Poll: Which would you Prefer? (Another Interracial Thread)

What's your interracial dating preference? (in alphabetical order)

  • Asian Men

    Votes: 18 6.5%
  • Indian Men

    Votes: 13 4.7%
  • Latin Men

    Votes: 115 41.4%
  • Middle Eastern Men

    Votes: 23 8.3%
  • White Men

    Votes: 93 33.5%
  • Other (I tried to get all the "main" races, but I know that I probably didn't)

    Votes: 16 5.8%

  • Total voters
That's a tough choice. I didn't vote because I like them all except white. I've dated them all except for middle Eastern.
Latin men are my weakness.. though I also am attracted to white men with dark features and can get a nice tan. When it comes down to it though, just having a man that you connect with beyond color and race is what is most important...My guy is both of these races so I have the best of both worlds :)
Ooooh, this is a good one. Latin are the first because there are so passionate and aggressive, Middle Eastern next because Caldean men have so much swag and are so appealing to me, White next because alot of them are just that damn cute, look at Brad Pitt, then Asian because they are so mysterious, lastly, Indian because I haven't seem very many period. Not full blood at least.

But, if I had to choose what I am looking for at the moment, it would be an Asian, because I don't run into them on the streets... ones that are really really hott like TV. And if I can't get that, I'll get me a sexy caldean.
Latin men are my weakness.. though I also am attracted to white men with dark features and can get a nice tan. When it comes down to it though, just having a man that you connect with beyond color and race is what is most important...My guy is both of these races so I have the best of both worlds :)

Amen. Now a mixed white/latino man!?@#?!@ :lick: oh my.
well.... i'd have to say Asian men. When I was in college, I majored in Computer Science and 90% of the other students in that major are Asian men. We had a lot of foreign students from Japan, and OHMYGOODNESS!!! Firstly, my biggest attraction is to intelligence in a man, like programmer hacker ubergeeks. there was this one guy who was the sexiest guy I had ever laid eyes on. He always had his jet black shoulder length hair slicked back, always wore black turtlenecks and his bookbag slung across his chest.... ever since then i've had a craving for an asian man :lick:

The description alone is getting me hot under my collar...LOL:lick:
Ladies I cast my net real WIDE..... FIONE.... thats it... of course with all the qualities I like....

They must have amazing eyes... and soft lips and some body.... and that is it...as a matter of fact 6' tall at least between 175lbs and 220lbs athletic...

I will take a shorter guy... as long as he got that thang!!!lol!!!
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Ladies I cast my net real WIDE..... FIONE.... thats it... of course with all the qualities I like....

They must have amazing eyes... and soft lips and some body.... and that is it...as a matter of fact 6' tall at least between 175lbs and 220lbs athletic...

I will take a shorter guy... as long as he got that thang!!!lol!!!

I agree with the bolded! Eyes are incredibly important! (this coming from an opticians daughter, but so true.)

This guy Rudy Youngblood is HOT! He's a Native American, of the Comanche tribe. He starred in that Mel Gibson movie, Apocalypto, and he was dang near naked throughout the whole movie--he was wearing a loincloth type thing that covered up his "loins" while his backside was completely bare!:lick:
I went to see the movie with my boyfriend, so i had to play off the fact that i was sitting there drooling the whole time.:lachen:

Actually, he's black or one of his parents is.
We had a lot of foreign students from Japan, and OHMYGOODNESS!!!

I agree the hottest Asian men I have ever met were Japanese. I'm extremely partial to Filipino's as well but Japanese dudes have it going on.
1. White - Love them Welsh men :lick: :lovedrool::luv2::whipgirl::giggle::blush3:
2. Asian - (Japanese, Chinese):sandm::yep: :hug2: :love5:

3. Native American (should be on the list):pant: :mwahahafire: :drunk: :love4::grin:

4. Eurasian (white/asian mix) Personal favorite :love::wink2::greedy::blowkiss::love2: :spank:

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I like mixed race latinos especially those with african ancestry (nicaraguan/dominican :yep:) and some of the men from India.
Looks alone, Asian. Who can deny a good-looking japanese or filipino??? You just gotta stare...:yep:

:lick: I just had to co-sign to this...:lick:

Especially when they have the tan skin, spikey hair, and cute,shy smile...my oh my thats a sight to behold....
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I voted White.... woowoo:grin:

I've Dated Black and Latin men..........

I think I get woosie with the Latino:grin:
I love smart, nice, attractive men of any race (except East Asian). But my man who I love very much is half Latin and Indian and since the Indians were losing, I voted Indian.
I like white and asian men. I've seen very few Indian men that I've found sexy...although I remember seeing this really cute Indian guy in Berkeley once. And this Thursday was the 2nd time this really fine Asian guy has been on my flight coming from Toronto. If he's on there next week...I might just have to say something.

Cute is cute too me. Regardless of race, I love my men buff and tall. I'm 5'7 and in heels all the time so they definitely have to be at least 6ft or taller. As I always say, if I can look'em straight in the eye, they're too short!!!