story) but on New Years this year my friend was dancing w/ this guy and the dude stopped her in mid dance to tell her to take off her shoes so he could suck her toes. IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DANCE FLOOR!! :naughty:

- he said that I don't usually like "dark girls but I'll make an exception for you because you sexy" AKA you only want to **** me BOY BYE!
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Everything was cool until he....

- when asked "How do you control your sexual urges?" He replied, "I take a deep breath". Really son...I dont think so.
- got more upset that I called him sneaky then when I called him a "down-low" brother.
- seemed sooooo comfortable and un-frustrated when things would get hot and heavy then he'd stop like he aint bothered.
- would talk about being hit on by men more than women.
- moved his wrist in a way I did not like at all.
- walked, moved, and stand like a energetic homosexual man.

Yea dude, you may think you got everyone else fooled but I know the truth. You's a puddin' pusher even if I have no proof.
Everything was cool until he.........

1) He decided to loudly declare his undying love for me in the middle of a very crowded movie theater on our first date, not only did he disturbed everyone around us but he was waiting for some type of response.

2) He prematurely invited me to attend couples therapy with him, which was beyond hilarious because we had never gone on a first date.

3) He announced that he was in serious financial straits, chided me for ordering an expensive item of off the menu and complained that he did not know how he would pay for our dinner (which was laughable because we were having dinner at Denny's)… Bless his heart because of his honesty I was able to excuse myself under the guise of having to powder my nose and I never looked back.
Everything was cool until he.........

1) He decided to loudly declare his undying love for me in the middle of a very crowded movie theater on our first date, not only did he disturbed everyone around us but he was waiting for some type of response.

2) He prematurely invited me to attend couples therapy with him, which was beyond hilarious because we had never gone on a first date.

3) He announced that he was in serious financial straits, chided me for ordering an expensive item of off the menu and complained that he did not know how he would pay for our dinner (which was laughable because we were having dinner at Denny's)… Bless his heart because of his honesty I was able to excuse myself under the guise of having to powder my nose and I never looked back.

OMG...did you leave him at Denny's?
^^^ I think that politically correct terminology would more appropriately describe how our date ended such as the night prematurely ended for me when I gave him the gift of being in dire financial straits by himself.
3) He announced that he was in serious financial straits, chided me for ordering an expensive item of off the menu and complained that he did not know how he would pay for our dinner (which was laughable because we were having dinner at Denny's)… Bless his heart because of his honesty I was able to excuse myself under the guise of having to powder my nose and I never looked back.

Is there such a thing as an "expensive item" on the Denny's menu? And if he was so bad off why did he ask you on the date? More importantly, did he smell the rubber burn as you took off?
Everything was cool until I realized.......
-- He was the "dope" man, when I would spend the night at his house, I couldn't figure out why people would knock on his door ALL night and morning long until the contents of his shoe box fell out.
--He took me to his uncle's house who had one long pinkie fingernail and used it to scoop a powdery white substance to his "woman's" nose....I was scerd *** hell!
Everything was all cool until......

I saw him and he had a bunch of white powder on his face and some animal's bone on a string around his neck

He started talking about his bridge card

He threatrened to kick me out the car in the middle of nowhere because some guys were flirting with me at a party when had just left

He was outside my room window shining a flash light into the window talking about he see me moving around just let him in (NEVER stayed on the first floor again)

he invited me over and when I sat on the couch I sunk in to just above floor level

(not someone I dated but someone who lived in the same complex as me) when I walked into his home he had a item that I had thrown away into the dumpster on his wall. When I asked him where he got it from he had an embarrased look on his face and mumbled something about finding it. I knew it was what I had thrown away because of the way it looked and because someone gave it to me from a different state.
I wish this was a thread for 18+.

Everything was cool until he... told me to put my finger in it.

Everything was cool until another one said that he wanted me to drive him. wth? this mess has happened three times. Do I look like driving miss daisy? For goodness sake, I drive a 16 year old Geo.
wait i almost forgot...

everything was cool until one person told me that he did have a threesome with another male and female and received oral from both.

"but I'm not gay. Please add me on FB."
I didn't bring it up at all. I have no idea why he chose to tell me that. The dumb thing doesn't realize that he's still married and wants everyone to believe otherwise.

Dude better back the hell away from me though.
Guy I dated a few years ago picked me up & stopped by the corner store because he was thirsty. He gets back in the car @ 1:00pm on a Sunday and proceeds to mix vodka into a small cranberry juice bottle. Drinking and then driving is bad enough. This ninja had to drink AND drive at the same time!!!! Proceeds to tell me he knows he is out of pocket because his license is suspended. WTF you can't wait until we go to a restaurant to drink?!?! I told him to take me home. He was so cute but dumb as a door knob.

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Everything was good until he... got drunk at the club :fat: then started an argument while driving home! While I was driving an he was in the passenger seat he said if I didn't forgive him he was going to jump out the car :huh: I didn't think he was serious until he opened up his door an flung himself out the car like super man :hero: on the freeway at 2am. That was too crazy for me so I kept it movin' :iroc:
Everything was good until he... got drunk at the club :fat: then started an argument while driving home! While I was driving an he was in the passenger seat he said if I didn't forgive him he was going to jump out the car :huh: I didn't think he was serious until he opened up his door an flung himself out the car like super man :hero: on the freeway at 2am. That was too crazy for me so I kept it movin' :iroc:

Girl No he did not jump out the car. LOL.
OMG! :dead: that BayAreaDream just kept on driving! You know he thought she was coming back for his fool arse too! I wonder how long he stayed on the side of the road waiting? :lachen: x1000
Everything was good until he... got drunk at the club :fat: then started an argument while driving home! While I was driving an he was in the passenger seat he said if I didn't forgive him he was going to jump out the car :huh: I didn't think he was serious until he opened up his door an flung himself out the car like super man :hero: on the freeway at 2am. That was too crazy for me so I kept it movin' :iroc:

I am literally at work laughing out loud. I can only picture him now. Thinking to himself, "Imma show her how crazy, I am about her" as he disappears into the night. He just showed you he crazy.
Girl No he did not jump out the car. LOL.

OMG! :dead: that BayAreaDream just kept on driving! You know he thought she was coming back for his fool arse too! I wonder how long he stayed on the side of the road waiting? :lachen: x1000

YES LoL his crazy self fell back and flew out the door on purpose!!! I couldn't believe my eyes :shocked: It felt like I was in some sort of action movie or it was a joke! I kept going and went right on home! He :phone:the next evening an had the nerve to be mad because he ripped his sweater and broke his finger. I was like ooooh kaaaay really.
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Everything was good until he... got drunk at the club :fat: then started an argument while driving home! While I was driving an he was in the passenger seat he said if I didn't forgive him he was going to jump out the car :huh: I didn't think he was serious until he opened up his door an flung himself out the car like super man :hero: on the freeway at 2am. That was too crazy for me so I kept it movin' :iroc:


All i can see is some drunk arse dude flying out of the car in a dramatic **** like fashion rolling over and over and over. I'm waking up neighbors!!!! I'M DONE!!!!!
I read this ENTIRE thread. In all of my time on this board this has got to be one of my top 5 best threads EVER!!!
BayAreaDream just did me in with that story @ the comments after. How the heck you kept driving too is cracking me up even more. Like "Oh well. He'll be alright. Wonder if Bad Girls Club is on tonight."
Pretended that he had a monster sized crayon.
Turned out that he could have used a tampon wrapper to cover that... Thing.. instead of a condom, if y'know what I mean, ladies.
This fool had the nerve to bring magnums to my house and acted Like that mess wasn't going to be baggy as idk what. Smh. Like I wouldn't notice?! Idgi...
Everything was good until he... got drunk at the club :fat: then started an argument while driving home! While I was driving an he was in the passenger seat he said if I didn't forgive him he was going to jump out the car :huh: I didn't think he was serious until he opened up his door an flung himself out the car like super man :hero: on the freeway at 2am. That was too crazy for me so I kept it movin' :iroc:
L O L, what is air?!?! crazy hilarious
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- Wouldn't tell me his real name. I only knew him by "Face"

What?! :lachen::lachen::lachen:

He rarely went out with me at night. When I demanded to know why it was because he was a pimp and had to make sure his team of chicks hit the streets every night. He said he had to watch them or they might run away. WTF! And he was serious yall! He worked his dads mortgage company by day and was a pimp at night.
If you are wondering how he had me fooled, he's a preachers son. Go figure...:nono::nono:


He was outside my room window shining a flash light into the window talking about he see me moving around just let him in (NEVER stayed on the first floor again)

I had a similar situation :ohwell:. Creepy.

Everything was good until he... got drunk at the club :fat: then started an argument while driving home! While I was driving an he was in the passenger seat he said if I didn't forgive him he was going to jump out the car :huh: I didn't think he was serious until he opened up his door an flung himself out the car like super man :hero: on the freeway at 2am. That was too crazy for me so I kept it movin' :iroc:

:lachen::lachen::lachen: :dead::dead: