Silkycoils is . . .the BLACKchorette. :-D

I've been meaning to ask Ms. @Silkycoils about those pheromones she mentioned up thread. They should have you fighting off the men!
I thought about that too when @Silkycoils started reporting her results with the Amber oil. I was like: I bet you that oil has pheromones in it! That old pheromones thread had me run out and buy Victoria’s Secret hair products (especially the hair perfume and leave ins) because they have them in there. Pheromones work!
I just got back from an early dinner at Pappadeux’s. My new friend who took me to Houston’s took me. Y’all, I’m not lying when I say that I’ve been on more dates these past few weeks than I’ve been on in YEARS!!!! Some have been one and done, but ION CURR! :lachen: I’m getting practice resting in my feminine energy. I don’t even REACH for the bill! I just connected today with a Judge. (ETA: He ain’t no real judge! :lachen: :lachen: Nakers be lying!!!!).:lachen:
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I just got back from an early dinner at Pappadeux’s. My new friend who took me to Houston’s took me. Y’all, I’m not lying when I say that I’ve been on more dates these past few weeks than I’ve been on in YEARS!!!! Some have been one and done, but ION CURR! :lachen: I’m getting practice resting in my feminine energy. I don’t even REACH for the bill! I just connected today with a Judge. (ETA: He ain’t no real judge! :lachen: :lachen: Nakers be lying!!!!).:lachen:
Wait... he lied about being a judge? Wth?
The Amber oil is back in stock y’all!! For those who missed it last time.

I see you
tryna pay for
your sins :giggle:
After shamelessly
cleaning out the
store, you are
making up for
that crime with
a kind PSA. :lachen:

We appreciate it and
you are forgiven
...this time. :grin:

ION, @Crackers Phinn
and/or @Silkycoils
you need to be
getting paid. :grinwink:
Does the Etsy vendor
know her business boom
is due to your marketing?

And uhmm...
remember whose
idea it was when
you start getting coins
that put you in
Forbes radar.

I see you
tryna pay for
your sins :giggle:
After shamelessly
cleaning out the
store, you are
making up for
that crime with
a kind PSA. :lachen:

We appreciate it and
you are forgiven
...this time. :grin:

ION, @Crackers Phinn
and/or @Silkycoils
you need to be
getting paid. :grinwink:
Does the Etsy vendor
know her business boom
is due to your marketing?

And uhmm...
remember whose
idea it was when
you start getting coins
that put you in
Forbes radar.

I thought about telling her that I posted about it, but it’s a great product, so I can’t take full credit. :laugh: Got me out here feeling all sensual in these dating streets. :look: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
I thought about telling her that I posted about it, but it’s a great product, so I can’t take full credit. :laugh: Got me out here feeling all sensual in these dating streets. :look: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
You should tell her!

I would say
something like:

"BTW, I have a
confession to make:
If you are having
trouble keeping
Amber Oil in stock.
I might be to blame. :sekret:

You see...
I gushed about how
awesome Amber Oil is
on an online forum with
almost 200K members
and it looks like
everyone who saw
my post is trying
to get some. LOL

Don't know whether
to say 'sorry' (for
keeping you so busy)
or 'you're welcome'
(for the word-of-mouth
marketing of your business) :grinwink:

So you're welcome sorry. LOL"

I know if I were
the vendor I would
have to do something
nice for you
whether freebies,
discounts, giftcards...
You should tell her!

I would say
something like:

"BTW, I have a
confession to make:
If you are having
trouble keeping
Amber Oil in stock.
I might be to blame. :sekret:

You see...
I gushed about how
awesome Amber Oil is
on an online forum with
almost 200K members
and it looks like
everyone who saw
my post is trying
to get some. LOL

Don't know whether
to say 'sorry' (for
keeping you so busy)
or 'you're welcome'
(for the word-of-mouth
marketing of your business) :grinwink:

So you're welcome sorry. LOL"

I know if I were
the vendor I would
have to do something
nice for you
whether freebies,
discounts, giftcards...
I sent her a message telling her that I posted about the oil on a forum. :-) I told her that I support her and want “us” all to win. :-)
When Amber Oil
was first mentioned,
I did not know
about @Silkycoils's
@Crackers Phinn's
Etsy source and
so I just searched
Amazon for
Amber oil.

This blind search
due to a major case
of FOMO (buncha
pushers all y'all) LOL
led me to some
awful finds along
with one good one.
I am here to
warn you about
the crappy finds.

Do not get
Bulk Apocathery
Amber Oil

It has an added
herbal scent :nono:
that makes it
smell "like bush" :lachen:
according to DH.
Me-no-likey at ahll!

Do not get
Laudable Nadi
Paradise Amber
Perfume Oil
This was my
first purchase,
but arrived the
same time as
the real oil so
I knew it was not
what you all were
talmbout because
uhmm no!!!
Reminds me
of walking into an
Indian clothing
store back
in the day
or the eyebrow
threading place
like it might be
a popular scent
in India. :scratchchin:
Even DH did
not like it.
He said it smells
like alcohol.

Whatever they
added to the oil
in the above products
overpowers the
lovely scent of
Amber Oil. :barf:

So glad that when
I ordered the latter,
I also blindly ordered
this set because I
saw it had Amber oil.
This P&J version
is what made me
stop judging y'all
thinking y'all tripping
raging about some
awful smelling oil. :lol:
Those two up there
are what we should
recommend to people
who are not
Nikos' cousin. devil:
J/K :lol:

ION, got my gold
envelope today
and I am pleased to say
it is very much
like the P&J version :up:
which I am also
stocking up on.
Don't judge me. :sekret:

SN: the "bush smell"
of the Apocathery one
does diminish if
you layer it with
the real stuff
it seems.
I just tried it again
on my wrist and
OMG eewww!!! :barf:
I immediately added
drops of the real one
and minutes later
my wrist does
not smell as bad.
The other wrist
with the unadulterated
Amber Oil smells
lovelier hands down.

Thanks again ladies
for the recommendation. :kiss:
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I’m back for advice time. So I’d previously mentioned the divorced Dad with the 10 and 7 year old. I’m 99.9% not desirous of being a step mother to children so small, but I enjoy his company and just wanted to keep an open mind.

For our first meeting, we were supposed to go bowling and then to lunch. I’m cool with keeping things casual for a first meeting (but a step up from coffee). Anywho, we get to the bowling alley, but there are no lanes available, so there is about an hour and a half wait. No problem, we just put our names on the list. We go to Panera for lunch (it was Super Bowl Sunday). The conversation was cool . . .easy breezy. They text him when a lane is ready. We go back to the bowling alley, and they wanted about $40-something dollars for two people for an hour and a half. Not a lot of money, but it seemed high for Sunday afternoon bowling. He kind of balked at the price, but I agreed with him. We ended up hanging out in the arcade area talking.

Second date, he picks another arcade/bowling alley/karaoke spot not too far from my house. I like that he is considerate about my location. There was a super long wait time for bowling, so we played a quick game of pool, then sang karaoke, which was super fun. He didn’t offer me anything to eat though, and I felt some kind of way about that. I speak up for myself, but I don’t feel like I should have to ask a man to offer me food/drinks on a date. After this date, he gave me a small bouquet of flowers and the two chocolate caramel brownies that he’d made with his kids for Valentine’s Day. I thought it was a sweet gesture.

He asks to see me again the next week, and he really wants to make bowling happen :lachen:, but I’m cool with it. He also suggests that we go to this sushi spot afterwards. I go to the website, and they advertise that the plates start at $2.50. Now, I feel like he was “thoughtful” about our outings, but I got a cheap or penny-pinching vibe from him. I am definitely frugal, in that I am good with my money and I don’t like to spend frivolously, but I am generous with myself and others, if that makes sense.

We had fun bowling, and that is when he smells my Amber Oil and asks me about the scent. He’s definitely kind of “square”, but so am I (with a sprinkle of hood :lachen: ). I enjoy his company.

I should mention that his ex-wife is Japanese, and his children are biracial. I mean, he lived in Japan for 11 years.


So, for our next “date”, we were going to really keep it casual, and I was going to let him come over to watch a movie. I’d told him about “Imitation of Life”, and we were just going to chill. I’d told him that the way to my heart is through my stomach (said in jest, but true nonetheless). I put out there that we could order takeout, just so he didn’t think that he was going to sit up in my house without feeding me, or that I was cooking.

His sister and his nephew just came to town last week. They are visiting from France. He’d told me that they were going to try to throw his nephew a birthday party since they’d missed his birthday.

I was actually looking forward to hanging out with him and just being easy. Y’all, WHY did this man send me pics of leftover party food saying that he was bringing it to my house?!!!!


I was so disgusted and offended!!!! You mean to tell me that you thought it was a good idea to bring me some food that’s been picked over and breathed on by your peoples . . .during covid?!!!! More importantly, his cheap arse was likely bringing it so he wouldn't have to order takeout!!!! I told him that I wasn’t going to eat that, and that I’d rather order takeout. I added a laughing emoji, to “soften” it. Maybe that’s my problem. I wanted to tell him that I was offended by the gesture, and that it came off as cheap, but my friend and my Son both said that that would be rude. I ended up canceling because I was going to let this naker sit up in my house, and he was going to try to bring me some leftover food?!!!!

I should also add that he wasn’t going to “score”, and I honestly don’t think he would’ve tried. He hasn’t made any kind of move yet. But hey, you never know.

I said that I had a headache and canceled. He was concerned, of course, and said that he hoped that I would feel better soon, and if I did, he’d be free to hang out today after 1:00 p.m. He’d already tried to have me commit to both days. He wants to climb Stone Mountain (he’s never done it), but I didn’t want to commit to both days, as I like my alone time.

Anyway, he just texted me not long ago checking up on me. I haven’t answered. I don’t even want to see him again. I cannot STAND a cheap man!!!! I feel like his dates were “thoughtful”, but that they considered his pockets more so than my entertainment. We’ve never been out for a nighttime dinner. My question is, can I straight up tell him why I’m put off? I don’t like ghosting people, but I have to say that I’m ALL the way put off.

What y’all think?


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MAJOR thing: When you are on a date, it is not your job to worry about someone else's pockets. He invited you. It costs forty dollars. Expect him to pay it without batting an eye. A real man would have just paid it, not looked to his date to see if he could get out of it. Then he would have to evaluate on his own if he was really financially ready to date.

I feel that everything he did was offensive from acting like couldn't pay a measly forty dollars to sending you pics of left overs to bring over to get out of buying it. Apalling and offensive!

I am not sure there is any point to telling him why other than to release and validate your frustration which could be a good thing for you to do. If you don't feel like ghosting him, you could just become 'busier' and when you are extremely bored, hang out with him for a couple of hours ( not your place though). Think of him as a platonic.

Other thoughts:

Like women, men can become more jaded and cautious. Unless a man has very deep pockets, throwing a ton of money on every potential partner is not realistic. Add to that, this man is a divorced man (alimony?) with two young children ($$$$$$$$). He probably misses companionship and therefore wants to hang out, but he doesn't seem have deep enough pockets for serious entertaining. He doesn't even seem capable of even moderate entertaining. Balking at $40 for two people? He etiher doesn't have the money, is really selfish or is overly cautious. Regardless, it doesn't matter because you both are at two different phases of life. Don't stress or lose one moment of beauty sleep over this.
Dude was TOTALLY out of line with the leftovers

On the one hand I want you to be tactful and considerate and gently let him know it’s not okay...
On the other hand this nager is tripping and needs to be told I never tell women to go off but...he needs a strong talking to

No matter what delivery you choose, definitely tell him the truth and make sure you communicate your expectations

Do you really even see it for you two ,though? He seems okay but you made it clear in your post you don’t like cheap men,so what’s keeping your interest?
My question is, can I straight up tell him why I’m put off? I don’t like ghosting people, but I have to say that I’m ALL the way put off.

What y’all think?
He’s cheap and/or broke. Either way he’s not trying to impress you. Red flag. Throw this fish back. I’m the queen of ghosting trifling men so I see nothing wrong with doing that. :lol: Heck I just ghosted one yesterday (lemme know if you want that story). If you wanna tell him you can. I bet he already knows what his trifling butt is guilty of without you bringing it up. He’s not stupid. Like I said before, he’s used to thirsty chicks putting up with his crap because he’s attractive. In his mind you’re sticking around no matter what.
I just sent the below text to him. I am very outspoken, and sometimes my friends say that what I want to say would be too direct, but I believe that there is a way that you can be true to yourself without being rude. I didn’t flat out call him cheap, but I let him know how his actions made me feel.


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