Do you date/marry outside your culture?

Will be marrying outside of my culture in December. He is Ghanaian and I am African American. We are both believers in Christ. I have always known I would marry someone from another culture. Which one? I did not know. Have I done so before (as far as date)? No, but that was what was always attracted to me. I have only dated one African American man. I have dated few but, the ones that I have either been from the Virgin Islands, etc. and their families have always loved me. We get along fine. As a matter of fact that is a joy of ours sharing one another's culture through travel, clothing, jewelry, food/cooking, language, etc. It has been and is fun. I think what is really important is that you have a strong and similiar belief system. For instance, he moved me because he was the first man that I met that really had a firm foundation in his walk with God, who would pray for me and with me. He was and is honorable and is that way toward me. We are simple and never complex (if so lol , it is usually me but he balances it being calm). (Smiling)..This relationship is cherishable.

I wish you many blessings!!!