Can you pay my bills?

I know one of DH cousins that has a man for every bill. And when I see her I always think her coochie must stink and be hella stretched.

:lachen::lachen::lachen: @ the bolded.

I don't expect a guy I'm dating to ever pay any of my bills. It's nice if they know you're in a bind and offer to help out but I wouldn't get use to that either. I have an issue asking a man money I would just call home if I really needed it.
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If you are living together as a couple (married or otherwise) that's the only reason I see 'sharing' the bills.


Sorry, SummerRain. I'm not yelling at you. It's just that some women have a jealous spirit when they seen another woman in a happy 'new' relationship. AND they want to spew their unhappy spirit into YOUR business with a bunch of foolishness.

Summer, you know what you expect from your man and he knows what he expects from you. Instead of listening to a foolish woman's dumb presumptions, talk to him instead and ONLY him. Work it, fight it out, love it out, but let it be with him and no one else.

This woman is crazy. Because just think about it. If you were to bring this up to your 'new' man, that you expected him to pay your bills or one of yours, it would open up a can of ugly wombs. It would put a damper upon your bonding season which is very important right now.

Never let money be an issue in a relationship. It's only money! Work on building the two of you with respect, and trust and love; and leave the rest of the mess outside where it belongs. Money should never be an issue in a relationship. It's really not all that important.

Men do not have to pay your bills just to prove that he loves you or is committed to you. Love is not about money, it's about time, love and trust. Everything else will follow. For where a man's heart is, his treasures will follow, naturally. He will just naturally share what he has with you financially without you having to ask or beat it out of him.

God bless you and your new fella'. BTW: I have 3 Reggie's in my family :yep: AND they are very handsome, indeed.

Take care, angel. ;)

LoL. Gotta love Auntie Shimmie! THREE Reggie's? Umm...I'm single ya know? :lick:

But seriously, don't get me wrong - I know there isn't anything wrong with how I conduct mine! I look at that girl like the crazy chick she is! And what she REALLY is, is broke! And ain't nuthin sessy about perpetual brokeness!

I do feel like I know of so many women who have men paying their bills left and right, and actually EXPECT a man to do so. But everything comes at a cost, and I enjoy my freedom, so I'll pass!
WTF...homegirl is bugging


i couldnt even entertain a female associate who thought like that..get your own ish and pay your **** bills..lame *** chicks...
I also wonder, why are these guys complying? I'd think it make them feel used. But Ionno, I can't get inside a man's head.

I asked one of my manfriends if men took "pride" in being able to pay a womans bills. Like do they EXPECT to do it?? I then asked him if he could pay my rent next month, I couldn't even fix my mouth to say it good before i was :lachen:. I have another friend who told me about a guy who asked her if she was looking for a "sponsor", I'm thinking to myself WTF?? What kinda cooties do he got, where he has to advertise himself as that?
I asked one of my manfriends if men took "pride" in being able to pay a womans bills. Like do they EXPECT to do it?? I then asked him if he could pay my rent next month, I couldn't even fix my mouth to say it good before i was :lachen:. I have another friend who told me about a guy who asked her if she was looking for a "sponsor", I'm thinking to myself WTF?? What kinda cooties do he got, where he has to advertise himself as that?

I've had men ask me that. I'm thinking do I look like a ho.:perplexed
But everything comes at a cost, and I enjoy my freedom, so I'll pass!


I know 2 women who let their SOs totally support them financially. And when those women decided they didn't want to be them anymore, the men were not tryin to hear it! Not after all the money they shelled out in these women. Both situations got really ugly (I'm talking about death threats, going after family members, some real drama).

Now these are extreme case of course, but still speak to your point about there being a cost.
I think I have a bad case of self-entitlement but I just could not be in a relationship with a man and he is not showering me with gifts-monetary or material. I was raised to not talk to a dude unless he is just falling all over me, trying to get me by any means. Otherwise I could just stay be myself and shower myself with gifts. This sounds horrible but this is how I feel.

If you are stingy with your money when it comes to me I don't want you.

I would not ask someone to pay my bills especially in a new relationship. I would not have sex unless it is very serious, marriage serious. If I did I would feel like I was giving myself away to a man for no reason. This is why no sex til marriage would work for me, unless he is willing to meet my demands.

I also don't believe in giving men ANYTHING, especially money, no borrowing or loans of car or anything. What's my is mine and what's yours is mine.:rolleyes:

No stones please!

I talked about this in college with some friends and they thought I was crazy and bold and I said yes I am. I was a not having sex with my boyfriend-husband and he was buying me school clothes and paying my cell phone bill for the phone he bought. I am not a player, I just did not want a boyfriend but he wanted me so :look:.

What can I say, dating is a game, anybody that thinks anything else is lying or not thinking realistically. It's a game of poker, I am the house and you are a gambler, either way I win.:lachen:

Alright you all can start quoting my long post and tearing it apart.:grin:
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Ya'll please forgive me, but I'm just trying to get a good foundation on dating.:look:

Okay, so the consensus is: Don't require a man you're dating to pay your bills. When ya'll get married...share the bills. While dating, if he offers to pay something it's okay?

Is that right?
I have a friend who meets guys on the net and after a short time wants them to pay her gas bill or electric ect.. Its quite funny because she picks the guys who have the nicest looking cars or businesses on Facepic and Myspace so it must be straight up diggin:look:
I think I have a bad case of self-entitlement but I just could not be in a relationship with a man and he is not showering me with gifts-monetary or material. I was raised to not talk to a dude unless he is just falling all over me, trying to get me by any means. Otherwise I could just stay be myself and shower myself with gifts. This sounds horrible but this is how I feel.

If you are stingy with your money when it comes to me I don't want you.

I would not ask someone to pay my bills especially in a new relationship. I would not have sex unless it is very serious, marriage serious. If I did I would feel like I was giving myself away to a man for no reason. This is why no sex til marriage would work for me, unless he is willing to meet my demands.

I also don't believe in giving men ANYTHING, especially money, no borrowing or loans of car or anything. What's my is mine and what's yours is mine.:rolleyes:

No stones please!

I talked about this in college with some friends and they thought I was crazy and bold and I said yes I am. I was a virgin and my boyfriend-husband was buying me school clothes and paying my cell phone bill for the phone he bought. I am not a player, I just did not want a boyfriend but he wanted me so :look:.

What can I say, dating is a game, anybody that thinks anything else is lying or not thinking realistically. It's a game of poker, I am the house and you are a gambler, either way I win.:lachen:

Alright you all can start quoting my long post and tearing it apart.:grin:

LOve it !!!!:lachen::lachen:
I think I have a bad case of self-entitlement but I just could not be in a relationship with a man and he is not showering me with gifts-monetary or material. I was raised to not talk to a dude unless he is just falling all over me, trying to get me by any means. Otherwise I could just stay be myself and shower myself with gifts. This sounds horrible but this is how I feel.

If you are stingy with your money when it comes to me I don't want you.

I would not ask someone to pay my bills especially in a new relationship. I would not have sex unless it is very serious, marriage serious. If I did I would feel like I was giving myself away to a man for no reason. This is why no sex til marriage would work for me, unless he is willing to meet my demands.

I also don't believe in giving men ANYTHING, especially money, no borrowing or loans of car or anything. What's my is mine and what's yours is mine.:rolleyes:

No stones please!

I talked about this in college with some friends and they thought I was crazy and bold and I said yes I am. I was a virgin and my boyfriend-husband was buying me school clothes and paying my cell phone bill for the phone he bought. I am not a player, I just did not want a boyfriend but he wanted me so :look:.

What can I say, dating is a game, anybody that thinks anything else is lying or not thinking realistically. It's a game of poker, I am the house and you are a gambler, either way I win.:lachen:

Alright you all can start quoting my long post and tearing it apart.:grin:

LOL. Well, alrighty! :grin:

Question about the bolded though - "unless " he's willing to meet your demands? Can you elaborate?
I never asked anyone I was dating to pay my bills. One guy helped me alot in college, paid my tuition, grocery bills and other expenses. But he was in a position to do that. DH when we were dating would give me money just because and so did other guys.

I don't think I could or would ask even if I needed it.

I wonder what these women are giving up to get these things.

I know one of DH cousins that has a man for every bill. And when I see her I always think her coochie must stink and be hella stretched.

:goodone: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have never asked a man I was dating to pay my bills. The only man who has ever paid my bills is my husband. We shared paying the bills while we were living together and after we got married.
I wouldn't ask but my pholosphy is if you are always hainging out at my place then you may need to contribute to something :lachen: j/k.

Seriously, I don't mind monetary gifts but I don't think I could ask a man to pay my bills; if there is an emergency that's different but not paying my bill on a regular basis. It's not right, IMO.
I really agree with this. Otherwise, if he wants to pay for dinner or a movies that's cool.
Oh that's different. Dinner, lunch, movie's, the Theater, even trips or vacations, when he offers that's fine and it's also inline.

Can I share this? Don't let money be an issue when it comes to dating. Ask him how he feels about it and let him know that you don't want money to be an issue that you cannot freely discuss.

Think about it. You're already talking to him about everything else. If you can talk about sex, than you surely talk about money...freely. Just come out with it. "Honey, how do you feel about money? What are your views about it?" And be comfortable with it; serious but comfortable.

If it's anything I hate more is 'awkward' moments with someone I care about and I'm getting to know. And money has a way of doing that in too many relationships. And it just messes things up. Especially if you're having a good time getting to know each other. I hate that! It's such an ickie feeling.

Granted, most men just 'put it out there' anyway when you're dating. They come out of their pockets with no questions asked when they take you out. It's tradition and it's supposed to be that way. A man pays for the date. But as you grow closer, it's important to know how he feels about finances. It's good to know upfront what you expect from each other regarding it. This way you're taking the hair out of the soup before it gets there in the first place.

And if he's having financial struggles, don't hold that against him. It happens to all of us male/female at some time or another in our lives. That's the time to go easy on him and not expect him to Prince Charming with expendability. Go easy on him.

Instead of going out to a movie, enjoy Netflix or Blockbuster. Cook dinner together at home and let him make a mess and then clean it up. Enjoy the kitchen. Make some homemade ice cream or a new smoothie recipe.

Enjoy taking a walk outside afterwards...even in the rain. :yep: Save on gas and not drive everywhere...Walk. It's healthy and it clears the air and your heads. Exercise together, even Pilates and the other exercise routines you know. Ask him to help you weight train. Use milk jugs filled with sand or water for the weights.

Make chocolate chip cookies and let him eat the raw cookie dough and playfully scold him for doing so. :rolleyes:. Put a chocolate chip on his lip, then kiss him for being the man that he is. The man you love and put no one else above him, but God Himself.

There are so many things that money can't buy. Bonding with your sweetheart, without the focus upon money, is one of the purest ways to do so. There is so much to life and enjoyment of it. It's not worth losing these precious moments over money. :nono: He'll know when to step up and what to step up for. Otherwise you wouldn't be with him.

:blowkiss: For your sweethearts...
I wouldn't ask but my pholosphy is if you are always hainging out at my place then you may need to contribute to something :lachen: j/k.

Seriously, I don't mind monetary gifts but I don't think I could ask a man to pay my bills; if there is an emergency that's different but not paying my bill on a regular basis. It's not right, IMO.

He can atleast buy some drinks to put in the fridge:drunk:
I think I have a bad case of self-entitlement but I just could not be in a relationship with a man and he is not showering me with gifts-monetary or material. I was raised to not talk to a dude unless he is just falling all over me, trying to get me by any means. Otherwise I could just stay be myself and shower myself with gifts. This sounds horrible but this is how I feel.

If you are stingy with your money when it comes to me I don't want you.

I would not ask someone to pay my bills especially in a new relationship. I would not have sex unless it is very serious, marriage serious. If I did I would feel like I was giving myself away to a man for no reason. This is why no sex til marriage would work for me, unless he is willing to meet my demands.

I also don't believe in giving men ANYTHING, especially money, no borrowing or loans of car or anything. What's my is mine and what's yours is mine.:rolleyes:

No stones please!

I talked about this in college with some friends and they thought I was crazy and bold and I said yes I am. I was a not having sex with my boyfriend-husband and he was buying me school clothes and paying my cell phone bill for the phone he bought. I am not a player, I just did not want a boyfriend but he wanted me so :look:.

What can I say, dating is a game, anybody that thinks anything else is lying or not thinking realistically. It's a game of poker, I am the house and you are a gambler, either way I win.:lachen:

Alright you all can start quoting my long post and tearing it apart.:grin:

Very interesting. I know many women who think this way though. I'm a firm believer that a man will treat a woman like she let and expect to be treated.

I have a friend who does not believe that the woman should pay. He always pay for everything when he is around. He buys gifts. But he does not pay anybody's bill and does not give out money just for the hell of it. That's my expectation.
Oh that's different. Dinner, lunch, movie's, the Theater, even trips or vacations, when he offers that's fine and it's also inline.

Can I share this? Don't let money be an issue when it comes to dating. Ask him how he feels about it and let him know that you don't want money to be an issue that you cannot freely discuss.

Think about it. You're already talking to him about everything else. If you can talk about sex, than you surely talk about money...freely. Just come out with it. "Honey, how do you feel about money? What are your views about it?" And be comfortable with it; serious but comfortable.

If it's anything I hate more is 'awkward' moments with someone I care about and I'm getting to know. And money has a way of doing that in too many relationships. And it just messes things up. Especially if you're having a good time getting to know each other. I hate that! It's such an ickie feeling.

Granted, most men just 'put it out there' anyway when you're dating. They come out of their pockets with no questions asked when they take you out. It's tradition and it's supposed to be that way. A man pays for the date. But as you grow closer, it's important to know how he feels about finances. It's good to know upfront what you expect from each other regarding it. This way you're taking the hair out of the soup before it gets there in the first place.

And if he's having financial struggles, don't hold that against him. It happens to all of us male/female at some time or another in our lives. That's the time to go easy on him and not expect him to Prince Charming with expendability. Go easy on him.

Instead of going out to a movie, enjoy Netflix or Blockbuster. Cook dinner together at home and let him make a mess and then clean it up. Enjoy the kitchen. Make some homemade ice cream or a new smoothie recipe.

Enjoy taking a walk outside afterwards...even in the rain. :yep: Save on gas and not drive everywhere...Walk. It's healthy and it clears the air and your heads. Exercise together, even Pilates and the other exercise routines you know. Ask him to help you weight train. Use milk jugs filled with sand or water for the weights.

Make chocolate chip cookies and let him eat the raw cookie dough and playfully scold him for doing so. :rolleyes:. Put a chocolate chip on his lip, then kiss him for being the man that he is. The man you love and put no one else above him, but God Himself.

There are so many things that money can't buy. Bonding with your sweetheart, without the focus upon money, is one of the purest ways to do so. There is so much to life and enjoyment of it. It's not worth losing these precious moments over money. :nono: He'll know when to step up and what to step up for. Otherwise you wouldn't be with him.

:blowkiss: For your sweethearts...

Great point. I love you Shimmie
I think I have a bad case of self-entitlement but I just could not be in a relationship with a man and he is not showering me with gifts-monetary or material. I was raised to not talk to a dude unless he is just falling all over me, trying to get me by any means. Otherwise I could just stay be myself and shower myself with gifts. This sounds horrible but this is how I feel.

If you are stingy with your money when it comes to me I don't want you.

I would not ask someone to pay my bills especially in a new relationship. I would not have sex unless it is very serious, marriage serious. If I did I would feel like I was giving myself away to a man for no reason. This is why no sex til marriage would work for me, unless he is willing to meet my demands.

I also don't believe in giving men ANYTHING, especially money, no borrowing or loans of car or anything. What's my is mine and what's yours is mine.:rolleyes:

No stones please!

I talked about this in college with some friends and they thought I was crazy and bold and I said yes I am. I was a not having sex with my boyfriend-husband and he was buying me school clothes and paying my cell phone bill for the phone he bought. I am not a player, I just did not want a boyfriend but he wanted me so :look:.

What can I say, dating is a game, anybody that thinks anything else is lying or not thinking realistically. It's a game of poker, I am the house and you are a gambler, either way I win.:lachen:

Alright you all can start quoting my long post and tearing it apart.:grin:

I ain't mad at ya! :cool: :look:
I think I have a bad case of self-entitlement but I just could not be in a relationship with a man and he is not showering me with gifts-monetary or material. I was raised to not talk to a dude unless he is just falling all over me, trying to get me by any means. Otherwise I could just stay be myself and shower myself with gifts. This sounds horrible but this is how I feel.

If you are stingy with your money when it comes to me I don't want you.

I would not ask someone to pay my bills especially in a new relationship. I would not have sex unless it is very serious, marriage serious. If I did I would feel like I was giving myself away to a man for no reason. This is why no sex til marriage would work for me, unless he is willing to meet my demands.

I also don't believe in giving men ANYTHING, especially money, no borrowing or loans of car or anything. What's my is mine and what's yours is mine.:rolleyes:

No stones please!

I talked about this in college with some friends and they thought I was crazy and bold and I said yes I am. I was a not having sex with my boyfriend-husband and he was buying me school clothes and paying my cell phone bill for the phone he bought. I am not a player, I just did not want a boyfriend but he wanted me so :look:.

What can I say, dating is a game, anybody that thinks anything else is lying or not thinking realistically. It's a game of poker, I am the house and you are a gambler, either way I win.:lachen:

Alright you all can start quoting my long post and tearing it apart.:grin:

If that's how you feel, I can't knock you for it!! Respect the honesty.
I think I have a bad case of self-entitlement but I just could not be in a relationship with a man and he is not showering me with gifts-monetary or material. I was raised to not talk to a dude unless he is just falling all over me, trying to get me by any means. Otherwise I could just stay be myself and shower myself with gifts. This sounds horrible but this is how I feel.

If you are stingy with your money when it comes to me I don't want you.

I would not ask someone to pay my bills especially in a new relationship. I would not have sex unless it is very serious, marriage serious. If I did I would feel like I was giving myself away to a man for no reason. This is why no sex til marriage would work for me, unless he is willing to meet my demands.

I also don't believe in giving men ANYTHING, especially money, no borrowing or loans of car or anything. What's my is mine and what's yours is mine.:rolleyes:

No stones please!

I talked about this in college with some friends and they thought I was crazy and bold and I said yes I am. I was a not having sex with my boyfriend-husband and he was buying me school clothes and paying my cell phone bill for the phone he bought. I am not a player, I just did not want a boyfriend but he wanted me so :look:.

What can I say, dating is a game, anybody that thinks anything else is lying or not thinking realistically. It's a game of poker, I am the house and you are a gambler, either way I win.:lachen:

Alright you all can start quoting my long post and tearing it apart.:grin:
Then scoot over cuz I'm in the same boat with you! I've had men give me money, buy me jewelry, take me on trips, and heck even buy me cars. Now depending or where we are in the relationship...I accept. Wait why am I lying if you giving I might take.:look: Many of the relationships have been of the non-sexual nature. I'm not gone asked for anyone to get my hair and nails done and low ticket stuff like that. (I sound terrible:lachen:)

I'm not going to ask a man to pay my bills but I'm not going to reject his offering of anything (for the most part). If he takes my car in for service...he's paying. If he bought me the car and the title is in my name....I either keep the car and the $500 note or I sell it...No biggie:ohwell:

I guess it depends on the type of man you're dating? Some men just like to contribute to the welfare of their GF's. I had a man tell me that if he was doing good he wanted his woman to reflect the same.

My personal rule of thumb is that when dating I date men that have equal to or more than me. not necessarily for monetary reasons, but in regards to our interests. I'm too old to be back peddling or struggling with anybody...that's jus me.

So, if your reading this thinking that JG has dirt under her nails and a shovel in the trunk of her car...then your right I might be a gold digger:lachen:

Just kidding I ain't digging for nothing, but I ain't turning away too much either.
Ya'll please forgive me, but I'm just trying to get a good foundation on dating.:look:

Okay, so the consensus is: Don't require a man you're dating to pay your bills. When ya'll get married...share the bills. While dating, if he offers to pay something it's okay?

Is that right?
Indeed. :yep: If he's taking me out and paying for it, etc. (which most men do naturally---at least the ones I've dated and know of with my family/friends), then I don't mind cooking dinner or giving him a bottle of Dasani water once in a while.

I might even share my precious Perrier sparking water with him. And that alone says a lot for me. I'm stingy with my Perrier. :lol:

It's give and give in a relationship. And you will know, the both of you. Just be open and ask him what his expectations are and you share yours with him as well. It's the only way for a healthy relationship to exist. Just be open and talk about everything that matters to you. He'll listen. If he really cares, he'll listen and he'll do it.

If he doesn't just open the front door and holla'...'Next!'

Women KNOW when they have a good man. She will not settle for less. Even if he is broke or having financial challenges, she will still know if he's a good man or not. Men have a way of making up for things when money is tight. It doesn't mean we (as women) have settled for less. I've learned to enjoy people for what they DO have to offer. You'd be surprised at the gifts you can receive that money can never buy.

Is he there for you when you're sad; Does he hold your hand when you're walking; does he call you just to say, I'm thinking about you today. Does he tell you that you're his inspiration. You'll know when a ;man is good and worth your time. You'll know. You'll also know that he's not playing games with you. It's not rocket science. You'll just know. :yep:
Goood morning ladies! :sunshine:

Question: At what point, if any at all - do you expect an SO/man that you're dating to pay your bills? He isn't your hubby and you aren't engaged. For the sake of this discussion - we'll say that you've been together for less than a year, and it isn't an emergency type situation.

I was having a discussion with an associate this weekend and every time we talk she asks if the/a guy I'm dating has "paid any of [my] bills yet". I'll say something like "I've only known him for 2 months, why would he??" or "I don't need him to pay my bills". She always gives me this raised eye brow look as if to suggest that I'm doing something "wrong".

I know someone else who has no problem whatsoever with asking a guy to pay her rent within a month or so of knowing him. I just don't get it.


???? Never. I have never asked a man to pay my bills, never will.

I would accept some men to pay a bill, only if I really needed it but I would feel really uncomfortable, and he would have to be a true Significant Other.

I do feel that some men are "waiting" for you to ask. I have heard men say the they would have done so and so if I had only asked. Why should I have to ask? If I am having trouble, say, buying books and such, and you know about it, why should I have to ask? Just to stroke his ego? I don't want a man that needs that kind of ego stroking.

I dated a guy that told me about how he once took a girl shopping. He was sitting in the car REALLY FEELING himself when he told me, "Yeah, I gave her my credit card and told her she had 30 minutes to buy whatever she wanted...(snickering)...She couldn't get but so much in 30 minutes anyway, you should have seen how she was running all over the place..." :angry:

I found that story so disgusting and I told him so. I think some men really like for you to have to look like a chickenhead.
Indeed. :yep: If he's taking me out and paying for it, etc. (which most men do naturally---at least the ones I've dated and know of with my family/friends), then I don't mind cooking dinner or giving him a bottle of Dasani water once in a while.

I might even share my precious Perrier sparking water with him. And that alone says a lot for me. I'm stingy with my Perrier. :lol:

It's give and give in a relationship. And you will know, the both of you. Just be open and ask him what his expectations are and you share yours with him as well. It's the only way for a healthy relationship to exist. Just be open and talk about everything that matters to you. He'll listen. If he really cares, he'll listen and he'll do it.

If he doesn't just open the front door and holla'...'Next!'

Women KNOW when they have a good man. She will not settle for less. Even if he is broke or having financial challenges, she will still know if he's a good man or not. Men have a way of making up for things when money is tight. It doesn't mean we (as women) have settled for less. I've learned to enjoy people for what they DO have to offer. You'd be surprised at the gifts you can receive that money can never buy.

Is he there for you when you're sad; Does he hold your hand when you're walking; does he call you just to say, I'm thinking about you today. Does he tell you that you're his inspiration. You'll know when a ;man is good and worth your time. You'll know. You'll also know that he's not playing games with you. It's not rocket science. You'll just know. :yep:

Thanks Auntie Shimmie...:kiss:
I have a friend that is always begging the men she dates to pay her light bill, get her hair done, and buy her groceries. Then she's always hurt to find out that when he dumps her and moved on. The new GF is riding in a C-Class. Then she goes into this week long production about it:ohwell:

I said to her why are you always begging men. How can they take someone serious that can't hold their own? Why the hell are you even asking for stuff you should be able to take care of yourself?
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???? Never. I have never asked a man to pay my bills, never will.

I would accept some men to pay a bill, only if I really needed it but I would feel really uncomfortable, and he would have to be a true Significant Other.

I do feel that some men are "waiting" for you to ask. I have heard men say the they would have done so and so if I had only asked. Why should I have to ask? If I am having trouble, say, buying books and such, and you know about it, why should I have to ask? Just to stroke his ego? I don't want a man that needs that kind of ego stroking.

I dated a guy that told me about how he once took a girl shopping. He was sitting in the car REALLY FEELING himself when he told me, "Yeah, I gave her my credit card and told her she had 30 minutes to buy whatever she wanted...(snickering)...She couldn't get but so much in 30 minutes anyway, you should have seen how she was running all over the place..." :angry:

I found that story so disgusting and I told him so. I think some men really like for you to have to look like a chickenhead.

THATS GROSS! If he'd told me that I would have said No thanks and stop seeing him.