2019 Relationship And Dating Thread

I'll start.

Me an beau are talking about potentially getting a house together in early 2020. We already picked a town/city which is not far from either of us. We're on the precipice of engagement (it feels weird saying that). He's waiting for the time to propose while we discuss the logistics of the move.

Plan B is for me to move into his house, since I'm a renter. Not sure if it's ideal to plan/pay for a wedding and a move at the same time.

If anyone has any input feel free to share :yep:
There's been a lot going on with us lately. SO's cousin is getting married this August in Mexico and unfortunately it looks like we won't be going now. For the four of us (Myself, SO, SO's daughter and my son) we're looking at $4,800 for 3 days. That was the price quoted by SO's cousin's travel agent. However, when I priced it out myself I came up with $2,500 which seemed more reasonable for 3 days in Mexico. When I called the travel agent and SO's mother they informed us if we book it without the travel agent we won't be able to go on the reception sunset cruise.

But an almost $2,000 price different doesn't justify an 1hr sunset cruise for me so I told SO he can go and me and the kids will stay behind. Long story short now we're taking the kids back to Disney for that week and the price is not even half of the original Mexico trip.

At first I felt like I was over reacting and we should just spend the money and go. BUT after I started thinking about the price and the fact we'll only be there for 3 days that pretty much made up my mind for me at least.
There's been a lot going on with us lately. SO's cousin is getting married this August in Mexico and unfortunately it looks like we won't be going now. For the four of us (Myself, SO, SO's daughter and my son) we're looking at $4,800 for 3 days. That was the price quoted by SO's cousin's travel agent. However, when I priced it out myself I came up with $2,500 which seemed more reasonable for 3 days in Mexico. When I called the travel agent and SO's mother they informed us if we book it without the travel agent we won't be able to go on the reception sunset cruise.

But an almost $2,000 price different doesn't justify an 1hr sunset cruise for me so I told SO he can go and me and the kids will stay behind. Long story short now we're taking the kids back to Disney for that week and the price is not even half of the original Mexico trip.

At first I felt like I was over reacting and we should just spend the money and go. BUT after I started thinking about the price and the fact we'll only be there for 3 days that pretty much made up my mind for me at least.
That's insane.
There's been a lot going on with us lately. SO's cousin is getting married this August in Mexico and unfortunately it looks like we won't be going now. For the four of us (Myself, SO, SO's daughter and my son) we're looking at $4,800 for 3 days. That was the price quoted by SO's cousin's travel agent. However, when I priced it out myself I came up with $2,500 which seemed more reasonable for 3 days in Mexico. When I called the travel agent and SO's mother they informed us if we book it without the travel agent we won't be able to go on the reception sunset cruise.

But an almost $2,000 price different doesn't justify an 1hr sunset cruise for me so I told SO he can go and me and the kids will stay behind. Long story short now we're taking the kids back to Disney for that week and the price is not even half of the original Mexico trip.

At first I felt like I was over reacting and we should just spend the money and go. BUT after I started thinking about the price and the fact we'll only be there for 3 days that pretty much made up my mind for me at least.

Sounds like they were making the guest pay out of pocket for the reception and cruise.
SO and I got some much needed alone time during the long weekend. :cloud9: It was great to spend time with him without having to look at the clock. However I'm getting a taste of our differences when it comes family visits and boundaries with his mother. :look: I've known about this but now I'm getting to see it in action. It's something we'll have to work through as our relationship develops.

I told him last night I'd like to spend more time with my family and family-friends on my side. I've spent a good deal with his but he hasn't spent much time with mine. I detect some nervousness but we'll see.
Got to meet several of SO's close friends/golf buddies and their wives last week. They had all heard about me and a few of them I'd spoken on the phone with, but they hadn't met me face to face until now.
We met for several dinners as one of his closest friends and his wife were in town from Chicago. I enjoyed talking with her and we've exchanged numbers with plans to visit them when the weather warms up.

It was so great to hang out with well-employed black men and their wives. All are great "power" couples who seem to have solid relationships. I really had a great time with them.

It's such a vast difference from the past. The ex spouse would wreck every relationship we had with other couples except the one with his best friend. I'm so glad I left all that behind.
Have any of you ever seen that episode of Family Guy where Peter gets sick and his voice gets deeper and Lois can't keep her hands off of him? My SO has a bit of a scratchy throat right now and his voice changed and I secretly love it. I'm wondering how I can keep him sick just a teensy bit longer.

For anyone who hasn't seen it, it's the first 30 seconds of this video:
SO brought to my attention I do not respond in time to his texts. Yesterday he had a busy day so I texted him just to check on him and he replied with a detailed list of all his activities for the day so I didnt respond because he was.....busy. But still he expected a response. I have to do better:ohwell:
Had an interesting Valentine's Day discussion with my guy and several men at his cigar spot last week. So my guy does amazing things for me all the time. He keeps me on my toes. So I mention that I'm avoiding business travel to ensure I'm home to we can celebrate Valentine's Day. He looks at me surprised. I asked why and he mentions that he's never celebrated it in his past relationships because they've always considered it a "Hallmark" holiday. I assure him that it's an important holiday for me so don't try it.

So back to the cigar spot with the fellas. They're all looking at me like I have two heads because I said it's important that the day be recognized. They all say they don't anything for their wives/girlfriends because it's a fake holiday and maintain that they treat their SOs special all year long.

I've always celebrated it. I think it's because my parents made a big deal of it amongst the two of them and with us as kids. Then in my own relationships it was a big deal and I even give my sons little bags of trinkets and their favorite candies.

What gives? Is Valentine's Day celebrating a thing of the past? Are you all celebrating with your mates?

In any case, my guy has dinner reservations set for Feb. 14. :blush:
They all say they don't anything for their wives/girlfriends because it's a fake holiday and maintain that they treat their SOs special all year long :blush:
If this is the crux of their argument, then Thanksgiving, Memorial Day, Labor Day, and President’s Day are all “fake” holidays :rolleyes: (I didn’t touch the religious holidays :look: ) but I’m sure they plan trips, see family, plan cookouts etc for these days for a variety of reasons, so why not take the time out of our busy schedules to celebrate romantic love and re-center our romantic relationships?

...I won’t go into my “men are trash and hate anything that is perceived to benefit women” analysis...

You are not wrong or crazy for recognizing Valentine’s Day as something you want to honor and make time for.
I don't care about Valentines day much and neither does he, but we usually do something as its an excuse to treat ourselves again :look: We usually do something on the 15th as it feels less corny and I don't like the crowds.

The only thing I'm really "into" is my birthday. My excitement level for Valentines day and Christmas is like 2% of what I feel for my birthday weekend lol. As it stands I completely forgot about it this year.

I don't think not being interested in Valentines makes you an ass if you do romantic days and express gratitude for the relationship/marriage regularly. However if one partner is really into it then it's not too much effort to play along for the day.
Haha, I just convinced my fiancé that we don't need to celebrate Vday this year. He made reservations at a really expense restaurant but I don't see the point of spending so much money for a lack luster experience due to the crowds. I'm sure he'll get me flowers or what not but he's a romantic guy and spoils me year round. Plus we fly out to our weekend trip Friday morning I'd rather we out the money toward having fun.
I had a mini health scare this past week, and he was awesome. He made me laugh and cooked dinner every night. He'd already done dinner every night the week before, so I was planning on cooking at least once, but it was ready for me every night I came home. He went to bed with me the same time every night, too. He works early and I work regular office hours, so he missed out on a lot of sleep.

My x-ray and labs all came out fine. Still haven't told him. :lachen: I'll tell him tonight.
This is my first VDay in a long time where I'm in a relationship. This is also my first time in a long distance relationship, so I won't be seeing him VDay or the weekend of (because of work). So I'm a tiny bit bummed about that, but I already knew this in advance.
I'm still pumped to video chat with him tonight and tomorrow. He video called me for the first time while I was at work and he had a break between jobs. I ran into the bathroom to talk to him, and it was so funny. We were cheesing at each other so hard :2inlove:
Yesterday was the first VDay for both SO and I with a partner in a long time so we were pretty excited. This is the first of two busy weeks for SO so things were hectic. But we had a nice dinner, exchanged VDay cards. I got him a blown-up card with a picture of us in a heart with a personalized message in Spanish lol. He got me card + flowers. VDay sex was good too though SO messed up my newly done hair. :sekret::rolleyes:

Our anniversary is coming up in early April, SO is already planning something for that. :look:
My boo and I celebrated our first Valentines. It was perfect. He got me a bunch of things...which he likes to do....plus a rose...earlier in the day.....then later that day a bouquet of beautiful roses....

Every day is Valentine's with this guy. He showers me with gifts regularly...but I'm glad that he knows this isn't a day to be ignored! Our year is coming up soon...we on 10 months now.
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We had a nice first V-Day. I received two bouquets of flowers earlier in the week - roses and stargazer lilies. While we both had very hectic days, he apologized for not being able to spend the bulk of the day with me due to his work schedule and his daughter's first track meet of the season.

We had dinner reservations at an upscale steakhouse at 8 so he rushed from the track meet with a suit bag in tow and quickly changed at my house before we left. Dinner was nice and he presented me with a 14K bracelet, which was sweet. He struggles with gifts because he says I "have everything". I don't give him grief over his stress about gift giving. I'm well established in my career with a nice collection of "stuff" so when he gives me something, I am very gracious. I know my love language and want to ensure he is praised appropriately.

He is good about experiences though because he's booked travel for us covering the next 6 months. I bought him a card. LOL.

We continued celebrating V-Day last night with date night in the city at some of my favorite bar/chill spots.
I feel bad i'm going to miss his birthday on the 23rd due to a last minute trip with my mom and the kids. I'm headed down to Florida to check on my grandmother that just had her second surgery in less than a month. I was torn between wanting to be their for both my mother and grandmother and celebrating his birthday. I'm just glad he understood. I think i'll plan a trip to philly that weekend I come back he's been wanting to go and we can celebrate there plus stop to see his uncle.