2018 Relationship And Dating Thread

Never thought I would be so annoyed by someone being on time. #1 is habitually early every single time we go out and I always feel so bad for him waiting for so long. But at this point it's on him. I told him today that since he's closer he should leave half hour after me. He said ok. 20 minutes into my ride we get an announcement about change in service so I text him and tell him to leave 10 minutes later. Why he text back talking about he's 10 minutes away from the place. Why? Why are you 10 minutes away when you are still supposed to be at home? So now let him wait.
Ugh, I dated a guy like that. If he was picking me up, he’d be in my parking lot 20 minutes early. I left his behind out there on more than one occasion.

Once he popped up wayyyy early and I was vacuuming! Put his annoying tail to work while I got showered and dressed.

He was prior military but that’s not really an excuse.
I want to start 2 threads soooo bad. I am just flabbergasted. But I cannot. These people are too close to home and they would know it is me. I cannot continue to take chances and post people’s business on here.

I had to speak to someone has no vested interest. My close friend from college and even she was dumbfounded.
^^Yay!! I thought it might happen on that trip.

Congratulations @toaster pretty!
Woah that ring is pretty :love: @toaster
Congrats @toaster :congrats:! The ring is very pretty.
Wow!! Congratulations!!!! So happy for you!! I love the ring!!
The ring is beautiful! Congrats!
Congratulations @toaster!!!!!!!! Beautiful ring!!!
Thank you ladies!!! This weekend has been incredible and I’m so glad I took the week off so we can continue enjoying one another.

Seriously one of the first things I said was “I have to tell the forum!”
#1 and I are over. We had a great time at the spa this past weekend and we had a great time the entire weekend overall. But there was a moment where I felt something in my gut that said this was not going to make me happy. I sat with it for a few days trying to see if the feeling would go away. He could tell since I've been distant and short the past couple days so finally today I told him that I thought we gave it a good go these past few months and he's a great guy but we possibly want different things. It was hard and it was awful but I need practice in this area anyway. Learning how to let go of something that doesn't serve me instead of holding on and getting deeper and deeper making it even more hard to let go eventually. Soooo back to the singles thread I go.
SO is having a crazy-busy, rough week and I just want to comfort him. I hope he can take it easy this weekend. His mom is coming over this weekend :rolleyes: and I hope he can tell her to back off a little and let him rest.
I love learning how to play. I didn’t have much of that in my last relationship. We are always having tickle fests. The other day I made it rain with some condoms :lachen::lachen: He joined in and we pretended like we were making it rain in the club. :lachen: Yeahhhhh we are nerdy weird. But it feels very normal lol.
I love learning how to play. I didn’t have much of that in my last relationship. We are always having tickle fests. The other day I made it rain with some condoms :lachen::lachen: He joined in and we pretended like we were making it rain in the club. :lachen: Yeahhhhh we are nerdy weird. But it feels very normal lol.
I love those moments with SO that would seem weird to everyone else but are perfectly normal to you.
What's it about? I still have yet to see Venom. I want to go on a date and watch this.

It’s supposed to “our” version of 50 shades...it came out on the 12th and I have yet to see it. Beta beau (my love until eternity (:lol:) asked if I was interested since that’s in my dna but I’m on the fence. I don’t want my hopes up and time wasted like A Star Was Born.

I hear venom is super good.
What's it about? I still have yet to see Venom. I want to go on a date and watch this.

It’s supposed to “our” version of 50 shades...it came out on the 12th and I have yet to see it. Beta beau (my love until eternity :)lol:) asked if I was interested since that’s in my dna but I’m on the fence. I don’t want my hopes up and time wasted like A Star Was Born.

I hear venom is super good.
SO wants to see Venom. I asked him what it was about and he gave me some vague answer. o_O
SO and I did a last-minute trip to Miami to see his beloved Bears play the Dolphins. Such an amazing time together. He gets me and all my extra-ness and never complains. I wanted this lava rock I stumbled on in the ocean while we were at the beach as a souvenir of our trip. He dove down and pulled it out of the sand - it was actually larger than I thought it was. Then when we left, he threw it in his carry-on. Ended up getting damn-near strip searched by TSA for it and didn't complain. He was like "Babe, you wanted it and if it makes you happy, I'm happy." I love this man.
SO and I went to dinner tonight and he picked a place so we could watch the Warriors game and the team receive their rings. He picked a place I’d never been to. Well unbeknownst to both of us it was comedy night and most of the TVs were turned off right as the game started. SO asked them to keep one on so we could watch. The service was terrible and disorganized and the first opening comedy act roasted me along with a few people in the audience only I was roasted for something that I’ve been teased/bullied/mocked for almost my entire life. SO doesn’t know how deep it goes but he felt hiorrible anyway. I wasn’t mad at him at all though. He was super comforting the rest of the night. When we decided to leave at halftime after they turned the last remaining TV off, and SO was agitated by the noise, the people in charge of the comedy night legit would not let us leave. This is one time I was glad SO is a nicer person than me because I was through. o_O SO’s number one concern the whole night was me. I’ve never had this before and it feels wonderful. :cloud9:
Recently SO received a pension notification detailing what he will receive later in life. He came to me and said he'd put me down as the beneficiary.

Now some months later after my Grandad died and I mentioned in passing how he'd taken care of my family through the will. SO is now writing a will so if he dies unexpectedly (we're still young lol) I'll get his house and assets.

We're not even married yet (mostly due to health issues and my laziness), but I like the way he thinks. The whole time we've been together I haven't paid any bills. Growing up with a single Mum and having a deadbeat father that didn't even contribute $1 towards me it means a lot.
I've been having a rough past couple of weeks at work and have been real emotional about it. I had to text SO early today to let him know I was extremely thankful for him being there for me and stepping up. For example last night I just wanted to pick my son up from school and go home. He went ahead and went grocery shopping, brought everything in and all I had to do was make a quick meal and then go relax.

It's the little things but in the moments like these they mean everything.