It's strange how "catching feelings" now carries some kind of implication of weakness. Like, if you were really strong or self-possessed, any random man could put his penis inside of you and it mean absolutely nothing to you. I think there's a lot to be said for the commentaries on how our culture is showing increasing signs of narcissism and emotional attachment issues--basically, a decreasing inability to truly bond with and give oneself to another. Cynicism about lifelong fidelity is another sign of this issue.
I find that quite often, those ringing the feminist bell do not actually follow those principles irl, especially not sex positive feminism. You will find the happily married woman with children, who has been with one or a *maybe* three men at most eager to affirm principles that, one, they would never follow in their own life, and two, never had to live the consequences of because they didn't follow those principles in their own lives. I know quite a few women exactly like this and, idk, maybe affirming in words what they would never actually live makes them feel like they are more open minded or accepting, or a part of something bigger despite the boundaries of their life choices.
It makes me feel sorry for the younger generation of women who actually believe what they are being told and then have to live with all the negative consequences of it while those who only paid lip service to these ideas sail off into the sunset with their husband and children in tow.