2014 Twist/Braid/Bun for Growth Challenge

I know I'm not in this challenge but I need help :'(

Ugh!!! I need help! Finally got my hair braided but the braider did ONE thing that totally ticked me off and now I'm trying to see if there is a way to fix it.

First off, I really like the braids. She did them the size I wanted, she was gentle with my edges, and she did the job for a great price... So what's the problem right?

SHE BURNT MY ENDS!!! I specifically said at the beginning that I did not want my ends burnt. Not sure what happened, must have been because I was there FOREVER and she spaced it but my ends are burnt and now I feel like I'm 12 years old again lol

Does anyone know of any tips to fix this? I was thinking to just cut the burnt tips off and dip in boiling water to set like what should have happened from the get go but then I thought it probably wont solve my problem because now the ends of the braids will be blunt and not look quite right.

If anyone has any advise please share. (and you know I'm posting this in every thread I can think of lol)
^^Im not going to be much help. But perhaps it might help others if they know what type of hair you used.

I haven't the slightest idea about what to do! Naptural85 just did faux locks and burnt her ends and then rubbed them between her fingers to create a more oblong end. Maybe try that? Or just rock them as they are!
I went back to the braider and got ghetto :look: not my proudest moment but my hair is fixed.

She snipped off the burnt ends, razored the ends so they weren't blunt, rebraided and dipped. I just got home.

I used the regular braiding hair that starts with a "k" (cant ever remember the name).

So if all goes as planned I'll be braided til summer while taking a week break in between braidings

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I took my twist out Friday and dusted my ends. I wore a puff Saturday and some impromptu flat twist today. I washed and did a protein treatment tonight. Back in my go to style. I just offset the part this week.
My twist out on flexi rod stretched hair came out okay. More wavy than curly, but super soft and moisturized. I think dealing with shea butter is going to get me through the winter.

Twist out in a bun. I was having a good hair day this morning but my outfit decisions committed me to a bun. I added a red lip to spice it up.

Hey Ladies! I'm joining this challenge! I've been noticing that continuing to put my hair in a puff is breaking my edges even though it's not tight at all. So I'm going to be doing twist to keep manipulation at a low... Any thoughts on how long I should leave the twist in for? Any good reggies for twist and deep conditioning? Any tips are greatly appreciated. This is how I usually wear my hair:


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Welcome Dalisha! If you look upthread you'll see several twisting/braiding regimens and product suggestions.

If anything I would start with your current wash/deep conditioning regimen, and see if your styling products give you medium sized twists that you can wear for a week. If they're not too small you can take them down, wash and re-twist, or try washing in the twists and see how they last.
Welcome Dalisha! If you look upthread you'll see several twisting/braiding regimens and product suggestions. If anything I would start with your current wash/deep conditioning regimen, and see if your styling products give you medium sized twists that you can wear for a week. If they're not too small you can take them down, wash and re-twist, or try washing in the twists and see how they last.

Thanks a so much!!!

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8 more weeks ladies. I can definitely keep my hair up for 8 more weeks because I am feeling so hair lazy right now :yep:

I may switch up my style next wash day.
faithVA as much as I'm enjoying my twist outs I woke up this morning and put my fresh hair into a bun. Just didn't feel like having my hair out today. I'll probably bun all week, but I'm so glad I've mastered a new twist out/bun regimen. My hair is thanking me.
Oh my gosh. I just went back and looked at my starting picture. :nono: My hair has grown so much this year! I'm happy I take pictures so I can truly see progress. I know that I can do things with my hair now that I couldn't do earlier this year, but when you see your hair every day it's hard to see the changes.
Oh my gosh. I just went back and looked at my starting picture. :nono: My hair has grown so much this year! I'm happy I take pictures so I can truly see progress. I know that I can do things with my hair now that I couldn't do earlier this year, but when you see your hair every day it's hard to see the changes.

Your hair was already long. Can't wait to see your final reveal.
Installing mini twists- I hope they last 2-3 weeks. It's been awhile since I've did them, but I'm loving my length.
Finally did "flat twists" for my twist out instead of 2 strand twists. They're in quotes because they're not actually that flat, but still! Progress.

I was in trader joes over the weekend when a woman stopped me. She was looking at my flat twist and said it must have taken them hours to do that. She asked to look at them more closely. My SO was laughing at me. I didn't tell her I did them myself and it only took an hour. :lol:

My boss was shocked when he found out I did my own hair. He asked me how I got the parts straight in the back. :lol: I was wondering how he even knew anything about parting.

Flat twist out results. I really want to get a curly shaking haircut next year, but then I think that when my hair is longer and the same length all around I'll really like it. So for now I'll hold off on a shaping cut until after the summer and see where my hair falls.
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Flat twist out results. I really want to get a curly shaking haircut next year, but then I think that when my hair is longer and the same length all around I'll really like it. So for now I'll hold off on a shaping cut until after the summer and see where my hair falls.

That is really pretty. You are getting great results.
Flat twist out results. I really want to get a curly shaking haircut next year, but then I think that when my hair is longer and the same length all around I'll really like it. So for now I'll hold off on a shaping cut until after the summer and see where my hair falls.

I was going to do a different twist style with a french braid down the back. But by the time I finished washing my hair I was so tired. Just ended up doing flat twist all to one side and then pinning them up.

Next wash I'm going to try flat twisting all to the center and see if I can add a small marley hair bun. It wasn't long enough before.
Make sure to take pictures of your next style faithVA!

Here's an impromptu length check. I never get the spring/summer growth spurt, but my hair always grows in the fall months.

[USER=388763 said:
toaster[/USER];20768529]Make sure to take pictures of your next style faithVA!

Here's an impromptu length check. I never get the spring/summer growth spurt, but my hair always grows in the fall months.

View attachment 283259

I will try. I need a new battery for my camera. I'm not great with taking pictures with my phone.

You are getting some nice growth and retention. I hope I get a fall growth spurt :yep:
I'm SUPER LATE to this challenge but I have been doing faux locs for a while and it helped me reach BSL. Gonna do twists and put it up in a bun for the rest of the year...