50 Things Every Woman Should Realize About Men

I wouldn't so much mind this list if the man is equally giving back and aiming to please as much as the woman. Unfortunately in a lot of relationships I see where women are doing all these things like this list the guy takes her for granted and eventually leaves her for someone else who presents a new challenge. Makes no sense but I've seen it happen too many times.
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I got tired of reading all of this after about number 11. If this is what it takes to 'keep' a man, no wonder women get crazed when they find out their man has been cheating. Trying to do all of this and he STILL steps out on you???

Now, where's the list of 10 things every man should realize about a woman? We arent' complicated at all. We want:
1.) A provider
2.) A protector
3.) Adoration
4.) Compliments
5.) To feel secure
6.) Love
7.) Affection
8.) Effective Communication
9.) Consideration of our feelings
10.) Good Sex, Good Physique, Good Hygiene.

And not in that order, now... give this list to men and you can hear the GROANS from around the world and the comments of 'you are expecting too much.'

Ha ha!

Number 11- fidelity/loyalty if we are married, exclusive...:look:
I don't have any problem with a good man who brings a lot to the table wanting a good woman in return, it's the kangs with expectations that I have a problem with.
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I don't have any problem with a good man who brings a lot to the table wanting a good woman in return, it's the kangs with expectation that I have a problem with.
^^^THIS^^^ I have an issue with anyone (male OR female) who :blah::blah::blah: about all the things they want other people to do for them but never say a word about what they do for others. A lot of men will co-sign on lists like these, but aren't NEARLY as quick to speak about what they expect to contribute.
If the man is giving back then yes. The cheating part is a NO. Its all about what works for you in your relationship.

So the one about not bringing up his mother. There are men who have no issues bringing up your momma and act butt hurt when we bring up his.

It should all be a give and take. If he is not giving I'm not giving. We give men too much credit and attention. I have said before and will continue to say it. Women need to treat men the way they treat us.