50 Things Every Woman Should Realize About Men

No no no to number 9. Sometimes it's necessary and no excuse for cheating :nono:

So we should just give it up even if he's acting like an ***? Even if he's actions lessen the attraction or he will cheat?! #boybye
ditto. It's basically placing all this burden on women to feed male egos and be some ideal of a woman. it's really annoying. i never see lists telling men what they should realize about women. i'm tired of blame constantly being on women, and women being the only ones told to change. sorry but there are A LOT of scrubs out there, and i refuse to take these lists seriously until men nowadays get their act together.

Shoot, in the first line he basically says "you women are too complex so we shouldn't even have to try to please you. Now give me anal!"
Withholding sex is all on her for what happens next? Did they even once try and figure out that a woman feels she's prostituting herself just to help him relieve his sexual tension when there's been an argument or some other temporary problem in the relationship? Everything about "give me what I want, forget you, you're secondary."

One thing I learned about men is that they know they want to sleep with you/marry you the first minute they meet you. Okay, might not be every single case, but it's more common than we think. It's actually like they want to stick you AS their expression of love. When a guy told me that about men, I was :blush: I wasn't shocked by sex, but that it was just so weird. I think few women fall instantly in love by thinking they want his penis. But men are different.

No. 40...he can literally go to hell for that. Let G-d be his moral compass so he can lead his family. Nonsense!
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I hate lists like these.
Right, the whole piece has this "you've been told so stop complaining and get with the program" flavor. And women are not too complex. I don't believe for a minute that the average man doesn't know what the average woman wants in relationship. Many just don't want to do the things women want and so they act obtuse.
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Right, the whole piece has this "you've been told so stop complaining and get with the program" flavor. And women are not too complex. I don't believe for a minute that the average man doesn't know what the average woman wants in relationship. Many just don't want to do the things women want and so they act obtuse.

It amazes me how many women are eager to accept the idea that, even though men have the skills necessary to run darn near every nation, organization, and public and private entity on this planet, they are inherently incapable of using the slightest bit of insight to make the most minuscule of contributions to their own romantic relationships. :huh: Add to that the belief that not only are women the only ones who are capable of taking the initiative to improve our relationships (and caring enough about our partners to want to do this in the first place), we're supposed to feel "empowered" by all this... :scratchch
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It amazes me how many women are eager to accept the idea that, even though men have the skills necessary to run darn near every nation, organization, and public and private entity on this planet, they are inherently incapable of using the slightest bit of insight to make the most minuscule of contributions to their own romantic relationships. :huh: Add to that the belief that not only are women the only ones who are capable of taking the initiative to improve our relationships (and caring enough about our partners to want to do this in the first place), were supposed to feel "empowered" by all this... :scratchch

Ummm...where'd you get all this from?

We're supposed to find it funny and oddly descriptive of reality. Not much more to it than that....
Ummm...where'd you get all this from?

We're supposed to find it funny and oddly descriptive of reality. Not much more to it than that....
From the majority of relationship advice I've heard shared in/on TV, books, magazines, YouTube videos, on this and other internet forums, etc. over the past 5+ years. This guy may have jokes, but there are plenty of people who are dead serious.
When I read it, I thought it could be a LHCF stickie because this the very advice almost always given on here wrt relationships (except for the anal, threesomes, and pool :lol:).

Is it no longer sexist when women dole out this advice to other women? Is it only sexist when it comes from a man? It is obviously advice from a white man to (I am guessing) white women, but very similar to what is on here.
I am starting to loathe these lists. Especially the ones about relationships. They're always one-sided, selfish and sexist.

I agree. Inherently most women want to please a man but lists like these are often one-sided. Create fear in not being able to please a man. And it is loaded with stereotypes. Not all men want anal/threesomes. Not all men do not care about your shoes. And the first outfit might have been the worst. You just have to know what YOUR man likes.

To be honest, sometimes I am tired of reading or hearing about relationships. What works for me, might not work for you. And vice-versa. And sometimes the best advice givers are so off in their personal life, it would amaze you! Not all men are the same. We all have our own personal love language. Everything should be taken with a grain of salt. Damn lists! :lol: All of 'em!

It amazes me how many women are eager to accept the idea that, even though men have the skills necessary to run darn near every nation, organization, and public and private entity on this planet, they are inherently incapable of using the slightest bit of insight to make the most minuscule of contributions to their own romantic relationships. :huh: Add to that the belief that not only are women the only ones who are capable of taking the initiative to improve our relationships (and caring enough about our partners to want to do this in the first place), we're supposed to feel "empowered" by all this... :scratchch

Seriously. It's a game. They don't get it because they don't want to get it and they know if they act obtuse we'll run around trying to "fix" things.
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It amazes me how many women are eager to accept the idea that, even though men have the skills necessary to run darn near every nation, organization, and public and private entity on this planet, they are inherently incapable of using the slightest bit of insight to make the most minuscule of contributions to their own romantic relationships. :huh: Add to that the belief that not only are women the only ones who are capable of taking the initiative to improve our relationships (and caring enough about our partners to want to do this in the first place), we're supposed to feel "empowered" by all this... :scratchch

I have enough male friends and relatives to know that men DO take initiative to improve their romantic relationships. I have seen them in action: buying gifts, asking me for advice, asking their parents, friends etc. for advice, racking their brains for solutions, reading relationship advice columns:look: (lies.com if they told you that they don't). I have seen men cry over women they love.

Wanna learn about men? Pay attention to the men in your lives.
I have enough male friends and relatives to know that men DO take initiative to improve their romantic relationships. I have seen them in action: buying gifts, asking me for advice, asking their parents, friends etc. for advice, racking their brains for solutions, reading relationship advice columns:look: (lies.com if they told you that they don't). I have seen men cry over women they love. Wanna learn about men? Pay attention to the men in your lives.

Amen. They are perfectly capable of understanding women when they want to.
I agree. Inherently most women want to please a man but lists like these are often one-sided. Create fear in not being able to please a man. And it is loaded with stereotypes. Not all men want anal/threesomes. Not all men do not care about your shoes. And the first outfit might have been the worst. You just have to know what YOUR man likes. To be honest, sometimes I am tired of reading or hearing about relationships. What works for me, might not work for you. And vice-versa. And sometimes the best advice givers are so off in their personal life, it would amaze you! Not all men are the same. We all have our own personal love language. Everything should be taken with a grain of salt. Damn lists! :lol: All of 'em!

I have no problem pleasing my man (minus the threesome thing), because he does the same for me.
I don't think women should be ashamed to say they do what they can to keep their man happy, so long as he does his best to do the same!!!!
List like these are for women who clearly don't want to take the time to actually learn THEIR man.
I agree with the whole list except I can see myself violating #25. I like debating amongst friends :look: especially with a prospect ... mental foreplay, right?

Yes. I learned #25 the hard way. I couldn't understand why he was so upset. It was like I cheated on him. (Not my current SO.)
I think a woman (named Chuck) wrote this list from the tone of it. I can tell that a lot of you didn't even read past like #6. LOL!!!!
I think a woman (named Chuck) wrote this list from the tone of it. I can tell that a lot of you didn't even read past like #6. LOL!!!!

Since it is in the WSJ, I am assuming it was mostly for a male audience. :lol:
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The current mood i am in....I DGAF what they friggen want. It's always about them and keeping their arses happy. The F with them! I need to make myself happy. Men and their friggen rules.... They prey on desperation to hold on to a man.

AGAIN It is my current mood. I'll be ok in a bit :lol:
Yes. I learned #25 the hard way. I couldn't understand why he was so upset. It was like I cheated on him. (Not my current SO.)

I have taken to not saying anything rather than disagreeing and I still get into trouble for my silence. I am not going to actively agree with something I think is wrong so it doesn't hurt feelings.
Right, the whole piece has this "you've been told so stop complaining and get with the program" flavor. And women are not too complex. I don't believe for a minute that the average man doesn't know what the average woman wants in relationship. Many just don't want to do the things women want and so they act obtuse.

Yes. I learned #25 the hard way. I couldn't understand why he was so upset. It was like I cheated on him. (Not my current SO.)

Aw dayum :lol: I'm not an argumentative person but I like debates, intellectual talk ... I might jump forget loyalty in the spirit of competition :lol: I guess I better stick to LHCF for kicks and giggles. In public I'll be "I like whatever you like. I like whatever music you like."
The hair thing #28 isn't always true either. I recently cut my hair from almost BSL to a short bob and have received nothing but compliments from men. SO can't stop ranting and raving to other people about it....go figure.
I don't care I'm not doing anal :nono: sorry nope. Not even once. No ma'am oh no ma'am.

Yep. Other than anal and the threesomes, I agree with the list. If you had asked me 5 years ago I would have said it's crap but...eh. He does stuff to placate me and I return the favor. No big deal.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using LHCF
The hair thing #28 isn't always true either. I recently cut my hair from almost BSL to a short bob and have received nothing but compliments from men. SO can't stop ranting and raving to other people about it....go figure.

MY DH doesn't care for long hair, but as far as the list is concerned it sounds about right.
I got tired of reading all of this after about number 11. If this is what it takes to 'keep' a man, no wonder women get crazed when they find out their man has been cheating. Trying to do all of this and he STILL steps out on you???

Now, where's the list of 10 things every man should realize about a woman? We arent' complicated at all. We want:
1.) A provider
2.) A protector
3.) Adoration
4.) Compliments
5.) To feel secure
6.) Love
7.) Affection
8.) Effective Communication
9.) Consideration of our feelings
10.) Good Sex, Good Physique, Good Hygiene.

And not in that order, now... give this list to men and you can hear the GROANS from around the world and the comments of 'you are expecting too much.'

Ha ha!
I am a woman so I agree with your list, but a provider and a protector would require more work than all 50 items on that list. That is a whole lot of responsibility. Nothing uncomplicated about that.

We seem to have very lofty expectations from men as well.