Dating outside of your race

Yes yes... I'm well aware of the search function... but who knew this would be such a repetitive thread on this site. The simple thing to do, had you found my thread repetitive and over-discussed, would have been to ignore it right? :D

ANYHOOOOO... thanks to those of you who replied with something constructive... and thanks to the young lady who provided the links to the numerous other threads. ;)
MzLady78 said:
I've never dated anything but Black men. Men of other races don't seem to be particularly attracted to me. But it's okay, cause I haven't come across many that I was attracted to either.

It may not be that they are not attracted to you. I could just be that they don't know how to approach you. I know alot of non-black men who wants a black woman but feels they are too low on our list of men us black women will date.

Right now I have a dang Indian (India) who just do the weirdest things to catch my attention (laugh, run the opposite way, etc.). You be shock if you observe how some non-black men try to come on to black women (sometimes it makes me wonder what about black women makes it soo hard for non-black men to approach us).
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Nevaeh1282 said:
Yes yes... I'm well aware of the search function... but who knew this would be such a repetitive thread on this site. The simple thing to do, had you found my thread repetitive and over-discussed, would have been to ignore it right? :D

ANYHOOOOO... thanks to those of you who replied with something constructive... and thanks to the young lady who provided the links to the numerous other threads. ;)

For the record, I think the ladies who suggested the search function were just trying to be helpful since you're a new member. Most newbies are unaware of the search function or they think it only applies to the hair care section.

You're welcome for the links. I hope it didn't come off as me being sarcastic. I was just trying to help. :)
firecracker said:
Claude hawmercy dis is the wyte man smogards bar and convention center up in here chile:lachen: :lachen:
Baby you new around these parts:confused: :look:
Try using the search function and you'll get loads of information, shared experiences, positive feedback and basically damn good stuff.

You really should try it. IRL ain't nothing new under the sun you know? :)
By tommorrow you will have loads of replies but if your bored go head on to the search function.
"claude hawmercy":lachen::lachen::lachen:

wow, you'd think we'd all been living on different planets or something! maybe i'm just an international negress or something but i had no idea it was this deep(the oohhh, wow of it all). I supposed everything is new to someone at some point tho'.

i'm not trying to be snotty, and i'm guessing you're younger so i'll answer straight. yes i've dated 'out' & i'm married 'out' but a man is a man is a man, IMO. i don't mean that in the 'they're all jerks' sense but that the color makes next to no difference(you might some extra looks in public, depending on where you are). Hwvr, when you're really upset or really happy, his coloring is the last thing on your mind.

the only difference in my experience is that the EA and Euros i've dated are fine if my hair is natural and fine if it's straight. I wish i could say the same for all men. I'm sure there are exceptions to this too.

Intelligence, humor, & some level of attractiveness have always been my priorities. I wasn't about to date any man of any color who didn't meet my standards. So, a dumb bunny or jacked-up homely EA/E guy wouldn't have worked just for some faux status or exoticism.

Also, I wasn't interested in snagging any just random AA/man of African ancestry so I could sit up like "oh yeah, he's dumb as a bag of rocks and ugly, but we can use the same comb! " whatever.

Try not to focus on his coloring...just make sure he's a decent guy who treats you well.
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Nevaeh1282 said:
Do any of you ladies (or men) date outside your race OR have done so in the past? What was your experience like? What was the reaction of your friends and family? How'd you cope with problems that arose from the race/culture difference?

Currently I'm dating a white guy and it's a totally new experience for me because I've only ever dated black men. My mother seems a bit miffed that he's white... but I'm not sure if it's displeasure or just surprise... A few of my friends have been a bit iffy as well.. and again, I'm not sure if it's disapproval or just genuine surprise. I've only had one friend (black male) chew me out for it. He accused me of being a sell out and says that the white guy only wants me as his concubine :perplexed
So far it's going well... he even asked me if it's really true that white people smell 'renk' when they get hot and

Just be careful when u date outside of your race. Meet his family & no matter what anyone says pay attention to his family's views & his relationship with them .IT IS IMPORTANT!! My son's father has Arab hertiage but he was born here in the US. His family is very traditional & were very upset when he revealed our plans to marry. Sad but true. He literally had to choose between me & our son & His family. No matter what anyone says family views are very important. I watched him worry & cry about his for a very long time.
I've only dated blk women all my life. It's just my personal preference. My father remarried and his wife is white. I dont see anything wrong with interracial dating as long as it's being done out of love, sincerity and genuine affection. The only time it bothers me is when someone 'encourages' one race over another explaining that blk men are not worthy or cannot pull their own weight.:mad: Good and bad come in all colors, shapes and sizes.
BlkManWithSomeSense said:
I've only dated blk women all my life. It's just my personal preference. My father remarried and his wife is white. I dont see anything wrong with interracial dating as long as it's being done out of love, sincerity and genuine affection. The only time it bothers me is when someone 'encourages' one race over another explaining that blk men are not worthy or cannot pull their own weight.:mad: Good and bad come in all colors, shapes and sizes.
Yeah, I feel the same way. Here in Europe for instance, alot of black women marry white men just to have biracial children, it's sickening. I remember this friend from Zimbabwe, she married a white man and she was like (while pregnant and getting her hair braided by my sister): I'm so glad that at least my child will have soft hair...Three years later the child has the nappiest hair ever that she barely ever combs, it's sad that some peeps think like that.
ShaniKeys said:
Yeah, I feel the same way. Here in Europe for instance, alot of black women marry white men just to have biracial children, it's sickening. I remember this friend from Zimbabwe, she married a white man and she was like (while pregnant and getting her hair braided by my sister): I'm so glad that at least my child will have soft hair...Three years later the child has the nappiest hair ever that she barely ever combs, it's sad that some peeps think like that.

Yes it is sad. I know a few friends of mine who date white women as 'trophy' pieces, feeling they haven't reached the pinicle of success if they dont have a blonde haired beauty.
It's ok that we have repetitive threads on the LHCF. I mean, hey, it's gonna happen. It gives the newbies a chance to chime in on those topics. It's always nice to hear the opinions of others. We don't want anyone feeling bad for repeating a topic.
ShaniKeys said:
Yeah, I feel the same way. Here in Europe for instance, alot of black women marry white men just to have biracial children, it's sickening. I remember this friend from Zimbabwe, she married a white man and she was like (while pregnant and getting her hair braided by my sister): I'm so glad that at least my child will have soft hair...Three years later the child has the nappiest hair ever that she barely ever combs, it's sad that some peeps think like that.

…Sounds like some of the black women who I know!
ShaniKeys said:
Yeah, I feel the same way. Here in Europe for instance, alot of black women marry white men just to have biracial children, it's sickening. I remember this friend from Zimbabwe, she married a white man and she was like (while pregnant and getting her hair braided by my sister): I'm so glad that at least my child will have soft hair...Three years later the child has the nappiest hair ever that she barely ever combs, it's sad that some peeps think like that.

well, here in the US, African American women *been* hooking up with and/or marrying more 'indian' looking or "lightskinnded" AA men hoping that certain features(wavy/curly hair tex, light eye color, paler skin color, keen bone structure) would be passed on to their children.

occasionally it's the other way - i've heard lighter AA/creole and biracial friends say(some half-joking and some serious) they'd like a very dark partner to 'balance things out'.

but uuhh, G-d has the final say on all of that.:lol:
I haven't, but I would. But honestly, I haven't been approached by too many men outside of my race. Like another poster said, it must be my "mean mug" that turns the guys (of any color) away!:lachen:
I have and I would again.

one friend (black male) chew me out for it

What does he say about black men not wanting to date black women. I don't have a problem with them dating outside of the race but some black me seem to despise dating black women.
Divine Inspiration said:
You're welcome for the links. I hope it didn't come off as me being sarcastic. I was just trying to help. :)

Nawww I didn't think you were being sarcastic. *thumbs up*