Twist/Braid/Bun for Growth Challenge (4/1/2012 - 6/30/2012)

Now I'm unsure about these twists. :( They make me feel so UGH...not sure what word to describe it. Yesterday I retwisted my twists to try to make the parts look more cute in the front but I still feel crappy about my hair being in twists. Right now, I'm wearing it in a high bun and I feel like a cone head and some impoverished school girl. I wish I could wear my twist down but they are not full or even length like other naturals that I see. And the ends of some of my twists unravel. I don't know. I'm thinking about the twistout routine to grow my hair out. :ohwell:
Now I'm unsure about these twists. :( They make me feel so UGH...not sure what word to describe it. Yesterday I retwisted my twists to try to make the parts look more cute in the front but I still feel crappy about my hair being in twists. Right now, I'm wearing it in a high bun and I feel like a cone head and some impoverished school girl. I wish I could wear my twist down but they are not full or even length like other naturals that I see. And the ends of some of my twists unravel. I don't know. I'm thinking about the twistout routine to grow my hair out. :ohwell:

I have given up on twists as well, they get really frizzy, look spacey and anorexic and l feel like I look like a child . Yours look nice though, way better than mine.
I have given up on twists as well, they get really frizzy, look spacey and anorexic and l feel like I look like a child . Yours look nice though, way better than mine.

They look nice only in pictures on the first day after doing the twists and if they are smaller twists. My medium/big twists look spacey and anorexic and have to be worn in an updo in order to look halfway decent. I just like big natural hair or straightened hair, I can't help it. I think I can alternate between the two now that I have my technique and products down pat after all these years. *crossing my fingers* :pray:
Poohbear and Imani I'm sorry to hear that you two are disliking your hair. How do you ladies twist your hair? Dry? Damp? On blow dried hair? What products are you using? Do part your hair, grab-n-go, or do a mixture of those techniques?
Poohbear and Imani I'm sorry to hear that you two are disliking your hair. How do you ladies twist your hair? Dry? Damp? On blow dried hair? What products are you using? Do part your hair, grab-n-go, or do a mixture of those techniques?

NappyNelle - this last time, I twisted my hair when it was dry doing the grab and go method with Mane N Tail Conditioner. If I twist on wet hair, it looks worse. And the product I use doesn't matter either. I've used grease, creams, moisturizers, and conditioners for my twists over the years of being natural. I used to part my hair all over but now I just do grab-n-go and sometimes part in the front. None of that matters when it comes to the thickness and the way my twists fall and hang. :ohwell: The only time my twists look right is if I do small twists but I don't feel like doing a bunch of small twists and having to take them down is a pain.
Poohbear and Imani, You ladies are making me cry. I was hoping my spacey, thin twists would look better when my hair got longer. But you are saying no :sad:

I'm so sad.
faithVA - I want my twists to look like this:




But when I take a section of hair that is the same size as hers at the root, my twist comes out puny, not thick and full. :(
Today's wash day (I co-wash 2x a week). Gonna co-wash, DC, massage my scalp, apply leave in, cream and twist. Probably big (but not huge) twists tonight-I'm going for a fitting and dress-shopping with my sister-in-law-to-be and sisters tomorrow morning.
@faithVA - I want my twists to look like this:

But when I take a section of hair that is the same size as hers at the root, my twist comes out puny, not thick and full. :(

It is very pretty. And if you have fine hair it can be hard to get that fullness.

I thought some of that fullness was just due to length and the MBL twist shrinking back to SL but I'm not sure.

But I do hear what you are saying. I want thick twists but I want longer twists first. Mine aren't even long enough to pull back
Took my braids out last night and instead of a braid out I decided to wear a halfbutt folded over bun-type thing. I've gotten to the point where I hate having my hair "out" lol...I was gonna throw a headband on and rock it like that, but then I was like naaah pin it up! Throw a bun in it! Ha. My hair still easily fits into a ponytail which semi surprises me (since I cut a couple weeks ago)

New style on I mentioned before.
It is very pretty. And if you have fine hair it can be hard to get that fullness.

I thought some of that fullness was just due to length and the MBL twist shrinking back to SL but I'm not sure.

But I do hear what you are saying. I want thick twists but I want longer twists first. Mine aren't even long enough to pull back

Yeah. It seems like the opposite is happening to me. When my hair was shorter, my twists were thicker. Not sure if straightening has anything to do with making my hair look thinner or not.
Poohbear and Imani I'm sorry to hear that you two are disliking your hair. How do you ladies twist your hair? Dry? Damp? On blow dried hair? What products are you using? Do part your hair, grab-n-go, or do a mixture of those techniques?

The few times I tried I did grab n go on damp hair. I've tried just leave in condish, some hold product by Shea moisture, kinky curly custard, and I think I tried Jane carter pomade. The kinky curly seemed to help most w frizz but it was still very much so present. And again, they just always had that thin little girl look to them No matter what products were used
welllll uhhhh. i received some new darcy's botanicals stuff that i ordered and uhhh i think instead of doing the 2 flat twists in the shower i'll do actual single twists so i can try it it out lol

i got the peach kernel hydrating milk and the madagascar vanilla styling creme.

i really shouldnt plan my styles too far ahead haha...i always changed something.
Anyone ever get braids and take them out after a short period of time?

I got them on March 19 and thought I could keep them until July but this grey is irking me.
Imani and Poohbear I wish I knew other techniques you two could try, but having fine strands and low-medium density, my twists don't look plump and pretty like the ones posted. The only thing I can do is work with what I have; I'm sorry y'all. :(
^^^Some people can rock the thinner twists look. I just dont like how it looks on ME. Something about my face shape/body proportions or something. I think maybe I have a small head and I look better with more voluminous hair styles. Even when I wear my hair straight I can't stand bone straight hair on me and always look better w/full fluffy feathered or loose curls/waves.

Thanks for trying to help though.:yep:
Hey all,

I'm leaving the challenge. I haven't been wearing my hair up at all. I am loving these new coils too much and I can't stop wearing them. maybe after I get bored and get more length, I'll hide my hair in updo-ish styles.
I took my hair down today. I'm trying to decide whether to bun for the week or put in another set of twists. I guess I'll figure it out after I shampoo.
HeChangedMyName Enjoy your hair!

Imani I LOVE voluminous hair too. I guess thats why I wear my twists curly and always have some sort of 'hump' on the top of my hair; I need hair with height and swang. :giggle:
Started my mini-twists yesterday, been doing them on and off (curse my shoulders!). I'd say I have about 1/3 of my head done. Will update with a pic tomorrow, whether they're finished or not!
15 days going strong with my mini braids....Ive been mostly keeping them in a ponytail with the ends tucked esp with exams and finals coming one says they hate them and i still get compliments....Been using Hairfinity, WGO with JBCO lavender, and I'm able to baggy whole head now that its spring ish time!

Oh yea been sealing with B.A.S.K. Java bean pomade loves it!! I use my oyin too just to get rid of it for now...In about 2 weeks I'll take out a few and use my pass for 3 days to do something with them after finals....Then I'm put them back in!
Continuing with my daily bunning... Good week so far... nailed down more staples... Will continue to DC 2ce a week....
NappyNelle Imani faithVA - Here's how my medium-sized twist look when down after about 3 days of having them styled. The twists do not cover the sides of my face. There's no fullness on the sides, making my head look extra large. They are spacey between the twists. They are uneven in length. The twists don't hang down, they bend/curl at different points of the twists. Some of the twisted ends unravel. Even when I try to add water and product to the ends, they still do not stay intact for long...


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@NappyNelle @Imani @faithVA - Here's how my medium-sized twist look when down after about 3 days of having them styled. The twists do not cover the sides of my face. There's no fullness on the sides, making my head look extra large. They are spacey between the twists. They are uneven in length. The twists don't hang down, they bend/curl at different points of the twists. Some of the twisted ends unravel. Even when I try to add water and product to the ends, they still do not stay intact for long...

I have no tips or advice. I don't even know if I've ever taken pictures in medium size twist :look: If I do medium size twists they stay up in a bun.
Poohbear Oh, ok. Have you tried the wrap method? You pin your twists around your head like a 'doobie' and shake it down in the morning?

Another thing I did with bigger twists was pin the front center sections flat against my head and ponytail tuck the back, so if the back twists looked funky, I could cover part of my face with my bang hair. I'm not sure if it will make your face seem smaller, but I ALWAYS wear a band with my twists, JUST in case the back is doing something weird and I have to pin it up. :lol: