"What you won't do, someone else will!" How true is this?

Heck yeah! Shoot, that discussion was right up there with 'What is your credit like' and 'How do you plan to discipline the kids'.

The three MAIN things that break up a marriage - sex, money, and parenting issues. You best believe we made sure we were on a similar page on ALL of those things (or at least fully understood where we clashed) before we got married - that's just - sensible.

Or some women imply they will get freakier once they know 'it's a sure thing/he's totally committed to me' and then renig. :look:

Because it feels good. :lachen: No sex 'act' is innately heterosexual or homosexual - the people doing the act is what makes it hetero or homo. :lachen: Penis & vagina is the simplest, most instinctive combination - designed to produce babies. Humans, however, have an imagination, and we REALLY like orgasms - thus, we get creative. :lachen:

Nice post. Some people do renig on stuff once they are married. Who wants to be married and make love to a zombie.:nono:
she wants to lay down mostly while colouring too--oh noo boo boo--

damn--feel sorry for her boo--zombie style sexs seems like whats the point boo--

get a vibrator and call it a day--lmaoooo
Heck yeah! Shoot, that discussion was right up there with 'What is your credit like' and 'How do you plan to discipline the kids'.

The three MAIN things that break up a marriage - sex, money, and parenting issues. You best believe we made sure we were on a similar page on ALL of those things (or at least fully understood where we clashed) before we got married - that's just - sensible.

Or some women imply they will get freakier once they know 'it's a sure thing/he's totally committed to me' and then renig. :look:

But folks arent talking bout these things! How can you not!

How can you assume that your mate likes to take it slow in the bedroom unless you ask BEFORE you get in there?

Cause it could become a sex scene out of "Sex & The City"....You're about to have your first sexual experience together, you're in the bed and he reaches over in his goody drawer and pulls out a double dildo, handcuffs, a muffle, and some anal beads..AND proceeds to put on some nature music to have sex to....u laying in the bed naked looking like :blush: WTF?

Dont look surprised when he pulls out this stuff cause you didnt ask him what he liked/disliked in the bedroom. You thought he liked to listen to Luther Vandross and he does....but he likes to make love to the sound of Crickets and Bullfrogs too.
But folks arent talking bout these things! How can you not!

How can you assume that your mate likes to take it slow in the bedroom unless you ask BEFORE you get in there?

Cause it could become a sex scene out of "Sex & The City"....You're about to have your first sexual experience together, you're in the bed and he reaches over in his goody drawer and pulls out a double dildo, handcuffs, a muffle, and some anal beads..AND proceeds to put on some nature music to have sex to....u laying in the bed naked looking like :blush: WTF?

Dont look surprised when he pulls out this stuff cause you didnt ask him what he liked/disliked in the bedroom. You thought he liked to listen to Luther Vandross and he does....but he likes to make love to the sound of Crickets and Bullfrogs too.

I don't know - I really don't. :nono: People making assumptions and so forth, and are sadly disappointed once they are in the situation/moment/marriage - and then resentment and anger starts to set in, and feeling like you were tricked/fooled - and Bam! Somebodies filing for divorce. :nono: Or, somebody is sinking into and 'settling' in their marriage - despite not getting what they've always wanted from a relationship. :nono:

Bless their hearts. :lol:
But folks arent talking bout these things! How can you not!

How can you assume that your mate likes to take it slow in the bedroom unless you ask BEFORE you get in there?

Cause it could become a sex scene out of "Sex & The City"....You're about to have your first sexual experience together, you're in the bed and he reaches over in his goody drawer and pulls out a double dildo, handcuffs, a muffle, and some anal beads..AND proceeds to put on some nature music to have sex to....u laying in the bed naked looking like :blush: WTF?

Dont look surprised when he pulls out this stuff cause you didnt ask him what he liked/disliked in the bedroom. You thought he liked to listen to Luther Vandross and he does....but he likes to make love to the sound of Crickets and Bullfrogs too.

:lachen::lachen::lachen: we have never had this problem.

Lets play role reversal for a moment....

If a woman went down on her man very regularly but he would never return the favour...and when asked why, kept saying that he hated her taste, would you ladies still be siding with him, and saying he has the right to avoid doing anything he doesn't want to do?

IDK a life time seems like a reaaallly long time not to be getting anymore oral

Lets play role reversal for a moment....

If a woman went down on her man very regularly but he would never return the favour...and when asked why, kept saying that he hated her taste, would you ladies still be siding with him, and saying he has the right to avoid doing anything he doesn't want to do?

IDK a life time seems like a reaaallly long time not to be getting anymore oral

If he told me before me married that I tasted nasty and he didn't want to do it?? How can she marry him knowing he thinks that if that's important to her?
If he told me before me married that I tasted nasty and he didn't want to do it?? How can she marry him knowing he thinks that if that's important to her?

Exactly if it was THAT important then he should not have married her, PERIOD. Not everybody likes to do that and she has every right to feel that way and not do something she isn't comfortable with. But that still doesn't mean he is justified in cheating. I think it's sad to cheat or divorce over something like that. I know it feels good but if you are still getting nooky, then you should be happy with that. I would never have my dh do something he wasn't comfortable with and vice versa. We love each other and want the other to be happy and actually enjoy love making not feel disgusted and resentful. Q
Just a cop out on his part. :rolleyes:

This is what kills me about cheaters. Like another poster said, sex ranks very high up there when you are choosing your life mate. If you are not in agreement on the bedroom business, it will never work!

So instead of being a honest up front person about what he needs, he would rather marry her, then tell her he's not happy with the bedroom business (when he knew), then cheat and make her feel like it's because of something she did or didn't do!

= BOY! :rolleyes:

I would drop that ZERO!
If she knows for sure that he is cheating, it would be a wrap for me. It would take some serious prayer and therapy/counseling for both of us (together and/or separately) to overcome that breach of trust.

I agree I think it's going beyond 'head.'
I am late in this thread...did she make it clear to him that she didn't like his taste and performing the act before they married?? Or maybe she gave other reasons she was hesitant or didn't do it....??? Did she make him think that was something she only reserved for somebody who was her husband???

It could of easily not just been on him "settling" and thinking she would change after marriage, If she wanted to be married then she could of not been as honest with him as she could of been on the situation for fear that he just might not marry her if she was really honest about how she felt about it....she could of made it into something else to make him think it wasnt as big a deal to her as it actually is

I don't think this is a onesided issue by any means

these sorts of situations happen all the time and its to help people grow for themselves and quite easily with each other...things are being brought to forefront that need to be addressed, and when we don't see them, or run from them or deny, pretend and dillude ourselves and others usually our actions and experiences turn into situations where its going to be thrown in ur face to see whats really going on... and as much as we like to think everybody should be acting like saints most people just simply aren't there yet, and nowhere near close to it and act very selfishly instead of lovingly... and people won't get there until they start seeing what their life experiences as lessons for growth (esp the "bad" ones) instead of opportunities to blame, judge, berate and beat down themselves and others...and that also goes for everybody on the outside looking in who like to add onto the negativity on one side or the other
She just doesn't like the taste, particularly the smell. I think more than anything she thinks its too demeaning. BUt after your hubby brushes then its back on right??!!

wait is old dude UNCUT?

men with uncut johnsons can have smegma -- a cheesy like substance that builds up everyday under the skin. that's also why their penis is constantly wet and damp.

nobody wants to lick sticky cheese!!

it can smell really rank and make the penis also smell like urine.

also when he urinates and if he does not shake and wipe (i'm sorry but uncut men should be wiping the tips of their penis) then the urine gets pulled back under the skin.

it can get really scary down there!!

from healthboards:

Sweet Gal 25
01-22-2003, 08:55 PM
SOmetimes the head of my boyfriend's penis smells fishy and I notice this before sex. He is uncircumsised - could this be smegma from his foreskin?

01-26-2003, 10:14 AM
A fishy smell under the foreskin is normal in uncut guys, but it shouldn't be overpowering or offensive - if it is, it could be a sign he isn't pulling back the foreskin and washing under there everyday in the shower like he should, and if its really strong fishy smell, it could be a sign of a yeast or fungal infection under the foreskin.

The smell is from the natural sweating and oil secretion from the skin, trapped between two layers of skin that are always on top of each other. Often excess drops of urine and precum and semen get trapped under the foreskin too, and mix with the sweat and oils to further the odor and create smegma, along with dead skin cells that constantly come off the head and inner foreskin.
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wait is old dude UNCUT?

men with uncut johnsons can have smegma -- a cheesy like substance that builds up everyday under the skin. that's also why there penis is constantly wet and damp.

nobody wants to lick sticky cheese!!

it can smell really rank and make the penis also smell like urine.

also when he urinates and if he does not shake and wipe (i'm sorry but uncut men should be wiping the tips of their penis) then the urine gets pulled back under the skin.

it's can get really scary down there!!

from healthboards:

Sweet Gal 25
01-22-2003, 08:55 PM
SOmetimes the head of my boyfriend's penis smells fishy and I notice this before sex. He is uncircumsised - could this be smegma from his foreskin?

01-26-2003, 10:14 AM
A fishy smell under the foreskin is normal in uncut guys, but it shouldn't be overpowering or offensive - if it is, it could be a sign he isn't pulling back the foreskin and washing under there everyday in the shower like he should, and if its really strong fishy smell, it could be a sign of a yeast or fungal infection under the foreskin.

The smell is from the natural sweating and oil secretion from the skin, trapped between two layers of skin that are always on top of each other. Often excess drops of urine and precum and semen get trapped under the foreskin too, and mix with the sweat and oils to further the odor and create smegma, along with dead skin cells that constantly come off the head and inner foreskin.

It is NOT normal for intact men to have a fishy smell!!! Ew! No more normal than it is for a woman to have one! Ew, ew, ew, ewwwww!!!

That's just dirtiness - has nothing to do with being intact - just means he - as Dlewis has been saying - ain't cleaning his arse & peen right. :nono: Just. NASTY.

Cut or intact, if girls can keep their folds and crevices smelling pretty, dudes ain't got NO EXCUSE.
It is NOT normal for intact men to have a fishy smell!!! Ew! No more normal than it is for a woman to have one! Ew, ew, ew, ewwwww!!!

That's just dirtiness - has nothing to do with being intact - just means he - as Dlewis has been saying - ain't cleaning his arse & peen right. :nono: Just. NASTY.

Cut or intact, if girls can keep their folds and crevices smelling pretty, dudes ain't got NO EXCUSE.

:lachen::lachen: yep

I'm so glad I've taught my kids well. My son's gonna make sure he wipe his butt good. I might have to send him back to wash his underarms but I have never smelled butt on him.
It is NOT normal for intact men to have a fishy smell!!! Ew! No more normal than it is for a woman to have one! Ew, ew, ew, ewwwww!!!

That's just dirtiness - has nothing to do with being intact - just means he - as Dlewis has been saying - ain't cleaning his arse & peen right. :nono: Just. NASTY.

Cut or intact, if girls can keep their folds and crevices smelling pretty, dudes ain't got NO EXCUSE.

i'm not saying it is, what i said is some men can have this smell from the smegma.

so i'm thinking if it's that bad, he may also be COUPLING IT with being uncut and we all know for a fact an uncut penis needs a bit more attention than a cut one because of the smegma.

i just thought i'd point it out.

some moms/dads don't teach their sons how to wash their johnsons. shame!!! and these boys grow up to be men with a stank penis! :nono:
i'm not saying it is, what i said is some men can have this smell from the smegma.

so i'm thinking if it's that bad, he may also be COUPLING IT with being uncut and we all know for a fact an uncut penis needs a bit more attention than a cut one because of the smegma.

i just thought i'd point it out.

some moms/dads don't teach their sons how to wash their johnsons. shame!!! and these boys grow up to be men with a stank penis! :nono:

:) :yep: I feel you - just wanted to be sure it was clear - some folks would take that an run with it - some uncut men stank!!! :lachen: Nawh, they just dirty.
okay i'm done!!


Boyfriend's penis problem (SMELL!)?

Okay, recently I was spending time with my boyfriend and we were beginning to have oral sex and um... I had pulled down his foreskin on his penis and a horribly disgusting smell, almost like rotting cheese swelled from underneath. I don't know if it was the head or what but um, I think was stupid for still giving him a b-job... but I didn't want to hurt his feelings. And no, his penis doesn't smell like that because his body pheromones are a turn-on and smells great. Just his penis...

So, the question... What can I tell him to do to get that s*** medicated? Like a oil or something? We're teens, (16 and 17) so no old man medicine. And how should I tell him without hurting his feelings??

  • 11 months ago
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:) :yep: I feel you - just wanted to be sure it was clear - some folks would take that an run with it - some uncut men stank!!! :lachen: Nawh, they just dirty.

yeah i forgot this is lhcf - the the world of half read posts and over amplified assumptions! :lachen:

that other part i pulled from the web - i googled smelly penis! :lachen:
okay i'm through!!


Boyfriend's penis problem (SMELL!)?

Okay, recently I was spending time with my boyfriend and we were beginning to have oral sex and um... I had pulled down his foreskin on his penis and a horribly disgusting smell, almost like rotting cheese swelled from underneath. I don't know if it was the head or what but um, I think was stupid for still giving him a b-job... but I didn't want to hurt his feelings. And no, his penis doesn't smell like that because his body pheromones are a turn-on and smells great. Just his penis...

So, the question... What can I tell him to do to get that s*** medicated? Like a oil or something? We're teens, (16 and 17) so no old man medicine. And how should I tell him without hurting his feelings??

  • 11 months ago


A#1, I'm mad she was still speaking into a dirty mike. B#2, if yo stuff stank, there ain't no way to gently point out that yo arse is DIRTY. C#3, really babygirl? I'mma need for you to get some selfworth, and proudly proclaim you don't suck nothing that stank! D#4 - he don't need any medicine - he needs SOAP.
okay i'm done!!


Boyfriend's penis problem (SMELL!)?

Okay, recently I was spending time with my boyfriend and we were beginning to have oral sex and um... I had pulled down his foreskin on his penis and a horribly disgusting smell, almost like rotting cheese swelled from underneath. I don't know if it was the head or what but um, I think was stupid for still giving him a b-job... but I didn't want to hurt his feelings. And no, his penis doesn't smell like that because his body pheromones are a turn-on and smells great. Just his penis...

So, the question... What can I tell him to do to get that s*** medicated? Like a oil or something? We're teens, (16 and 17) so no old man medicine. And how should I tell him without hurting his feelings??

  • 11 months ago

I wonder if he'll be doing her if her smelled like that.:perplexed
You look hot

thank you mama

as far as the title of this thread...true inner motives and intentions on why anybody does or doesn't do anything will make the situation what it is outside of themselves.....in this case if I had to bet money why she doesn't like to give hubby head its more personal to her than to him....regardless even if she did do it ...and if she didnt like doing it and was only doing it to please him or keep him satisfied or stop him from straying or what not and he still stepped out then that whole what u not doing somebody else will goes out the window because the issue may go way deeper than just whether or not she does or doesn't do it for him...they physical part of sex wears off really quickly for people, the deeper connections and energy exchanged between people is what makes a bigger difference in who and why one wants to engage with someone in it, and if one or both people have some sorts of issues with it and it builds bigger instead of gets fixed then that sexual connection gets weaker instead of bonding them stronger on that level, or if they both have detrimental issues then the bond may seem "stronger" but its fueling both parties with detrimental energy...some people subconsciously pull away from it and gravitate elsewhere looking for that connection and thats not necessarily because they don't love or care about the other person (for as much as they know how to), its because they aren't themselves capable of being that fuel either to heal and help bring the other closer....what they are looking for in that person they can't get and they don't have it...so they go out looking elsewhere for it
lol@ smelly dangalangs...

If his penis been smellin like rotten eggs for the whole time she been with him and she hasn't told him yet, and still married him then there is still a lack of communications and honesty issue goin on lol

she gonna have to do what my friend says he has had to do to females...let her smell herself and ask her if she thought that stench is okay and healthy and don't be tryin to engage in sex with people smellin like this

"look I love you n all, but have u smelled urself I don't think this is healthy honey?"
I'm :perplexed: when did giving head become demeaning, especially between husband and wife. *shrugs* This is a funny thread though
I'm :perplexed: when did giving head become demeaning, especially between husband and wife. *shrugs* This is a funny thread though

:look: Depends on how you were raised, on the real. I was raised believing only nasty/fast/whorish girl did that. :look: I grew out of that ish, real quick - but it is a meme in some households - on your back, drink of wine first, think of your country, do it for the babies and all that. :lachen:

Poor women. :(
If he told me before me married that I tasted nasty and he didn't want to do it?? How can she marry him knowing he thinks that if that's important to her?

I see your point but i still think she is being V selfish.

They should be together for life so if she has issues with giving head, she needs to do things to overcome them. (iE try only doing it after he has had a shower, smothering mike in anything sweet,.... and stopping before he shoots, then hopping on to finish...wala...no taste)


See what i mean?:rolleyes: