Why do you/would you date outside your ‘race’?

Why do you/would you date outside your ‘race’?

  • So that my babies can have that good hair/lighter skin.

    Votes: 8 6.6%
  • Because I have Daddy issues or had bad experiences with Black men.

    Votes: 6 5.0%
  • My first crush was with a white boy and that set a precedent.

    Votes: 10 8.3%
  • Not enough eligible Black men around so I have to widen my options

    Votes: 24 19.8%
  • It was not a preference, I just happened to fall for the guy despite our differences.

    Votes: 48 39.7%
  • I'm an equal op girl, or: I'm mixed-race so dating non-Black men is not dating outside my 'race'.

    Votes: 48 39.7%
  • The idea of being with a White man makes me feel important and valued. It gives me status.

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • I don't know. This is not something I have really thought about.

    Votes: 12 9.9%
  • I feel no connection to Black men and have never had the desire to date one.

    Votes: 9 7.4%
  • Other- please elaborate.

    Votes: 16 13.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
Ladies, why do you/would you date outside your 'race'? I would imagine that for some, this is not a question they have even thought about. Please do and anwser this poll and share your thoughts.

This is what I have noticed- some of the reasons Black women date/marry non-Black men.

1. So that your babies can have that good hair:lachen: Though I never heard of this before LHCF. I have heard about the lightening the bloodline reason, so I will put these together as they are similar.

2. Because you have Daddy issues or had bad experiences with Black men and prefer anything that does not remind you of a Black man (consciously/subconsciously). One of my sisters only date white men and I suspect it is because she has Daddy issues. She hates our father with a passion. I think the thought of being with a Black man repulses her.

3. Your first crush was with a white boy and that set a precedent.

Between the ages of 4 to 10 my friends daughter used to be so in love with her brother's best friend who is white. He used to be so kind to her and made her feel special when she was a little girl, not just his friends bratty little sister. I just knew she would have a preference for white guys when she became an adult because of her first crush. She is 22 now and all her boyfriends have been white, even though she is a proud Black woman.

4. Though, you would prefer to be with a white man, the dating scene for Black women is so dire at the moment that you would settle for a white man if he is interested.

5. It was not a preference, you just happened to fall for the guy and it had nothing to do with his skin colour and had everything to do with the person he is.

Though I am not a romantic, I do think that love is an amazing thing. I have seen racists fall in love with Black people (and continue to be racists and can sometimes exempt their spouses and children from their racist views).

I think if I was to go out with a White guy it would be for this reason. I love people who look like me. I used to be the kind of person who used to say I would never date a White man. However, the older I get, and the higher I get in my career, the more I meet some amazing people and this includes white men who, if I was not married, I would date despite my original preference.

6. I am just an equal ops kinda girl. I love all men. Variety is the spice of life! Or: I am mixed-race so dating non-Black men is not dating outside my 'race'.

7. The idea of being with a White man makes me feel important and valued. It gives me status.

8. I don't know. This is not something I have really thought about and I don't really see the need for the over analysis of my dating/marrying preferences.

9. I feel no connection to Black men and have never had the desire to date one.

10. Other- please elaborate.

I can't think of anymore. I you do please add to the list. Lets discuss.............
I want my babies to have that good hair and that beautiful light skin. Plus there are no eligible black men, and since my daddy wasnt around I think all black men are the same. Thats why me and Seth are going to get married and live in his trailer!!!!

Dont hate!
I want my babies to have that good hair and that beautiful light skin. Plus there are no eligible black men, and since my daddy wasnt around I think all black men are the same. Thats why me and Seth are going to get married and live in his trailer!!!!

Dont hate!

:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:....HEY! Seth is MY man!!! But he told me we gettin' a double wide!!!

Now YOU betta not hate!
LOL:lol: Its really not that serious. I was always sent to magnet schools on the city that had student bodies that looked like the UN so when I came of age I saw men of all races as equals.

I like to say that I'm attracted to the race of hot gentleman and that can come in any shade lol. If he's attractive, treats me right, and shares my values, I'll be receptive to his advances and give him a chance. The men in my family stay with their wives and support their children for life so I have love my brothas and have met many wonderful BM. I think I'm likely to marry a BM but some disagree, I'm just enjoying my youth and the NYC dating scene for now, we'll see what the future holds.

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
Because I don't look at race as a cult that I have to remain exclusive to. I'm a human that is attracted to other humans LOL. If the one that I end up with happens to not be the same race that I am... so what. No matter who I date, I will always be proud to be black. Nothing could ever change that.
Lol this is funny. I would have to say 5, 6, & 8

I have a preference for darkskinned black men but if youre cute and I like you...youre cute and I like you. I dont give a ---- about your race.

Sent from my LS670 using Long Hair Care Forum App
For me, it's #6,5,3, in that order.

#5,6- My parents have never discouraged or encouraged us to like anyone of any particular race. My mom actually encourages interracial dating and my extended family has a little everyone except Asian, so never been an issue for me.

#3- Well, this guy wasn't my first crush, BUT, when I was in 8th grade, my mom had made me a dress, at my request. (I generally HATED wearing dresses to school). Well, when we were outside, we had to go in earlier, because we were the lower class, so we had to walk past the 9th grade class and they would line up to watch us walk past. Anyway, some black girls were laughing and picking on my dress and so this white guy (FINNNEEE) grabbed my hand as I was passing by and told me not to worry about those girls, they were just jealous and he thought my dress was pretty. (I had seen him around, but never spoken to him). I think I fell in :love: right then and there, LOL. Sooo, I was done after that; WM were on my radar.
I've never dated interacially, but i would defenitely consider doing so. I have heard from a couple of my female friends that the white men they dated have treated them better than any of the black men they dated have. If a man is willing to treat me like a queen, race is insignificant. However, I would never, I repeat never, date a non black man soley because I would want my children to be lighter, or to have "good hair". Mixed babies are beautiful, but full black babies are just as beautiful as well. I don't see how so many people can disregard the beauty of black children. We as black people must appreciate the beauty that we have.


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You know what's interesting, guys. I notice that a lot of black women who are married to white men, are married to white men who are from European countries such as Poland, Germany, etc., opposed to white men from the US. I wonder why. I wonder if it's because European white men aren't as biased towards black women as US white men. But who knows, I could be wrong.
You know what's interesting, guys. I notice that a lot of black women who are married to white men, are married to white men who are from European countries such as Poland, Germany, etc., opposed to white men from the US. I wonder why. I wonder if it's because European white men aren't as biased towards black women as US white men. But who knows, I could be wrong.

I think it's because we have similar culture. My husband's family is just like mine. They are very into family. Big dinners. Very supportive of each other. Both of our families work together for the good of the entire family. Like if my husband's niece starts acting out, she's move in with us until we can get her back on track. We all speak to each other 50-11 times a day on the phone. His family is the same. We are very family centered but despite how we look, we have the same upbringing.

As for WASP men, I have nothing in common with 'em besides being human, LOL. The culture seems cold and quiet. I do not mean to offend anyone but that is just my experience.
You know what's interesting, guys. I notice that a lot of black women who are married to white men, are married to white men who are from European countries such as Poland, Germany, etc., opposed to white men from the US. I wonder why. I wonder if it's because European white men aren't as biased towards black women as US white men. But who knows, I could be wrong.
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5 and 8. I like what I like. Not my ideal but if I like you, I like you and thats the end of the conversation.
I enjoy men. Sexy is sexy to me. As long as he is kind, intelligent and attractive to me, we're good to go:yep:

Yup. I'm equal opportunity and found SO attractive when I first laid eyes on him and he felt the same about me. The fact that we get along very well and have the same interests just made it better whether he was black or not.
I never looked to date outside of my race, but I never say never. If the right man came along I can only hope I wouldn't be so ignorant to label him as wrong just because of his skin color.