Twist/Braid/Bun for Growth Challenge (1/1/2012-3/31/2012)

Yesterday I took my mini twist down that were one day short of two months. Today I will show my hair some much needed tlc with a shampoo protein treatment dc and steaming. I plan on putting it in a bun and letting it rest and in the next 3 or 4 days I plan on doing my first ayruvedic paste.
For whatever crazy reason I waited sooo late to start my hair. By the time I finished washing and putting in the conditioner it was 10:30 pm :nono: I should have already been in the bed. So DCd for 15 minutes, rinsed, applied SM Milk to each section. Then took down each section, applied more SM Milk and started twisting. I had 10 sections. I did the front 6 sections. I divided the back 4 sections into smaller sections with the intention that I would bun it this morning until I can twist that tonight. I did get to bed by 12:30 so it wasn't too bad.

So today I have twists in the front and a very, very small bun in the back.

I think this week I am going to try DCing with my twists in. I will have to retwists them but I can at least do that in sections. If that works I may do that every week.
I think this week I am going to try DCing with my twists in. I will have to retwists them but I can at least do that in sections. If that works I may do that every week.

What a wonderful idea! It's probably easier to twist in sections rather than have all your hair out. Girl, I get so overwhelmed looking at all this hair like will I ever finish.
I think this week I am going to try DCing with my twists in. I will have to retwists them but I can at least do that in sections. If that works I may do that every week.

It will work! I do this often when I wear my hair in big twists or when I'm short on time.
I am FINALLY retwisting my hair. I missed wearing my twists, but it was fun to do braid out buns and up-dos.
Actually came home and finished twisting the back of my hair. I recently found out that I can do my twists just fine with my leave-in or with conditioner so I stopped using gel. But I used my KCCC on my back twists and they just make my twist look neater.

So I will be keeping my KCCC as a staple and using it when I really want my twists to look fabulous.
I took my twists down on Sunday. I washed my hair on Monday night, and placed it in a bun (I had an interview yesterday.) I'm still sporting my bun now. My one year natural anniversary is this weekend, and I am also going out of town for a friend's birthday, so I am trying to figure out what I am going to do to my hair.
I spritzed my hair with Oyin's Frank Juice, then put my twists in loose bantu knots for some waves in the morning.
Wearing my hair out for the first time since the beginning of the challenge. Before, I wore wash and go's nearly every single day for over a year, but suddenly this felt a little foreign to me. :lol: Plus, everybody at work is acting like this style is brand new.
My hair looks great though. :grin: It's curlier and shinier than it has been in forever. I hope I can get a 2nd day wear out of it tomorrow before bunning it back up.
I got the urge to twist last whole head! Ill be pinning these bad boys up today. I'm going to visit one of my customers and he tried to paw my hair last time (1st time meeting me...he didn't know) when I wore her today I will keep her contained...& hope nobody gets smacked!
So I washed and DC'd my hair last night. I placed my hair in twists with my favorite styler for twists, Kera Care's Twist and Define Cream. I plan on doing a twist out just for the weekend (to celebrate my natural anniversary), and then I will place my hair back in twists for the week.
Hey Ladies heres a lil update:

I'm still in twists...infact since I'm in the house studying all weekend I left my twists on roller rods.

I'll be getting a trim in a few days

I'll update pics at some point

I think I'm going to try bunning for march! I don't know if I have enough length but I'll try!

Well heres a pic of a style from these past few weeks


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I took my twists out and washed and deep conditioned today. Someone told me that I should braid my hair while wet ......FAIL!!! My fingers kept slipping so now i'm braiding my hair slowly as the sections dry. I'm guessing that I'll finish brading my hair tomorrow.
Tea rinsed, DCd Saturday with AO Blue Chamomile/AO White Camellia under heat cap 1 hr. It was really late so I applied conditioner to my hair and put in about 15 twists to air dry. Then I was late to brunch so I put in some wonky twists in the front and bunned the back. It was a HOT mess :nono: Then the day fell apart so did nothing to my hair.

This morning spritzed my hair with water, applied more conditioner, sealed my ends with castor oil and put two cornrows on each side in the front and bunned the back.

It looks a little better.

I have a crazy week ahead of me so its going to stay like this for a few days. I don't think any twisting will get done.
My twists are holding on strong; they seem to fall a little longer despite partial stretching. I still want to know what twists on blow-dried hair would look like on me.
The bun had to go. So converted the bun into 15 twists and then bunned the twists :look:

Think I will stick with the twisted bun for a while.
Rocking a twistout until Thursday...going to a wedding so I will probably get a flat twist updo.

Just got some new products in and I'm anxious to try them.
gosh I havnt been updating

retwisted my hair last night with HV whipped gelly


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I haven't been updating either! Sorry! Still doing the same cowash and bun routine. Shampoo and DC once a week. I've added Original Moxie Hair Bling to my routine. It's a yummy smelling pomade that smooths my frizzies. I like it.

One month left in the challenge!
I twisted my hair on Monday night. I usually keep my twists in for two weeks, but I am really thinking about taking them down this weekend, and just numbing my hair for the next week. Heck, maybe until the end of this challenge! LOL! I'm tired of the twists!


I meant 'bunning' not 'numbing' I need to stop posting from my phone.
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I have been playing around with cowashing. So cowashed Tuesday and put in some big twist which looked a mess. Yesterday took the twist out and bunned it. Cowashed last night and twisted. Cowashed this morning and put hair into flat twists. Will DC on Sunday and twists up. Just trying to see if cowashing more helps with my moisture retention.

But going to switch to cowashing every 4 days and retwist or bun and then DC 1x a week.

I am ready for this challenge to be over :lol:
I wore my hair in a twist out puff over the weekend and that band was killing my head. I am lousy at making puffs. I've watched all kinds of yt videos but each time I do it, its a mess :lol:

So Saturday and Sunday I wore two flat twists. My hair looked a raggedy mess this morning. So this morning I put in 9 flat twists to the back and and put 2 strand twists in the front.

Yesterday was my wash day and I didn't get to it. Don't see that happening tonight either. Will keep my hands out of my head until wash day.

As much as this challenge drives me crazy, I realize I really do need it to help me keep my hands out of my head so much.
went to the salon and got a cornrow mohawk .... my fave style
will keep in for 2 weeks and co-wash in between


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That Looks good!! I did that once as relaxed....I might have to try it again as natural

Mini updatse:
Got my hair trimmed AND evened.....didnt ask for it but the ***** had already went to I got up and left cause if u do something I don't ask and I made it oh so know only cut what is damaged nothing more. So I got up and left.:sad: Went to someone I could trust and still managed to get it evened out but at least I knew this chic. The back of my hair is fine looks like 1.5 inches trimmed...the sides....looks like 2-3 inches....I'll let y'all know when I compare straight hair from december

I've put my mini spin pins to use...they're cute! Only thing I don't like is how mini my bun is but hey I got one! One thing I love about it is it is very secure feeling. Not tight or anything.

I bought a donut bun from sallies and this was my trial and error. fairly simple. Ponytail hair, slide on, pin ends down.

Don't know what I'm going to do with my hair for the next week and a half...maybe the twists with the rodded ends...egh....I don't know co-washing tomorrow

Ohhh I found my sabino moisture block....gonna use at some point but this challenge will probably be done by the time I use it.

"Trim" pic 1
Mini spin pins pic 2
sorry for the bad lighting in pic 3


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Checking in still in my cornrows. Last month I bought that FAST shampoo after watching prettydimples. Guess what the 2nd ingredient on the bottle was SODIUM LAURETH SULFATE.:couchfire: I'm like oh well, I'm going to prepoo and dc the out of my hair. I'll see if it made any difference on the 31.
It's wash day finally. Cowashed with Nature's Gate. Tea Rinsed. DCd with AO GPB under a heat cap for 20 minutes. Applied olive oil and SM Hair Milk mixed with oils. Then applied JC Nourish and Shine and trying my first bantu knot out.

If the knot out works out well then I will wear it tomorrow. Otherwise it will be a puff or a bun :ohwell: But Sunday, plan to put my hair back up into flat twist for the week.

21 days to the end of this challenge :yay:
21 days to the end of this challenge :yay:

You're so happy about the challenge being over! :lol: I'm pretty happy too. Although my regimen is perfect for this kind of thing, I've been so bad about updating... :nono:

I guess I'm not really a challenge person. Still bunning though. Will straighten again in May for graduation and probably not again until late 2012, if at all this year. Depending on my summer plans I might blow dry my hair and get individual braids with just my hair put in. We'll see...