Black Men Prefer White Women Because They Are More Understanding???

I actually met this guy before and that other comedian shorty when I was about 18, trust me, coming from him that statement does not hold much value to me at least.

Don't say you date white women because they are more understanding when you really mean you date a certain type of woman because she is a pushover that will not call you out when you are wrong and puts up with your bs.

Personally, that is insulting to both sides because many women of all races have enough common sense to not put up with the foolishness.

White ladies I know think even less of guys like this than we do - consider them a joke.
I have to tell you, if Lil' Duval is from J-ville, FL., I can tell you he's living vicariously through fantasy. #1: The few white women who date black men in that city are so low-class they are not even worth discussing. #2: The racial tension in that city is a powder keg just waiting to explode. The few but decent ones at the universities don't date black men because daddy would not like it... I mean REALLY not like it. And, that's the the white guys don't get to him first.
In fact, for a city that bolsters a lot of seedy, sublimal racism I was suprised as to how many white men of all classes date out. But, for the most part people date within their race.
Don't believe the hype. A lot fo these men create alternate universes for themselves just to disingrate black womens self-worth and make them more susceptable to their advances.
To answer your question--as I had to learn the hard way:giggle:-- you have a lot of black women who try to be the collective voice for us all. They are always the first to jump forward and speak on our behalf, even when we don't want them to. They tend to be objective to the idea of anti-stereotype and are difficult to silence. A lot those chicks are who these comments are directed towards because they are the first to act obnoxious and attribute their behavior to the "nature of black women". It's not to say that black women are not difficult to deal with. All races of women are complicated, belittling and demeaning to their men. Do they represent all or most black women? No. But, those are the first men like Lil' Duval point the finger at.

I honestly believe that comments like these are the new animal call to white women. These guys make these statements and insecure white women run right into their arms.... at least in Lil' Duval's dreams.
I've heard this from black men before but I don't care because they were black men that I didn't want. Why would I care?

To be honest when I hear this from a brotha, as his main reason for dating Becky- it doesn't mean she's more understanding, it means she's taking is crap and sitting back saying "Oh ok honey" not questioning his lies and his game. BW on the other hand are gonna be calling that kneegrown on his ish, THAT is what I take it to mean when these dudes say that. Actually, I SEE it from the WW that they date. I'm not giving a man "submission" if he doesn't require it so they can go on with that.
I am not trying to offend anyone, but I really do not see a submissiveness in White Woman/Black Man relationships.. if anything I see Black men stepping their game up... like when we have our "interview" voice.. ahhhhh the duality of black people. Most of the Black men I know do not have the skills necessary to subordinate anyone. I believe if you are a Black man in an environment with a lot of eligible White woman that are on the path you are on or would like to see yourself going that is going to attract you. I do not think Black men who choose to date/marry White women have the wherewithal to actively seek a Black woman who a. is not in his environment and b. has the look that will make a White man double take, or c. the position and influence to get him in the circle he wants to be in...then you have the Black men that many Black women refuse to date because he's insert: to corny, dresses bad, has bad breath, strange hairline, isn't smooth enough etc. I think we all (Black men and Black women )have to look at ourselves to find that someone that compliments us.. I bet some sisters on this board have some bad breath.. but no one has ever told you.. meaning don't look for a 10 when you are a 6.. basic but my post is already too long already..
SOME Black men prefer White women because SOME White women are more willing to put up with a POS Black man just to say that they have a Black man. A family member, now married to a Black woman, is such a better man than he was for many years while married to 2 different White women. His wife apparently does not tolerate nonsense and I have seen a change in him since he's been with her, a positive change.
Is he better because he married a Black woman? Or because HE found out his behavior (your words "nonsense") was unsustainable.. evidenced by two divorces...? Just asking
I am not trying to offend anyone, but I really do not see a submissiveness in White Woman/Black Man relationships.. if anything I see Black men stepping their game up... like when we have our "interview" voice.. ahhhhh the duality of black people. Most of the Black men I know do not have the skills necessary to subordinate anyone. I believe if you are a Black man in an environment with a lot of eligible White woman that are on the path you are on or would like to see yourself going that is going to attract you. I do not think Black men who choose to date/marry White women have the wherewithal to actively seek a Black woman who a. is not in his environment and b. has the look that will make a White man double take, or c. the position and influence to get him in the circle he wants to be in...
Interesting thoughts...

then you have the Black men that many Black women refuse to date because he's insert: to corny, dresses bad, has bad breath, strange hairline, isn't smooth enough etc. I think we all (Black men and Black women )have to look at ourselves to find that someone that compliments us.. I bet some sisters on this board have some bad breath.. but no one has ever told you.. meaning don't look for a 10 when you are a 6.. basic but my post is already too long already..

:laugh: Know what, I agree with what you're saying here. I do think that some black women take the corniness measurements too far. Superficial attraction plays a part in the mating game, sure, but we do need to assess what is necessary for a good man and not elevate swag over character. Plus sometimes we have to keep it real and ask ourselves "what is it about me that is too good for xyz type of man?" I can think of a few guys I knew in high school or college who black women put in the nerd or corny category who done stepped their life game up and are very good catches. I can't blame them for dating mostly non-black at this point.

LOL at "strange hairline" though, not sure about that one but as long as he can look good bald I'm good.