Twist/Braid/Bun for Growth Challenge (4/1/2012 - 6/30/2012)

I am going to try to wear box braids for the whole month of May. I have 11 braids that will not fit back into a bunny tail. Essentially the entire front row, which is 9 braids. And 2 are in the back. I think my nape grows the slowest. For most of them 1" would make a difference.

The braids look neater than my twists. But my twists seem longer than my braids. And I can do a semi banana clip bun with my twists.

I will try to stick with this style for 4 weeks. I tried to post pics but they must have been huge because I couldn't get them off my camera :nono:
Hi Ladies -

Bun time! I'm wearing a bun until next Saturday then I am getting cornrow braids with extension.

Here is a pic - just hair, not sock donut. I think I will do the sock donut tomorrow + headband, side bun Thursday, then high bun Friday and the weekend. Repeat next week.

Though not seen, my edges are not as smooth as I would like. I didn't want to wear a headband yet because I have on my glasses due to allergies (headband + glasses = headache). I guess I will moisten, remoisturize, re-gel, and scarf?


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After only about 3weeks or so, I took my mini twists down. Not sure why but this time around they seemed a little more frizzy than usual. Just finished detangling and washing and am now sitting here waiting on my hair to dry so I can dye it...gonna try black for the first time ever so we'll see...
I don't think that I will start to like buns until my hair is atleast APL. I've had to take almost 20-30 mins everyday trying to get my hair in two bueno!
TopShelf said:
I don't think that I will start to like buns until my hair is atleast APL. I've had to take almost 20-30 mins everyday trying to get my hair in two bueno!

Have you tried switching the placement of your bun? I still don't like the way my bun looks in the "normal" spot on the head but I "be feeling myself" when I either do a side or high bun! *smile*
i'm gonna stretch this twist set to a week and a half (did i mention that here already?)...will re-do hair on thursday of next week. i'm going to be traveling at the end of next week so i want a fresh do...although my do's hardly ever look fresh lol. i'll put my hair in another set of twists when i redo it. i'll be gone friday - tuesday.

i wonder if my mother will mind if i take her laptop with me? hahaha

i really need to get one of my own.
Hi Ladies -

Bun time! I'm wearing a bun until next Saturday then I am getting cornrow braids with extension.

Here is a pic - just hair, not sock donut. I think I will do the sock donut tomorrow + headband, side bun Thursday, then high bun Friday and the weekend. Repeat next week.

Though not seen, my edges are not as smooth as I would like. I didn't want to wear a headband yet because I have on my glasses due to allergies (headband + glasses = headache). I guess I will moisten, remoisturize, re-gel, and scarf?

I let go of the "sleek" look. I like my hair to show texture even when it's in a bun. I think its a cool look. When it's a little frizzy I call it my halo:grin:
I am FINALLY taking down these twists. After a month and some days, I except to remove a LOT of shed hair. *Lawd, please give me some extra patience during this time. Thank you.*
I'm going on almost 6 weeks with my sent of twists. I'm dreading (no pun intended lol) taking them out. They're mini twists too. Lawd help me.
I let go of the "sleek" look. I like my hair to show texture even when it's in a bun. I think its a cool look. When it's a little frizzy I call it my halo:grin:

LOL well my friend and I call it "helmet head". :lol: I am going to have to start accepting the fact that I'm going to show some texture. I'll be down at the Forever 21 Accessory store tomorrow picking up some new headbands for buns next week.
So I just put my hair in twists for the first time ever. As I suspected...thin and scraggly (I have fine hair). I wasn't able to finish my entire head last night, I just have one small section at the top of my head so I put my hair in a bun today. I will post a picture after I complete it tonight. I probably won't be wearing this down at all...I look like a little kid. We'll see how long I keep these in especially since I cowash 5 days a week.
Annoyed at these twists unraveling. This isn't that good of a PS if I'm constantly manipulating and re-twisting. I'm gonna push through to four weeks at least though
-PYT said:
Annoyed at these twists unraveling. This isn't that good of a PS if I'm constantly manipulating and re-twisting. I'm gonna push through to four weeks at least though

Mine do that too, especially in the back. I got to the point where I just let them be...
Finished coloring and DCing my hair. Wore my hair "out" around the house to speed up the air drying process. Gonna bun it for work the rest of the week and probably have some big-hair for my cinco de mayo festivities :)
Mine do that too, especially in the back. I got to the point where I just let them be...

Yep my twist in the back unravel too. And don't let me sweat back there. They won't make it a day. I use to have the same problem with my crown but now not so much. I usually end up retwisting them if they come unraveled. Or instead of doing two twists, I do a flat twist in that section. That seems to hold better.
Finally finished!


I'm so sick yall. My hair is going to stay dirty.
faithVA said:
Yep my twist in the back unravel too. And don't let me sweat back there. They won't make it a day. I use to have the same problem with my crown but now not so much. I usually end up retwisting them if they come unraveled. Or instead of doing two twists, I do a flat twist in that section. That seems to hold better.

Yea, this last time I braided the root then twisted the rest of the way and they still unraveled...oh well
Aww, thank you ladies. Ya'll are so sweet to me! *blush*

-PYT I just leave the ones in the back that unravel. I'm too lazy to keep retwisting them. :lol: Luckily, when I braid the base of the twist, that section of hair tends to stay with itself; sealing in sections helps to keep those strands from knotting up.
Thanks for the advice ladies! I think I am just OCD when it comes to these twists. Re-did my unraveled ends with some Jamaican mango & lime firm wax.
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i have been wearing this current twist set in different styles pretty much daily. i usually wear my twists the saaaame way...pinned up, but ive been bored with that. it doesnt seem like my ends are suffering from not being tucked away all the time.
OK, so here goes the pics. Just doesn't seem to work for me I guess. :nono: I have them pulled back right now.


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