Everything was cool until he____(fill in the blank)

NO MA'AM!!!!!! thats all I got to say!

Yes he did girl!!

and I forgot........
until I found out he was stealing my birthcontrol pills and selling them to people as oxycontin (sp) I think that's a pain med. I thought I was crazy looking all over for my pills when I had just gone to the pharmacy. :wallbash:
Yes he did girl!!

and I forgot........
until I found out he was stealing my birthcontrol pills and selling them to people as oxycontin (sp) I think that's a pain med. I thought I was crazy looking all over for my pills when I had just gone to the pharmacy. :wallbash:

wait! WHAT?! :blush:
until he pawned several items in my apartment including my bathroom scale.

until he asked me to wire him some money because he lost his wallet and needed to get his meds, then a week later asked for money because he was stranded because he ran out of gas, then a few days later called me again to ask for money because he was stranded again.

until he took my car while I was sleeping

(different guys)
Was this Tyrone Biggums or something?
I'm at work reading this thread, and my co-workers are looking at me like "what the heck is she laughing at??" I couldn't help but to laugh out loud at some of these! Were some of you trying out to be on Punked or Boiling Points??? :lachen::lachen::lachen:

Okay, here are mine:

Everything was cool until.....

-he walked up to me at the bar and asked me to buy him a drink b/c he really wanted me to get to know him (we had rode together in the same car and he thought he was talking to someone else)

-I went into his bedroom and found he slept on bricks. And he really expected me to lay down with him?? :evil:

-we got pulled over by the police, he was arrested for driving a stolen car. ( i didn't stick around to get an explanation)

- he kept insisting I call him "daddy" :huh::nono:

This post reminds me of why I do not miss the dating scene. There are some real characters out there.
How are they different? I know all about them crazy West Coast fools, I'm still tryin to see what's up with the South American men.

Last year I met this GORGEOUS guy from El Salvador, had the sexiest little broken English accent. He looked young but hey, so do I so I gave him my number. He called and right off I asked his age, this little boy was 20!! If that was even true. I'm 32 and just couldn't do it ladies, but sometimes I wish I had. Damn!:wallbash:

They're more possessive. Also, you have to be aware that you might not be the ONLY one no matter how much they say otherwise. It's like there's something in their DNA that REQUIRES them to be with more than one woman.

Of course this doesn't apply to all of them, but it seems like a good majority are down with this philosophy.
:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:What were you thinking when you took the picture? Did he pose sexy, rugged or casual?......... :lachen::lachen::lachen:

I had a guy go into my room while I was at the store, and put on a pair of tight jeans and a pink shirt of mine, when I opened my bedroom door (looking for him), he was in the center of my room try to wobble/drop it/shake it. (very stiff :nono:, he was in a squat like position) I didnt say anything, he didnt say anything, he took off my clothes silently, put his back on, and that was the end of that.

He was on the phone when i put him on him. When he didnt resist or take it off, I thought he would at least try to stop me from taking a pic...NOPE!:nono:
Wait, I've got some recent ones:

Everything was cool until he:

- Gave me his cell on the back of his business card (he owned a restaurant). I went to the website and say a pic of him and his wife.:ohwell: I asked him if he was separated or divorced, trying to give the benefit of the doubt...NOPE, happily married.:nono:

- Until I asked him what he did and he said "office services and facilities"...I dont know that means, but it sounds like a code term for janitor to me!:yep: Asked him again a few days later and he said the exact same thing, even repeated the phrase...that's when I cancelled the date cuz i sensed he was hiding something. He sent me a text saying it "was my lost"...uh no, spelling champ, its still your LOSS! :yep:

- Mentioned his roommates...plural...this man had gray in his facial hair, he was grown...absolutely NO reason to have MULTIPLE roommates...recession or not!
I'm at work reading this thread, and my co-workers are looking at me like "what the heck is she laughing at??" I couldn't help but to laugh out loud at some of these! Were some of you trying out to be on Punked or Boiling Points??? :lachen::lachen::lachen:

Okay, here are mine:

Everything was cool until.....

-he walked up to me at the bar and asked me to buy him a drink b/c he really wanted me to get to know him (we had rode together in the same car and he thought he was talking to someone else)

-I went into his bedroom and found he slept on bricks. And he really expected me to lay down with him?? :evil:

-we got pulled over by the police, he was arrested for driving a stolen car. ( i didn't stick around to get an explanation)

- he kept insisting I call him "daddy" :huh::nono:

This post reminds me of why I do not miss the dating scene. There are some real characters out there.

Anyhoo here's mine:
He passed gas in front of me...when I said something, he did it again:perplexed

He put on a pair of "snug" pants...*Day Day's voice* He couldn't even do the James Brown in them pants

He ate my girl scout cookies

He got married (I didn't even know he was seeing someone:sad:)

Anyhoo here's mine:
He passed gas in front of me...when I said something, he did it again:perplexed

He put on a pair of "snug" pants...*Day Day's voice* He couldn't even do the James Brown in them pants

He ate my girl scout cookies

He got married (I didn't even know he was seeing someone:sad:)

I do get possessive about my thin mints.
Yes he did girl!!

and I forgot........
until I found out he was stealing my birthcontrol pills and selling them to people as oxycontin (sp) I think that's a pain med. I thought I was crazy looking all over for my pills when I had just gone to the pharmacy. :wallbash:

Wow! That is just plain crazy.
told me that it was bad luck for him to have any of his women date other guys, however he could and does date other women
when he told me if i ever left him he'd write a letter detailing why he killed himself over me so that they would all blame me for leaving him and then he said he would hang himself from the tree in his front yard.

he is in iraq....and he said he was gonna send me pictures thro AIM of some ppl he killed..

i left him shortly after, he found me again on FB last month so i had to block him.....he really scares me

[[ This was an ex....he is seriously mentally unstable.]]
when he told me if i ever left him he'd write a letter detailing why he killed himself over me so that they would all blame me for leaving him and then he said he would hang himself from the tree in his front yard.

he is in iraq....and he said he was gonna send me pictures thro AIM of some ppl he killed..

i left him shortly after, he found me again on FB last month so i had to block him.....he really scares me

[[ This was an ex....he is seriously mentally unstable.]]

Wow I am scared for you. I hope he doesn't know where you live.
- Til he stuck his tongue up my nose and grabbed a booger... licked my armpits... and called me his prince charming with rabbit teeth.

- Til I saw his crusty feet which he justified with "I never take my socks off"

- Til we took a shower twice and I still smelled his butt...

This is toooo funy!! :Run:
when he told me if i ever left him he'd write a letter detailing why he killed himself over me so that they would all blame me for leaving him and then he said he would hang himself from the tree in his front yard.

he is in iraq....and he said he was gonna send me pictures thro AIM of some ppl he killed..

i left him shortly after, he found me again on FB last month so i had to block him.....he really scares me

[[ This was an ex....he is seriously mentally unstable.]]

WTF?! :nono:
I have a few:

Until he asked if we could have a threesome with another guy (and he would have relations with the other guy). WE had barely even kissed each other yet!

Until he pushed me extra hard and I fell on the ground. I called his parents right then and there (good people) and told them while he cried and begged me not too. That fool lucky I didn't call the police lol.

When he "bought" me all these clothes that weren't even my style. Turn's out they were his ex girls and he was trying to dress me up like her...creeeeeepy! :ohwell:
...told me he thought he had an STD. (Keep in mind I didn't sleep with him, so you gotta wonder how that happened, because it wasn't me, and was being SO faithful.) Turned out he didn't, but he was busted.

OMG, this thread is cuh-ra-zee. I'm assuming most of these men are American. The more I think about it, I've realized that most of the sane men I've met were not from the states.
-He told me he wanted to work at Burger King (mind you he is a grown @$$ man.. almost31)
-Kept lying
-He stood me up on my birthday
-He kept cancelling our plans
-I caught on to his child play
-He left his house on Thursday (He just moved to the Bronx) to hang with his family in Brooklyn and came back on Monday with me and when I went to the bathroom he had a picture of this glistened up naked chick (and her skin was this nice @$$ dark chocolate color..:-D) on his sink ... (one of his "old" flings)
-Not to mention he took a sh!+ in the toilet that Thursday and I unfortunately had to see and smell that awful smell when i looked in the toilet that Monday.. (How do you leave your house without flushing the toilet?...) He must have been rushing to his other Brooklyn chick cuz I was not there... as usual...
until he called me the day after our first date asking if we could hang out. i told him i couldn't because i had to do laundry (an all day activity at my old school--no on campus laundry facilities), he asked me what time & said he'd meet me there :look: