Twist/Braid/Bun for Growth Challenge (4/1/2012 - 6/30/2012)

NappyNelle Well, I airdried in braids all over and would part rows once I un-did each braid...from there I just parted each twist section with my fingers. It must be some skill I've developed over the years of doing my's like my fingers have a mirror on them and just know what they're doing back there! This set I did over a few days but took probably 11-12 hrs total like always :look:
I mudwashed yesterday and applied AO White Camellia conditioner and put my hair into 3 flat twists. I intended to rinse when I got home but I misted with water and put in 10 flat twists. I was supposed to rinse this morning but put on my beanie and walked out the door. When i got home today i was too tired to rinse, so I took down each twist, misted, sealed with sunflower oil and retwisted.

Need to go to work tomorrow so not sure what I will do. Not sure if I will rinse before next wash day or not :perplexed: Not sure what I'm going to do :ohwell:

I tried to wet bun yesterday and when I put the banana clip on I thought my brain was going to ooze out :lol: So no wet bunning for me unless I figure out another way to do it.
-PYT So in other words, you're a BOSS. When I first transitioned, I was somehow able to make a decent grid pattern and twist accordingly; now my fingers just refuse to cooperate. lol

faithVA Will your hair turn mushy without rinsing out the deep conditioner? :lol: @ an oozing brain. I still haven't tried a banana-clip style. Perhaps after taking out these twists and conditioning my hair really well.

Lunatips suggests that today would be a good day to trim, so I will do that before bed tonight.
[USER=6275 said:
NappyNelle[/USER];15776949]@-PYT So in other words, you're a BOSS. When I first transitioned, I was somehow able to make a decent grid pattern and twist accordingly; now my fingers just refuse to cooperate. lol

@faithVA Will your hair turn mushy without rinsing out the deep conditioner? :lol: @ an oozing brain. I still haven't tried a banana-clip style. Perhaps after taking out these twists and conditioning my hair really well.


Mushy? I seriously doubt that. Tightly Curly girls leave the conditioner in on the regular. I'm not a tightly curly girl yet, just mentioning that leaving conditioner is, is one type of hair regimen. Right now my hair feels soft because it is still wet. I will see how it feels in the morning.
faithVA Oh, ok. I just know my hair would be a mess if I tried that. :nono: I think my strands are too fine for leaving in a conditioner like AO.
I had a special event today so i wore my hair down for the first time in a month. I had my hair in 2 french braids since Friday night, I took them down this morning and fluffed up the braid waves. Of course, one looked more defined than the other, so I pinned back the crazy-looking side and put in a feather and jewel hair ornament. Now, I'm back home and I'll detangle and put it up for the night.
I wore buns all of last week. Back to twists this week. I made them medium sized, so now my hair looks about 3 inches long again. The only up side: I don't have to worry about my ends brushing my clothes.
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Lol NappyNelle you started my day off with a chuckle when I saw the boss comment! :kiss: considering washing these twists tonight scalp feels dirty.
I took down my twists on Friday. Even though the parts were neater, the ends just started looking raggedy and thin, and I got tired of re-twisting the ones that unravel on their own. I wore a twistout for the weekend and now I got my hair in a banana clip puff.
Just washed my twists concentrating on my scalp with castile soap diluted with aloe Vera gel and water. My hair feels sooo good right now. Tempted to dust these ends, seal, and sleep on some more bantu knots.
I haven't been wearing my hair out but I haven't twisted it back up either. I washed it Saturday and put conditioner in it and yeah as of right now I still haven't rinsed it. So tomorrow when I get home I will rinse out the conditioner and put my hair up. I think I will do something simple like a flat twist bun or something. I don't want to spend a lot of time on my hair.
Just checking in...still on my week break since Thursday. Getting tired of wearing my hair out! :ohwell: Ready to get back into buns. Right now, trying to research exactly what style bun I'm going to do. Btw-- my trip was wonderful!
My hair is out today too, I'm wearing it to see how tangly it gets in preparation for my vacation. My plan is to wear a loose single braid or two in the day and leave it out at night. I'll create an updo if my curls have flopped by the end of the day.
Hi All - checking in. I two strand twisted and curled on cold wave rods Sunday night. I untwisted before work yesterday and every time I passed a mirror I grew more and more sad about my hair. I hated it yesterday :ohwell:. But today...I'm happy again! I pinned the front back so it's kind of half up, half down and added some black bejeweled clips. One more day of wearing it out. Then bunning until wash day on Sunday.
roller setting and bunning this week. i don't really see this bunning thing right now as a challenge since i had a crazy setback and had to cut 2 inches of progress off. but we will see how these next two months go.
It's really time to wash and deep condition, though. I wonder when I'll have the time and energy; I think I'll take a week between twist sets for bunning.
I finally rinsed out the conditioner from Saturday. I DCd again and now sitting with leave-in under my heat cap. Have no clue how I should do my hair :ohwell: Better get to it cuz I'm ready to go to bed.
I ended up putting in small to medium twists. Didn't do too badly. I twisted in about 1 hour. They don't look like anything but they are done and pulled back into a bun. I may wash again on Saturday just to get back on schedule.
NappyNelle girl I'm in no place to judge. That's how long I want each set to last! I did bantu knots on wet twists last night and they came out EXTRA curly! lol I know what to do when they start looking bad now :)
So I must confess I'm not back in buns YET! I did twists last night, took them out this am and am now in a twistout. It's supposed to be a twistout bun, but I liked it so much I wore it out...
I'm sick today, so my hair is really BLAAAAAH.


And that is my furbaby Pumpkin.