Poll: Which would you Prefer? (Another Interracial Thread)

What's your interracial dating preference? (in alphabetical order)

  • Asian Men

    Votes: 18 6.5%
  • Indian Men

    Votes: 13 4.7%
  • Latin Men

    Votes: 115 41.4%
  • Middle Eastern Men

    Votes: 23 8.3%
  • White Men

    Votes: 93 33.5%
  • Other (I tried to get all the "main" races, but I know that I probably didn't)

    Votes: 16 5.8%

  • Total voters
I would be happy with any of the above who treated me well ,was madly in love with me, had the same morals, goals, ideal, etc.

But if I were presented with the finest man with all of that from each group, and couldn't choose a black man, I'd take a South East Asian guy. Like I did. :giggle:

Aaaaaaaaw that's cute:):yep:
I see my Latin boys are still putting it down in the lead. But my white boys are coming up! Indian boys, you need some love:lol:
well.... i'd have to say Asian men. When I was in college, I majored in Computer Science and 90% of the other students in that major are Asian men. We had a lot of foreign students from Japan, and OHMYGOODNESS!!! Firstly, my biggest attraction is to intelligence in a man, like programmer hacker ubergeeks. there was this one guy who was the sexiest guy I had ever laid eyes on. He always had his jet black shoulder length hair slicked back, always wore black turtlenecks and his bookbag slung across his chest.... ever since then i've had a craving for an asian man :lick:
ditto...asian men are so underrated it ain't even funny

well.... i'd have to say Asian men. When I was in college, I majored in Computer Science and 90% of the other students in that major are Asian men. We had a lot of foreign students from Japan, and OHMYGOODNESS!!! Firstly, my biggest attraction is to intelligence in a man, like programmer hacker ubergeeks. there was this one guy who was the sexiest guy I had ever laid eyes on. He always had his jet black shoulder length hair slicked back, always wore black turtlenecks and his bookbag slung across his chest.... ever since then i've had a craving for an asian man :lick:
well.... i'd have to say Asian men. When I was in college, I majored in Computer Science and 90% of the other students in that major are Asian men. We had a lot of foreign students from Japan, and OHMYGOODNESS!!! Firstly, my biggest attraction is to intelligence in a man, like programmer hacker ubergeeks. there was this one guy who was the sexiest guy I had ever laid eyes on. He always had his jet black shoulder length hair slicked back, always wore black turtlenecks and his bookbag slung across his chest.... ever since then i've had a craving for an asian man :lick:
ditto...asian men are so underrated it ain't even funny

I spent some time in Asia (mostly Japan), and I agree:yep:!
I like all types of guys. But I do notice that I am very attracted to people with dark features i.e. dark hair, eyes,tans, etc. I know that is like majority of the world, but all I want is Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome.


He is so fine!!!!!!!!
Pacific Islander, girl.

Those are some, big, fine people in general.

And I love learning about Island culture:yep:.

Have you seen a picture of Jason Mamoa (sp?) from Stargate Atlantis? He could HAVE it.
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This guy Rudy Youngblood is HOT! He's a Native American, of the Comanche tribe. He starred in that Mel Gibson movie, Apocalypto, and he was dang near naked throughout the whole movie--he was wearing a loincloth type thing that covered up his "loins" while his backside was completely bare!:lick:
I went to see the movie with my boyfriend, so i had to play off the fact that i was sitting there drooling the whole time.:lachen:
He is hot!!!!!!:kiss: Thanks for posting!

This guy Rudy Youngblood is HOT! He's a Native American, of the Comanche tribe. He starred in that Mel Gibson movie, Apocalypto, and he was dang near naked throughout the whole movie--he was wearing a loincloth type thing that covered up his "loins" while his backside was completely bare!:lick:
I went to see the movie with my boyfriend, so i had to play off the fact that i was sitting there drooling the whole time.:lachen:
I've seen some fine @$$ middle eastern men. I'd definitely holla.

Agreed. I only have one second choice and that is latinos that have some mixture of black like some dominicans and puerto ricans and thats where it ends. If I was to date outside my race it would be with other minorities.
Agreed. I only have one second choice and that is latinos that have some mixture of black like some dominicans and puerto ricans and thats where it ends. If I was to date outside my race it would be with other minorities.

:yep: I agree with you. If I date outside the race, I would prefer someone with some "African" ancestry!!!!!!!!!
Well my experiences have mostly been with White men due to exposure and similar interests. Besides, who am I to turn down someone who love sme and treats me well!!! I like whoever likes me!

HOWEVER: I find it hard to be attracted to white men that are "WASPS" with blond hair blue eyes that have never had to work for anything in their lives, Ivy League, etc... I am attracted to more "ethnic" white men like Irish, Italian, Greek, Serbian, etc. you know- someone who has had to struggle in some form or fashion and who has a sort of cultural pride in that fact. I can't get with the absolute stereotype of an Aryan man- That's too close for comfort for me! :ohwell:
Why you ask me crazy behind questions? You KNEW i was going to say filipino.....:ohwell:

Are you purposely trying to get me to be redundant?

Asian men. Especially Japanese men, with dark skin and gorgeous long, blak hair... *drool* Takeshi Kaneshiro, Kimura Takuya, please give me any one of them or both! I like European guys too. But Asian guys have a special place in my heart.
If I were to date outside of my race, it would definitely be a Latin man, preferably Dominican, Colombian, or Puerto Rican. They were the latinos that I went to high school with and they were fiiiine!
If I were to date outside of my race, it would definitely be a Latin man, preferably Dominican, Colombian, or Puerto Rican. They were the latinos that I went to high school with and they were fiiiine!

Looks like you aren't the only one! Latin boys are still in the lead
I wanted to add that I work with this cute Vietnamese guy who is really fine. He's got a pretty dark complexion (same color as me!) with really cut arms. I sometimes find myself staring. :grin: A little eye candy always gets you through the day.
Of course, like most of the ladies, I just want a good man and have no preference regarding race. However, I chose Latin men I'm actually atracted to men with brown/tanned skin no matter the race.
White > East Asian >>>>> Middle Eastern > Latino >>>>>>>>>> Indian

I've dated white men and I've dated one East Asian man (Korean). I do not think I will go East Asian again because my attraction to the group isn't very strong. However, East Asian men seem to like me, and I can see myself getting with a particularly hot one like Takeshi Kaneshiro or Rick Yune. I have no interest in Middle Eastern and Latino men but I guess I could live with dating o guy from that group if he was just amazing in every other way. I don't think I would ever date an Indian guy b/c I'm just not attracted to them at all, at all, not even to the supposedly "hot" ones.
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Asian men can be damn sexy! A little on the thin side usually but the faces can be striking!-White (pref, with some type of ethnic background. I like a little flavor in my saltines. Blondies with blue eyes and super pale skin need not reply but redheads do pique my interest)-American Indians can be yummy!Middle Eastern is ok. I can't really say I've ever been attracted to Latino's.