"What you won't do, someone else will!" How true is this?

God forgive me for what I'm about to share..........

Last night, I went to bible class. It was very crowded. So, the only chair was next this young man. I sat down...a funk invaded my nostrils. I was surprised. I thought maybe someone just farted. The smell will eventually go away.

No................ the smell didn't go away.

For 3 hours that butt smell totured me. :nono::nono::nono:

I dated a guy that sat on my couch and his butt smell was in my couch cushions. It smelled like straight wet rump. I had to strip the couch cover and cushions and wash the whole thing.:nono:

Nobody's ever discussed sexual expectations before getting married?
Shoot, I did! :grin: Heck, I put all the cards out there with my boyfriends. Physical intimacy is VERY important to me and I do have deal breakers. Considering the friction sex can cause in a relationship, talking about expectations and limitations early on is a sure fire way to avoid a headache later, IMO.
I don't think she is to blame for the affair, that's on him. However I DO believe that what you won't do , someone else will be more than happy to! I don't that you should withhold ANYTHING sexually from your spouse. As long as it doesn't cause you physical harm or involve bringing in other people (unless you're down with that:look:), I say do it, and do it WELL. If she doesn't want to swallow to complete the act of felatio, if she squeezes the base of the penis at the point her hubby is about to ejaculate, she can prevent the physical ejacualtion without stopping his orgasm. And most men can't tell the difference unless you tell them what you did, :grin:.

I also think every married woman should own a pair of hooker pumps and a couple of wigs....keeps it so he never knows who he may encounter when he gets home.....:look::grin:
These posts about funky n/butt men are cracking me UP!!! :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:And people act like women are the only ones who can be "not so fresh". :giggle:
I don't think she is to blame for the affair, that's on him. However I DO believe that what you won't do , someone else will be more than happy to! I don't that you should withhold ANYTHING sexually from your spouse. As long as it doesn't cause you physical harm or involve bringing in other people (unless you're down with that:look:), I say do it, and do it WELL. If she doesn't want to swallow to complete the act of felatio, if she squeezes the base of the penis at the point her hubby is about to ejaculate, she can prevent the physical ejacualtion without stopping his orgasm. And most men can't tell the difference unless you tell them what you did, :grin:.

I also think every married woman should own a pair of hooker pumps and a couple of wigs....keeps it so he never knows who he may encounter when he gets home.....:look::grin:

Good suggestions, but um..on that "ANYTHING" part :giggle:
I think people should be opening (or at least a one time try) to enjoying, exploring, and pleasing their spouse sexually even in areas they may not otherwise have entertained, but "ANYTHING"? :lachen:
If I were married to a guy for 5+ years I don't care how you flip it, I'm not plunging his manhole. I'm not dressing up as a Pokeman character. I'm not calling him by slutty bad man whore who's about to be punished while lightly beating him with a Jimmy Choo. I won't cradle him and let him call me mommy.

So yeah umm...I'mma need you to put that "ANYTHING" in lowercase and add an "almost" :giggle:
Good suggestions, but um..on that "ANYTHING" part :giggle:
I think people should be opening (or at least a one time try) to enjoying, exploring, and pleasing their spouse sexually even in areas they may not otherwise have entertained, but "ANYTHING"? :lachen:
If I were married to a guy for 5+ years I don't care how you flip it, I'm not plunging his manhole. I'm not dressing up as a Pokeman character. I'm not calling him by slutty bad man whore who's about to be punished while lightly beating him with a Jimmy Choo. I won't cradle him and let him call me mommy.

So yeah umm...I'mma need you to put that "ANYTHING" in lowercase and add an "almost" :giggle:

I know thats right!!!
I don't think she is to blame for the affair, that's on him. However I DO believe that what you won't do , someone else will be more than happy to! I don't that you should withhold ANYTHING sexually from your spouse. As long as it doesn't cause you physical harm or involve bringing in other people (unless you're down with that:look:), I say do it, and do it WELL. If she doesn't want to swallow to complete the act of felatio, if she squeezes the base of the penis at the point her hubby is about to ejaculate, she can prevent the physical ejacualtion without stopping his orgasm. And most men can't tell the difference unless you tell them what you did, :grin:.

I also think every married woman should own a pair of hooker pumps and a couple of wigs....keeps it so he never knows who he may encounter when he gets home.....:look::grin:

:nono: Girl no, I just can't. Let DH ask me if he can stick something where it don't belong. I could just see me going off the deepend. My girlfriend's husband asked her about some freaky stuff and she did it. When she told me about it I said you should have asked him if you could stick him first. If he don't want it in his butt, I def don't want it in mine.:nono:
Good suggestions, but um..on that "ANYTHING" part :giggle:
I think people should be opening (or at least a one time try) to enjoying, exploring, and pleasing their spouse sexually even in areas they may not otherwise have entertained, but "ANYTHING"? :lachen:
If I were married to a guy for 5+ years I don't care how you flip it, I'm not plunging his manhole. I'm not dressing up as a Pokeman character. I'm not calling him by slutty bad man whore who's about to be punished while lightly beating him with a Jimmy Choo. I won't cradle him and let him call me mommy.

So yeah umm...I'mma need you to put that "ANYTHING" in lowercase and add an "almost" :giggle:

Girl, :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: Ok, I feel you. Wow, you got me dyin' over here, bout to drop my precious Macbook on the floor!!!!

I don't know...it could be a major stress reliever to dress up like a dominatrix, get a paddle, and beat the hell outta him...and then make him call you Mommy.:look::grin:
:nono: Girl no, I just can't. Let DH ask me if he can stick something where it don't belong. I could just see me going off the deepend. My girlfriend's husband asked her about some freaky stuff and she did it. When she told me about it I said you should have asked him if you could stick him first. If he don't want it in his butt, I def don't want it in mine.:nono:

I did say as long as it doesn't cause you physical harm, :lachen::lachen: I think going anal definitely causes physical harm!!!!
Girl, :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: Ok, I feel you. Wow, you got me dyin' over here, bout to drop my precious Macbook on the floor!!!!

I don't know...it could be a major stress reliever to dress up like a dominatrix, get a paddle, and beat the hell outta him...and then make him call you Mommy.:look::grin:

:lachen: :lachen:
Okay well what about the the pokemon costume? or delving into the chocolate volcanic cave with a nuticular shaped device. There was a scene in the Sopranos where Tony's sister was calling her DH her filthy whore and that he better work those streets and earn that money. I'm sure he also wore her undies. Nahhhh son! Nahhhh! Homie don't play that.
I did say as long as it doesn't cause you physical harm, :lachen::lachen: I think going anal definitely causes physical harm!!!!

:lachen::lachen::lachen: That's why she told me. Asking me to call my moma and ask her what to do. I'm not calling my mother about something like that, she would tell all her friends it was me. "D done let him stick her up....."
But really you should know by your mates response to things seen on movies , past conversations what they would be up for.
Maybe he should try cleaning himself up better. Maybe that would help.
stop smoking that WEED

Well, he loved her enough to marry her in spite of this. This is really taking a toll on her and I don't know what to tell her besides give head.:lachen:
tell her to watch some porn... it can be inspirational... teaches technique and shows you what to do with the explosion... that might be what's intimidating her - thinking she won't be good at it.

She's not and she agreed with my cousin one day that she likes to lay down most of the time. Don't know chile.....
that's just selfish!

How do they get along outside of this? How old are they and how long were they together before marriage? I would think informed adults usually know what's what before marriage.
yeah. maybe she's a complete taker and expects him to be a giver in all areas?

Ohhhh...An eye for an eye shawty, you do me I do you...what she think this is? Well then...

This is a good suggestion because there are some women may be very allergic to the lemon juice and battery acid flavor of some nuticular milk shakes.
Girl, :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: Ok, I feel you. Wow, you got me dyin' over here, bout to drop my precious Macbook on the floor!!!!

I don't know...it could be a major stress reliever to dress up like a dominatrix, get a paddle, and beat the hell outta him...and then make him call you Mommy.:look::grin:

Can't lie. I've done it.
Eh..that's a tough one for me since I don't see giving oral as a big deal if you are in a relationship. If she doesn't like it, she is going to be terrible at it if she even attempts and he won't like it. Soooo...I don't know.

I'm all for a candid sexual discussion before I tie the knot.
I think it's a tradeoff. I've tried things that I never thought of because DH wanted to :blush:. Nothing that I felt was uncomfortable or demeaning :look:.

If I liked it - fine, if not, it was crossed of the list and that's it. DH does the same for me. Nothing to get divorced over!!
Nobody's ever discussed sexual expectations before getting married?

Heck yeah! Shoot, that discussion was right up there with 'What is your credit like' and 'How do you plan to discipline the kids'.

The three MAIN things that break up a marriage - sex, money, and parenting issues. You best believe we made sure we were on a similar page on ALL of those things (or at least fully understood where we clashed) before we got married - that's just - sensible.

Was that a good thing or a bad thing?

I mean it seems most couples already know what they will and wont do sexually if they chose to have a sexual relationship before getting married.

And then some women will not give up all their sexual goodies until they tie the knot so a man may ASSUME that he'll get the FULL monty when married.

Or some women imply they will get freakier once they know 'it's a sure thing/he's totally committed to me' and then renig. :look:

Can I ask this question: Why do heterosexuals employ homosexual sexual acts? A man has a penis and a woman has a vagina. Why is said penis going anywhere besides said vagina?

Another question: Do I really want to know the answer to the previous question(s)? Probably not...:perplexed

Because it feels good. :lachen: No sex 'act' is innately heterosexual or homosexual - the people doing the act is what makes it hetero or homo. :lachen: Penis & vagina is the simplest, most instinctive combination - designed to produce babies. Humans, however, have an imagination, and we REALLY like orgasms - thus, we get creative. :lachen:
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