Do you find Asian men sexually attractive?

In General, Do You Find Asian Men Sexually Attractive?

  • Yes, love 'em!!

    Votes: 134 15.2%
  • Yes, but not my first preference

    Votes: 258 29.4%
  • No

    Votes: 374 42.5%
  • Never thought about it

    Votes: 113 12.9%

  • Total voters


Progress...not perfection

Spinoff from the other thread...italics is a comment a reader wrote to the author. What do you think? True or false?

On average, black men tend to appear slightly more and Asian men slightly less masculine than white men.....

So, what makes blacks more masculine-seeming and Asians more feminine-seeming? Media stereotypes are sometimes invoked. TV constantly shows black men slam-dunking, while it seems the only way an Asian man can get some coverage is to discover a cure for AIDS.

white man married to a black woman recommends Asian men and black women get together:

>>>So, I wonder what it is about Black women that is so less-feminine? Their full sensuous lips, their high cheek bones, their doe-like eyes, their round buttocks and hips, or their cat-like movements?<<<
I believe that the author's argument was that men want a woman who makes him feel like a man, and women want a man who makes her feel like a woman. This would explain why women tend to like tall men. If you were to poll men, I believe you would find that they may feel uncomfortable with a women who was taller or as tall as himself. A 5' 8" tall man would "feel" more like a man if he were with a five foot tall woman than he would with a woman who was 5' 10".

In addition, many of my friends don't believe that black women "act" as feminine. This is a little harder to define, but if a women acts loud, it is not considered feminine. White and asian women act or are perceived to act more reserved. This may be unfair in society, But men like what they like.

I agree with the author that this puts asian men and black women in a very frustrating position with no real acceptable solutions to their problem. To complain is to be branded a racist, to not complain is to accept yourself as bottom of the barrel. Everyday that you go to work, to a movie, to a mall, you will see numerous examples wm/af or bm/wf couples that will ruin your day.

The only "solution" that I can come up with that is socially acceptable is for asian men and black women to get together. I believe that once a couple can look past their height difference they may find a real treasure in each other.

If I may stereotype for a moment, asian men tend to be more likely to hang around and take care of the kids than both white and black men. How many times does a woman have to get burned before she changes her dating habits? In addition, asian men are also very likely to bring home a decent paycheck than black men. If you think of all the things you like in a man both physical and non, I believe a black woman could find happiness and contentment in the arms of an asian man.

As a white man married to a black woman, I can tell you that I cannot imagine myself with anyone but her. I think she is a beautiful woman, but if you are with a woman that you really care about, she becomes the standard of beauty over time. Despite what initial reluctance that asian men may have about being with someone who is so physically different than themselves, I know that such a relationship can be quite satisfying.

Really, what else is there. The black woman could search and search and try again and again for that perfect black man, but like the women in "Exhale" they may never find him. They could end up like my mother in law, constantly waiting for the father of her children to take some time away from his real family to spend some with her and his other kids, being loyal to a married man who was never loyal to her in return. She's now in a nursing home slowly dying. He never visits, he never calls. She is no longer his problem. My wife has nothing but disgust for her biological father.

Or the asian man can sit by the bar and watch as black and white men dance with asian women. He can ask that cute asian girl to dance and be politely, or impolitely, refused. Even though he is dressed nice and well-groomed, it doesn't seem to help. Then he can go home alone again and watch skinimax and maybe masturbate. Sound like a fun life?

The only problem with the above solution is that it requires both asian men and black women to overcome their own expectations in the opposite sex. Black women may complain that black men turn a blind eye to them, but then they turn a blind eye to any asian man. I have yet to find a black women who will even consider dating an asian man. (The only one they seem to like is that "Vanishing Son" guy, although he's part white, you wouldn't necessarily know it from looking at him). Asian men seem to have eyes for only white and asian women. I have NEVER seen an asian man with a black woman (although there probably are a few), and I wonder if I ever will. Best of luck.
"Do you find Asian men sexually attractive?"

When I saw this question, it made me laugh! :lachen:
Nope. :nono: the sad part is I dated one for a few months in college. He was very nice to me let's just say he had very big brain! :lol:
I had never thought about it before, but I cant think of any Asian men that do it for me...except maybe the old guy with the white hair in kill bill vol 2, Pai mei?? maybe thats the name. But I loveeeee kung fu/karate movies and I think Asian women are beautiful and have a certain mystique about them.
not really.....but i did meet a half korean and half italian guy over the weekend and he is BANGIN'! i mean body like whoa and a face that is strong and defined. but i think asian men like him and/or asian men who are "down" are sexually attractive....there are actually quite a few of them...we just havent been lookin. and maybe we also push them away by not acknowledging them and then the white girls get 'em.
Enchantmt said:
I had never thought about it before, but I cant think of any Asian men that do it for me...
I think this is reason why I laughed, but on a serious note, I think this could be the reason why some black women don't find any other race attractive except their own. They never thought about another race being attractive such as the Japenese guy, or a Chinese guy, so on, so forth. Speaking for myself, I never found an Asian man sexually attractive but I have found other races attractive (like whites, latinos, or mixed races) but when it comes to marriage or a serious relationship, I plan on doing that with a black guy.
Ladies, I must tell you that my asian boyfriend said it was difficult to ask me out because of his family's issue with inter-racial dating. Overall he was a great guy but the sexual chemistry was not like the brothers. He said he was imtimated to do certain things because he thougt blackwomen werent romantic.
But overall I really enjoyed his openess and honesty about life and us. Try it you just might find somehthing out you and the dating game.
I've only EVER met one Asian (as in Indian) that I thought was nice and that I was attracted to. So, I think I would generally say nope to the question posed.
Poohbear said:
I think this is reason why I laughed, but on a serious note, I think this could be the reason why some black women don't find any other race attractive except their own. They never thought about another race being attractive such as the Japenese guy, or a Chinese guy, so on, so forth. Speaking for myself, I never found an Asian man sexually attractive but I have found other races attractive (like whites, latinos, or mixed races) but when it comes to marriage or a serious relationship, I plan on doing that with a black guy.

I can think of plenty of other men that are attractive. Italian studs...Lawd yes!! Latinos...Africans...lots of white men...when I was watching the tv and Osama was giving a talk, this one FIONE looking man was standing behind him and I thought to myself "We need to be friends not enemies" :grin: I've even seen Amish men I thought was fione and they are as square as they come. But in my lifetime I have only seen maybe one or two Asian men that I could say are handsome with the sexually confident, manly vibe flippin off. When I think sex appeal asian men just dont come to mind. I think I need to scour the internet and see if I can find some.
Enchantmt said:
I can think of plenty of other men that are attractive. Italian studs...Lawd yes!! Latinos...Africans...lots of white men...when I was watching the tv and Osama was giving a talk, this one FIONE looking man was standing behind him and I thought to myself "We need to be friends not enemies" :grin: I've even seen Amish men I thought was fione and they are as square as they come. But in my lifetime I have only seen maybe one or two Asian men that I could say are handsome with the sexually confident, manly vibe flippin off. When I think sex appeal asian men just dont come to mind. I think I need to scour the internet and see if I can find some.
Oh I've seen some attractive Italian guys as well! :yep:
The first thing to keep in mind is that for at least the near future, the male “losers in the mating game” will tend to be the winners in the economic game, and vice-versa. Whether those men affected will view this as their glass being half full or half empty is another question.

Do you think this is true? If the article is correct, this means black women will be economically stable but alone. I ask because of the posts I hear about women having completed college and still cant find a black man on the same economic and educational level.

time for my next spin off...brb...
There should be a catagory for "Depends on the Asian man". I don't find them attractive a whole (same as any other race), but I have seen some in real life and on t.v. that I would knock down my best friend to get to.
I guess since my SO is one (Chinese-Amer.) lol. I really like the look of Japanese men especially.
mermaid said:
There should be a catagory for "Depends on the Asian man". I don't find them attractive a whole (same as any other race), but I have seen some in real life and on t.v. that I would knock down my best friend to get to.

I had a crush on an Asian guy in my class once. He was real cool. We would talk after class.
Enchantmt said:
when I was watching the tv and Osama was giving a talk, this one FIONE looking man was standing behind him and I thought to myself "We need to be friends not enemies" :grin:

i literally fell out of my chair :lachen::lachen:

i dont find asian (as in oriental) men attractive in general. i have seen some cute ones but the ratio is way low.
I don't know how to answer this question. I am mostly attracted to black men, but an attractive person is an attractive person regardless of race or ethnicity. I have seen cute Asian men before, but usually they are Philippino and I consider them honorary Negros anyway just like Italians :yep:. But as far as SEXUAL attraction I don't know . . . .is it true what they say about Asian men having ummmmmm small :censored:?
I do! Especially some Korean men ooh la la..some of them are HOT! :dizzy:

Im so tempted to apply for the 'Teach English in S Korea' jobs,that I always see online....
I left my black bf for a japanese man whom I lost my virginity to. We've been together 3.5 years so far, so YES, I love Asian men and I prefer them to any other race.
I have seen a few quite hot Asian men and dated one of them. I would have dated another one, but dang... he didn't give me his number and I was too shy to get his. We were making sexy eyes at eachother though :lol:
Also, I'm very suprised that the majority are not attracted to them! I mean, do you ladies not have eyes? There are big hunks of good looking Asian man meat out there! :)
The main reason I don't generally find Asian men attractive is their height. Short men just don't appeal to me no matter what race. All the tall Asians I have ever seen I was attracted to.
I've known some pretty cute asian guys over the years, mostly Japanese, but a few Koreans as well. As for height, I'm 5'5" and most of the guys I knew were my height or taller. But I guess, I don't need a tall guy because my current guy is East African/Arabic and he's only 5'7"
It's funny to me when people say that Asians are short. On average Hispanic men are shorter than blacks and whites and we seem to like Hispanic men way more than Asians.
Porsche19 said:
It's funny to me when people say that Asians are short. On average Hispanic men are shorter than blacks and whites and we seem to like Hispanic men way more than Asians.

Canada has very few Hispanic people. I don't think I've seen one. I probably wouldn't think them attractive either if they are short.
I think some Asian men have a "smaller frame" than even some short Hispanic Men, that's probably why some women are averse to it. But I've always heard Asian men love black women. I worked with this one girl who was Black and Chinese, and she said whenever she spoke Chinese in front of Asian men they would literally fight each other to get to her.
Is race a reliable way of determining body type?

Asians being smaller than other races... black women having curvier bodies... is it really true?

I've seen many hefty Asians, rail thin black women, and "thicker" latinas and even white women. Seeing these things doesn't prove anything, but it makes me wonder.

Can body type be determined from someone's race?
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Actually race/ethnicity does have a role in one's size. I don't see this as a negative. Most heavier Asians (absent those in that specific region of Japan with the whole Sumo thing) have smaller frames. As for hispanics, it tends to be Central American Hispanics who are "shorter" than those from Puerto Rico, Mexico, or even Spain. For example it is a genetic fact that Asians (Chinese, Japanese,etc) have the less amount of body hair than other races. As for size most scientific studies do show that Asians have smaller frames even with weight gain. For example, one of my Indian friend's grandmother is kind of chunky but she has a small frame, no matter how fat she got, her features are still small and petite. I am sure environmental factors play a role (water quiality, etc), but genetics is obviously a big factor. And given that most people tend to reproduce with people of their own race and with people from their own region, it necessitates that certain traits would replicate.
I read that one of the main reasons that Asians are smaller was something about their diet not being on the same level as Americams.... but that in the last 50 years, they have been getting taller because diets have improved.

It's similar to the days of Napolean. People say that he was short, but in actuality, he was average height for a French man in that time period, basically because of diet. Look at French/Europeans now.