Is Marriage for White People? by Ralph Richard Banks

What stats ?

The one in particular that got me was black women are more likely than any group to have herpes (like 48% ).

- black women have a disproportionate amount of abortions
- African Americans are the least likely to get married and to stay married
-Two black women graduate for every black men every year.
-concurrent relationships (when people have sex with multiple people while in a relationship) are very common in the AA community, contributing to the high std rates
- As a black man reaches the 100k + income range, he's less likely to get married. Other races of men are More likely to get married as their income increases.
-The black middle class is becoming overwhelmingly female and the black poor overwhelmingly male.

-Black women marry down more frequently than any other groups of women (we already had a thread on this)

Other interesting comments by the author:
-black women assume shared cultural backgrounds means shared values (!!!!)
-He points out the misleading stats of the Ok Cupid study- fewer than 60% of white men stated any racial preference
- (in regards to that OK Cupid study) Even if 2/3rds of nonblack men refused to date bw , there would still be 2 or 3xs as many nonblack men willing to data a bw.
- women are more likely to state a racial preference, not men
-the assumption that only black men want black women is common, and black men are it's biggest proponents
- believes bw aren't attracted to other races because they don't think other races are attracted to them
-if more black women date out, eventually more black women and men will get married.

He also spends a good portion of the book discussing fears bw have dating inter racially ( pressure to maintain the black family, fear of acceptance from his family, etc) , which I really enjoyed.

This book was very Pro- Black woman, which I both enjoyed and was surprised by, considering it's written by a black man with a black family.
I've always been team blacklove, but now, I'd say I'm more team dont-marry-down-he ain't-gotta-be-brown :look: because, well... the stats speak for themselves.

ETA: Please get the book ladies, it might save your life :look:
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