"What you won't do, someone else will!" How true is this?

You mentioned in the OP that she said it didn't taste good.

I can't blame her on that one, I can't kiss DH if his breath stinks:nono:, it's very offensive to me, and he gotta go brush.

She just doesn't like the taste, particularly the smell. I think more than anything she thinks its too demeaning. BUt after your hubby brushes then its back on right??!!

I had bigger things to ask him about...:perplexed

well good for you.

I personally believe that sex should be part of the discussion. Especially since you're relying on the person to satisfy you in an intimate manner for the rest of your life.

I think its a good thing to know what your getting yourself into.

Throwing your socks on the floor, leaving the toilet seat up and snoring at night aren't big things either but I still want to know about it before hand.
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So there were no raised eyebrows in the bedroom when trying to do something or perhaps trying NOT to do something?

I would think for most it would go something like (while in the act) "do this, move here, turning over this way" (something that person may like).

But you know what the person you're with will do.
How do they get along outside of this? How old are they and how long were they together before marriage? I would think informed adults usually know what's what before marriage.

We all went to undergrad together. They are in their late 20s. They've been together since their junior year.
And I'm sorry but she needs to make up her mind what she's going to do. She's a solid 8 who doesn't really cook, house isn't that tidy, etc. Come on now....

He must have loved something about her, because she is not sounding too appealing....is she rich, come from money, dress her butt off??? 'Cause if a man is getting his coloring right, he will overlook a lot of things :laugh: Sounds like she is slacking to me....
We live together before we were married, so he knew.

How exactly do you go about having a conversation like that? "baby do you give head?" :perplexed no either do you it or you don't?

Some people may express a concern about what sex will be like once married. Considering that the running joke is that its over after marriage.

I think a joke like that sparked the conversation between me and my ex.
He must have loved something about her, because she is not sounding too appealing....is she rich, come from money, dress her butt off??? 'Cause if a man is getting his coloring right, he will overlook a lot of things :laugh: Sounds like she is slacking to me....

Her daddy is a district judge her mom is a retired nursing administrator.
IMHO- they both need to mature a lil bit.

I don't neccessarily agree she should be receiving so wholeheartedly and not being willing to please her man in the same manner. This is her husband, not some boyfriend. It sounds like she's selfish, he can go downtown but she can't speak in the mic?

as far as the act being demeaning- if he's taking the subway, how is it demeaning for her to do the same thing? If the act is demeaning, it should go both ways, not just when he want her to return the favor.

This reminds me of that movie.... let's see which one was it with D.L. Hughley with the wife who absolutely refused to speak into the mic? She had a good man, who provided and all of that and all he wanted was for her to sing to him every now and then. This is just one of those instances where she gotta decide how important her man's pleasure is to her.

If he's cheating over some mic spitting, that's an entirely different story. You can't make somebody cheat, cheating is solely a personal choice and often times cheaters use excuses such as not getting mic service as a reason. He needs some self-control.
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I would think for most it would go something like (while in the act) "do this, move here, turning over this way" (something that person may like).

But you know what the person you're with will do.
Exactly! I must be boring b/c there isn't anything he had to ask about...:lol:

He never brought anything in the room that made me look sidewayz at him...WTH are some of yall doing in the bedroom?:ohwell::blush::lachen:
Maybe his/her approach is all wrong.......

they should take a shower together..make sure everyone is nice and clean.

buy some flavored body gel.....he/she should know what flavor to buy.

Dim the lights, if necessary. I like to see what I'm doin and so does hubby :look:

Speak into the mic please....mic check 1,2 1,2 :yep:
In some cases its not so much as not knowing what your partner will do. Its a matter of whether or not they will keep doing what they do.

Also, I think either MizzBrown or Whips may have mentioned it before... How many times have you heard women say that they will not do certain things for anyone but their future husband. Why assume that she will turn into the freak that you've always wanted when you can just ask
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In some cases it not so much as not knowing what your partner will do. Its a matter of whether or not they will keep doing what they do.

Also, I think either MizzBrown or Whips may have mentioned it before... How many times have you heard women say that they will not do certain things for anyone but their future husband. Why assume that she will turn into the freak that you've always wanted when you can just ask

Dunno, maybe he was thinking that she was like most of her sorors who really got down...lmao I've seen the footage that some Que's head while getting down with her crew.:lachen:
In some cases it not so much as not knowing what your partner will do. Its a matter of whether or not they will keep doing what they do.

Also, I think either MizzBrown or Whips may have mentioned it before... How many times have you heard women say that they will not do certain things for anyone but their future husband. Why assume that she will turn into the freak that you've always wanted when you can just ask

I hear you!

I just didnt have that problem:look:
Of course there is somebody out there who will do what you won't do, but the real question is will the man respect them after doing said act? Probably not. Who wants to demean themselves by doing things they're not comfortable with?
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Dunno, maybe he was thinking that she was like most of her sorors who really got down...lmao I've seen the footage that some Que's head while getting down with her crew.:lachen:

Maybe that's what he thought. Like my mama used to say "He thought like Lit, Lit was the man who thought like ____( rhymes with spit) :lachen:
"lady in the streets, freak in the sheets. " maybe this saying rings true when it comes to marriage?? :scratchch

They have to do what's comfortable for them. When you get married, it stops being all about "her" and it becomes all about "us."

I dunno. To each his own.
When it comes to relationships particularly marriages? Right after our college graduation, a friend of mine got married. During the first 2 years, she painted a picture that the marriage was perfect. However, about a year after that, she broke down and confessed that she really couldn't bring herself to give fellatio. :look: Okay, so I asked her why and she stated, "because I just don't like it and the taste is horrible." I asked her did she talk to her husband about it and she said yes. She said he accepted that she didn't do it when they were dating but that he thought she would get over it once they were married. Well, she didn't and now she suspects(almost 100% sure) he is having an affair.

So is she to blame? Its not like he asked her to have a threesome or something more extreme. She also confessed she likes to lay down most of the time(while colouring).:perplexed

Did her ever give her 'favors' if so....it is kind of trife if she never returned the 'favor'. I do know women like that.
"lady in the streets, freak in the sheets. " maybe this saying rings true when it comes to marriage?? :scratchch

They have to do what's comfortable for them. When you get married, it stops being all about "her" and it becomes all about "us."

I dunno. To each his own.

It is true to a point. And it works both ways.....Hubby- suit and tie in the streets, loin cloth and g-string in tha sheets :lick:
