Cut Buddy

On another note...I love to talk to people about their lives and I have learned a lot just by listening and watching how folks live. I've had ex's (even my current dh) and male friends tell me that a lot of times the woman will mess herself up by saying she aint looking for nothing when she really is. Each man has told me that there were some women who F'd everything up when she slept with him first without discussing anything about relationships. That if she had only been REAL about what she wanted it COULD have been a relationship...Then after sleeping with them a few times she wants to talk about relationSHIP. But for the guy it's too late.

Ive known guys who laugh about how women think what they have between their legs is better than other women. But truthfully amongst men you are rated by your freak level not your value or your actual v. But they know by telling you that your top notch they'll have you jumping through hoops to maintain your status and brag to your girls about how you da best. It's all game. Game.
And yeah, this game is strictly for those who KNOW how to play and keep their skin thick and their emotions dead.

Fronting like they're not on the racetrack, but secretly in the race hoping to get chose. :nono:

It's about being honest, which is pretty much the only thing that will save a woman from being played. To be honest is to be free of male manipulation, because men can’t pull your strings if you’ve already cut those muthas.

Dudes know when women are fronting, they know the war going on in a woman's head when they don’t give her what she wants, and they use that insecurity to their advantage because she isn’t honest enough to plug the holes and rebuke male mind game.
