Twist/Braid/Bun for Growth Challenge (7/1/2012 - 9/30/2012)

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@Leslie What do you use to make your puffs? I have always used an elastic stretch headband and it works well for me. Maybe you could use a knee high for more control?

BraunSugar, I use those skinny elastic headbands, but I cut it to make 1 long string and tie it and tuck the ends in. I previously tried a knee high but it wouldnt hold in my hair....but Ill try again bc that was when I first started transitioning and I couldnt really get a puff to stay put by any means then lol.

PS Your hair is just soooooo pretty...its so shiny and thick and lush! I love it!

@NappyNelle. I was cracking up with this. I have the exact OPPOSITE problem. I stay swearing I have more hair than I do. What’s that called? Oh yeah, deluded.

Hey Everybody,
Small warning…this post has a quote all kinds of tags and snaps…oh my

There's under 2 weeks in this challenge. Hope to see everyone in the next



MeowMix, I think these are my favorite hair pics Ive seen you post...thos braids look great! I cant cornrow AT ALL lol. Im just now learning to flat twist halfway decent and I still cant go in different directions or do the back part that I cant see very well.
Your hair looks really shiny and soft too!

@MeowMix I wish I could braid! Yours look so nice and not painful.

@jprayze Get well soon, hun! :bighug:

@Leslie_C I also use a cut piece of stocking for puffs. Well, not anymore, because puffs started hurting about a year ago, no matter what I did. :sad:


This only lasted an hour before I had to take it down. :sad:

And this one was done with an old elastic:


I don't remember how long I was able to keep it.

NappyNelle your puff looks amaaaazing! See Im like you, it hurts my head after a while and I cant figure out how to make them any looser.

Tibbar your hair looks so thick and lush as well! Im telling you, I can just come to this thread and have a daily dose of natural hair inspiration. Your gorgeous heads of hair keep me keepin on! :)

I have another request ladies...Im going out of town for 5 days with a coworker next month and need style advice. Its a class for work and I cant take a ton of hair products bc we are flying. 1) I dont want my coworker giving me the side eye regarding my hair rituals and 2) We are sharing a room/bathroom so Im not sure how much time Ill have to get ready in the mornings. Any tips for traveling light as a transitioner with a million and one products? LOL.
that little girl is sooo adorable!!! awww.

thinking about my next style move.

wash/dc/moisturize this weekend.

and for my style, i think i'm going to do large loose twists (about 8 to 10 total) and pin them back. will wear that style until tuesday, then re-moisturize & restyle.

if i like how the style looks, i'll try to take a picture or something.
Gearing up to redo some mini twists.

Earlier I had another job interview so i wore a low bun, w/a side part& flower near the bun
I moisturized w/ Sally's Tea Tree Lavender Conditioner (Paul Mitchells knock off of Lavender Mint Conditioning Conditioner), a dab of Crisco to seal & some home made flaxseed gel to lay it down.

My hair feels DEVINE!!!! :lick: i think I'll keep the conditioner in and rinse in a couple of days while in twists
NJoy Yay! We're happy to have you! :woot:

Leslie_C I wish I knew how to help, but I don't. :sad: Hopefully someone else will be able to chime in!

BraunSugar :drool: Lovely, shiny, lush hair!

youwillrise I'll hold you to that! I have only seen 3 photos of your hair in the last 5 five years... so I'm going to pester you to post more for us! Thank youuu :wacky:

I'm sad to say that I may not be back on the board until Saturday or Sunday. :sad: I'm being hospitalized for testing, and hopefully they will be able to give me some options for further treatment. I'm not allowed to wear lotion, oils, etc on my skin or hair because it will interfere with the electrodes. (Hello... I am BLACK! Watchu mean no lotion or oil? :lol:) When I'm done, my hair will probably look crazy thanks to the electronic waves, so I'm counting on you all to look fabulous for me. :) Talk to you all soon and have fun with your hair! :wave:

(Haha who writes farewells when you'll be gone for such a short time? :lol: Clearly I'm addicted to this board, and especially, this thread. :spinning:)
Last edited: weird about posting pictures of me (or my hair) mostly because i never like how my hair looks because i'm horrible at styling haha

So, my beloved castor oil has renewed the faith in my hair. Tomorrow's payday so I wanna treat myself to new hair products! Can you ladies recommend anything from Vanilla Silk or anything new you guys are trying? I'm looking for something that smells yummy :lick:
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NappyNelle dont worry about us we will hold down the fort until you get back!!! And hopefully we will have a lot of pics and updates for you to catch up on :-)
Ordered some Vanilla Silk from Silk Dreams :) Maybe it will motivate me to DC more often with its yumminess!
Hey NappyNelle. Thanks for letting us know what is going on. :lachen: Its 2012 right, we've put a woman on the moon, you can't make and adhesive that works with oils?

You don't know how many times I've ended up in a thread where you have encouraged someone or given some sound advice. You have me rolling with some of your comments in the entertainment forum. Imma miss your energy. See you Sunday.
Hey NappyNelle. Thanks for letting us know what is going on. :lachen: Its 2012 right, we've put a woman on the moon, you can't make and adhesive that works with oils?

You don't know how many times I've ended up in a thread where you have encouraged someone or given some sound advice. You have me rolling with some of your comments in the entertainment forum. Imma miss your energy. See you Sunday.

Awwww :bighug: thank you! I don't even know what to say... *blushing*

I found an internet connection to 'borrow' from, :look:, so I'll be able to talk to my hair friends! (Don't tell on me kthanx.) I'm sorry for that dramatic good bye that I posted. Obviously, I have an addiction to LHCF.

The cleaner, paste and electrodes made my scalp so dry. They used mineral oil to remove part of the paste, I was overreacting (on the inside) because I haven't had mineral oil on my hair or clap since 2003! The technicians kind of yanked through my hair, and scrubbed some areas sore to get the sticky paste off. *sigh* Thank goodness my hair wasn't loose, because they would've caused more breakage than I'm sure I suffered today.

The tech-in-training said, "Ooh, it's so soft... Oh, nice clean scalp." She insinuated that as her first kinky-haired patient, she was surprised that I didn't have stereotypical traits she was expecting. *huuuge eye roll

I'm trying to baby my scalp now; I did a soft massage with Vatika oil, and I'm bunning under a shower cap. I'll start removing the twists tomorrow when I have more energy. :)

(Yay, I have internet!) :fan:
I am finally back! ...i was totally rocking braidouts and then i got strep throat last friday and totally neglected my hair.... Which resulted in a tangled, matted mess! And then my best friend flew into town.

Sigh. I am feeling a lot better now though.
ok yall...i said i was gonna do the big loose pinned back twist style, buuuut i dunno if that's what im gonna do. i keep coming up with a bunch of different ideas and i havent decided which im going to do. this is why i never decide what to do with my hair until im actually doing it.

i really want to try a high bun...never did that before. i did youtube some to see how i could do it with my length hair and saw some cute ones...we'll see. might do a combo of ideas :P
How I'm wearing my hair indefinitely...sure is easy and protective but I wish I was wearing something a little more sexy!!!


isawstars Whew, I'm glad you're on the mend from horrible strep throat! Stay on those meds so it won't come back like mine did. :ohwell: (Yeah... I was being hardheaded and paid a hefty price. :wallbash:)

youwillrise :poke: Try the high bun since it'll be your first time!! (*still hoping you will post another photo*)

jprayze You're still sexy. :gorgeous: Or like NJoy suggested, maybe a wig on challenge off-days will you get you out of the rut of feeling like a 'plain jane'?

This paste they used in my hair is sticking really well... I have all kinds of gritty, oily buildup on my scalp and strands. :barf: I'm being patient and careful as I take out of my twists, but dang! I'm so glad I didn't have my hair loose when the hospital applied this stuff, but at least I could've co-washed and then did my real hair pampering.
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Hoping to keep these twists in until the 1st. I'm wondering if I should bun again after this or install a new set of twists. I have some ideas for jazzing up my bun. I'll wait and see.
Tried to dress it up with a headband...sorry for the dupe pic



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Tried to dress it up with a headband...sorry for the dupe pic

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That's cute. I think you could also use some floral picks or combs along the back in the cradle area. Feather or rhinestone accessories would also be cute along the twist. Or use metalic string (for hair) and zig zag it across the length of the twists using pins on alternating sides. Just something to give it interest and make it look intentional. #suggestions.
NJoy said:
That's cute. I think you could also use some floral picks or combs along the back in the cradle area. Feather or rhinestone accessories would also be cute along the twist. Or use metalic string (for hair) and zig zag it across the length of the twists using pins on alternating sides. Just something to give it interest and make it look intentional. #suggestions.

Good idea!!! I'm going to look for extra accessories until my next style!

I will have to sneak in a wig during breaks :-)
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