Twist/Braid/Bun for Growth Challenge (7/1/2012 - 9/30/2012)

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meh! grrrrrrrr im so horrible at styling.

i just went for a southerntease type bun with a flat twist in the front.

ive never done a southerntease bun before, but it was quite quick & easy. i added a hair zing (well, a knock off) to decorate.

there are only like 3/4 styles i actually can do without getting frustrated. maybe i just need to stick to what i know. haha.

gonna try to take a picture later...if i find my camera (would use my phone, but that's not working right now)...if not, i'll steal someone elses phone in my house and use that. haha.
I did a high bun today and I felt better.:grin: I want to do it a little higher next time. Will post pics later from my phone.
YAY! NappyNelle found some in'ernet!!!!!!

nickmack. :lachen::lachen:, This post gave me life. Our 'fearless leader'NappyNelle got her some 'net'. Hey NN

NJoy...Hey. I really like the your picture with the headband in your BC thread. BTW your BC looks like my goal length.:grin:

jprayze, I really like the pics of you in the headband. Can't wait to see the bun.

ladysaraii I'm thinking about doing mini-braids too. How are you liking them so far?

youwillrise. I've got maybe 3/4 styles too. I'm just repeating hoping that practice makes perfect.

Hey Seamonster. Thanks for asking about those glasses they're cute.

BraunSugar How are the twist going?

I just put two braids into the back. The front is still in those little cornrows. BTW....4TH quarter TWIST/BRAID/BUN for growth starts next week
Finished my mini braids. Took a lot less time than I thought!

ladysaraii May we see please?! :grin:

youwillrise Are you still using Hydrolized Keratin Protein with your conditioner?

MeowMix I wear the same basic styles too. I'm trying to branch out... but then I think I criticize myself right back into one of the older styles. I'm working on it; I think I'll get some hair stuff from Ebay.

I've attached an embarassing photo of the preparations for the EEG... yes, I'm STILL rubbing the glue out of my hair! I know if I was more determined (and had to leave the comfort of home) I would've finished removing the paste and twists from my hair.

Don't laugh/cringe too hard. I was swollen, tired, being yanked by my hair, and felt yucky. :drunk:
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NappyNelle You still look great! You are just TOO photogenic:grin:

I had to get a lot of gunk in my hair when I got a sleep study done...and it take forever...I totally empathize.
big chunky twists

SimJam. Big, chunky and lush. Are you with us in October?

jprayze. Very cute bun. I've got to get on my camera game. It's small world that you and NappyNelle have had similar experiences. You are so right, her hair looks GOOD. NN you DO take good pictures.
You guys are just trying to be nice. I look so :barf: in that photo! I like to think I don't look like that in real life. :barf:
MeowMix Thanks !!! I shole am .... even though I wasnt very active this round. Twists are my main style :yep:

NappyNelle did u say escoveitch ?? I'll make sure to have my fish after Im done with your hair ... no fishy hair for you lol

I will try to take pics in the next day or two


I like the mini braids. Once I put them in, they are so low maintenance. I just tie on my scarf at night, get up, shake them out, and KIM
MeowMix They are holding up. I think I will restyle next Monday. I washed my hair and the twists loosened up some, but they are still presentable. Idk how people keep them in a month though.
hey ladies! I've been bad. hair has been in a twistout for like...three days now but I plan to wash and retwist tomorrow! I don't feel too guilty though because I don't even manipulate my hair when it's in out styles. this castor oil still has my hair feeling supple! life has been busy with work and school and I'm so sorry for neglecting our thread!
I am taking down my twists tonight. Upon careful inspection I realized that my hair was getting a bit tangled so I felt I should take them down now. I think I am going to try a cornrow updo next. I bought some clips and a rat tail comb. I think I am ready. :look::lol:
MeowMix Thanks for being so understanding :kiss: Ok I think I'm all caught up.

NappyNelle how is your hair feeling after all the sticky gunk was in it? I hope you are feeling better too girl.
-PYT Thank you! I finally got out most of the gunk, and I plan to really shampoo and deep condition today. I'm glad to see you back. :)
What is your primary style (twists, braids, bunning)? My hair is thick enough for twist now! :yay:
What is your style maintenance regimen? I need to develop one
Are you natural, relaxed, transitioning? Natural
What do you hope to achieve from the challenge? Thicker Healthier hair, some length, as long as I can maintain thick hair would be great. Hoping to get my hair thick enough for mini braids
After wearing your hair out will you restyle after [Pick One] 2 days or 3 days? I will probably start twisting after a day out, but it will take me two days to finish my twist. Hopefully, I will be faster as the challenge goes on.

Sept 23

Glad you made us post a picture to start. Upon looking at my starting picture, I can clearly see that my hair is getting thicker. Those bald spots are still filling in, and I am encouraged for the next challenge. My twist are now thicker than my twist out use to be. I don't even bother with twistouts anymore, because I am happy with my twist.

I am going to try to get a length check in for Sept 30 to compare to my original one. I cut my hair so often to thicken it up, I have no idea if I got any major growth as I am concentrating on thickness.
I've definitely seen an improvement in my broken crown area from consistent mini twisting. I want to try mini braids for the next challenge but I don't think my parting is too good.
OMG, I can make a puff now! I can't believe I can finally do it!!!


I have retained so much by keeping my hair in twists! it makes me giddy :grin:
I'm planning to post a final pic for this challenge, but I just realized that I never posted a starting length pic, only starting buns:grin::grin::grin:

So I will post both before the end of the month and my final length pic for this challenge will be the starting pic for our next one!
Hey ladies! I wasnt really monitoring length because Im transitioning and trimming as I go anyway....but I just want to show these pics as proof that bunning really works! I chopped about 4 or 5 inches off my hair to neck length in Mid May when I got serious about transitioning. I got way scissor happy, but I figured the ends have to go eventually anyway so I might as well start off with a good deeeeeeeeeep trim lol. So sorry that is the only length beginning pic I have. So, a few weeks ago, I blew out a section on one side of my hair in the back, and I was amazed. These pics are from 5/15 and 8/27. I trimmed once midway between those pics. Ive mostly worn buns and a few sets of twists. I usually wore puffs from a bantu knot out or twistout when I did wear my hair out, but it was still up and not rubbing on my clothes...and that wasnt often. Im really excited about my progress and a firm believer in protective styling!


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