I really say this when I look at all the black guys that I know and know of. I mean this is not the information I WANT to put out there but it's what I see.
I know BM from the slobs to the Directors and VP's in companies. And sadly, I'm just seeing alot of them take many of the characteristics that I mentioned. Yes, even the educated, have family's, and supposedly responsible ones. I am really dissapointed in what I've seen. I do know of some good ones, but they are soooo few. I know of 3 good ones out of all those myself and my cousins and friends discuss. I've even heard OTHER black men say the VERY SAME THING. I mean, when will we as BW stop with the pity party and blaming ourselves for the lack of self-dignity that a considerable number of our men have? To me most of comments in this thread will make other BW who don't know any better, feel pityful, feel less than, feel that what they are and have is not worth, and run like puppies after a man, any man, when imo it's not them. Again, from the nice and good BM, I'm hearing from them what I am saying here. I hear other BM SAY THE VERY SAME THING. Some of them
when they see what a large majority are doing. When are WE going to stop and face reality? It's to many single BW. And not enough BM who are up to par.
But dst, I'm not the only one who says this. I may be the only person being open and brutally honest on this thread, but I hear mostly the same thing from alot of BW.
Now the guy I talk to, we are long distance and I'm not that much into him. He really needs alot of work that I'm not willing to put in. Now someone will say that's your problem, no, because i am not obligated to bring another grown *** man up. I'm tired. I'm working on me i don't have time to work on another grown person.
So honey I'm just being again brutally honest. thats one thing about us as people, we've moved from do-ers (post slavery days) to deflect-the-issue people.
before we can address the problem, we've got to identify the problem. And once BW have raised the kids, become the breadwinner, and now they are making huge strides, now the BW is the cause of why many are single? When many of our men are not well suited for us? Do you HONESTLY believe otherwise? Statistics show the opposite.