What is the worst date that you have been on?

Three grown ass men sitting with me in a restaurant with no money. :blush:

I would have asked for separate checks, paid for MY ish only, and left then. I see this as a scam that they probably pull when ANY of them meets a new woman. (She pays for all of them to eat)....

Not moi.

The worst date I went on was with this one Fione @ss guy that I had been wanting to get at for awhile. Anyhow I suggested that we go to dinner and miniature golf. Upon arriving at dinner he told me that a couple of his friends were coming and asked if that was okay. I said sure no problem even though I was a little bit heated...( he didn't want me to his self). I was chill until his friends arrived, it was two negroes with no dates! I was like WTF! You can't be serious. So I asked them if their girlfriends would be joining us...one of them didn't have a girl and the other one said his didn't feel like being bothered tonight (she didn't feel like being bothered?). Anyhow they were extremely loud and ghetto! I was sooo embarrassed the waitress seemed so uneasy. Then to make matters worse...tell me why none of them had money...my date either! I was too through....Sooo once we were outside they were like so are we car pooling to Frankies (Mini-Golf) because we don't have alot of gas...I was done! Itold them they must be out of their minds if you think they were going to have a fun filled not on my expense! Hopped in my car and went home. He had the nerve to call me and ask why I was tripping. I told him that I wasn't really feeling his friends. He said that if I can't except his boys then I obviously can't except him....point taken! I hung up on him, called Sprint and changed my number. The nerve of some men!!!
The worst date I ever went on was with a local new anchor. He seemed nice enough. He looked better on television and was a lot shorter than I remembered. He picked me up, I said hello, and he stands there looking at me. Then he says, and I'm not kidding, "How do I look?" I was in shock. I understand their is some vanity that may come with his job.... so I told him he looked nice... even though he SHOULD have been telling me that. Anyway, we get to dinner, and this man said some of the most ignorant, backward things I'd ever heard..... My hair was pulled back. He kept commenting on my grade of hair. Then he wanted to know if it was naturally straight or did I use chemicals or heat to press it.... Then he goes on to tell me how much he loved my name.... It was refreshing to meet a black woman with a name he could pronounce when introducing her to his boss and co-workers. The date got progressively worse and he continued to make really asinine comments.... Needless to say, that was our first and LAST date.
OK another really bad one....I was in high school and was chillin with my boyfriend. We had been "smoking" and and drinking:alcoholic I was kinda new to it, so I was ALLLLLLLL messed up....like it was all bad. We go to his house because his parents arent home. We start fooling around and my clothes are off. :over18: All of sudden the garage goes up...ooooppppsss....his parents are home. So he's struggling to get his clothes on and so am I, but Im soooooo disoriented that I couldnt do ANYTHING!!!!!! :drunk::spinning: He keeps telling me to hurry up so we can bounce out the back door, but its not happening. I honestly cannot coordinate myself to put my clothes on. So I tell him, "just go without me, I'll hide in the closet." :nono: So he's out. I get in the closet, :takecover: but forget to take my clothes with me.

So his parents come home and this is what I hear
MOM: Honey, I smell alcohol
DAD: Yeah, John (names have been changed to protect the guilty) was here. His car is outside.
PARENTS: John? John? Are you here?
DAD: No, he's not here. But something is going on.

quiet for a moment until his parents walk by the room I'm in. The light goes on.

MOM: OMG - some girls clothes are on the floor.
DAD: what the hell?
MOM: John has some girl out there in the cold butt naked!!! I can;t believe this ish.

At this point, Im am SHAKING in the closet. Not because I was cold (lol) but because I was MORTIFIED. This can not be happening. Im shaking soooo badly that I am sure that his parents are gonna open up the closet door and find me. But they dont. They leave the room and go to their bedroom which I right across the way.

It felt like hours passed. In the mean time, Im praying that I can somehow get out of this mess :pray:. However, drunk + high + petrified = ON ONE. Sooooooooo, I start thinking that Im dead....because, of course, this CANNOT be happening to me. So, I start thinking that I have died and gone to heaven (no lie.) And since Im dead, I figure that I can escape by walking out of the window. :superman: :look:

But before I do that, just to make sure that Im really dead, I decide to come out of the closet and peek out of the bedroom door, just to survey the scene :peek:

So his parents room is right across from me, so I am basically looking at his parents in their room :hide:. All of a sudden, his dad looks my direction (only my head was peeking out) and kinda squints, then taps his wife.

I'm thinking to myself.....Im a ghost, how can they see me?
Then the wife looks my direction and gets up.

Awwww hell!!! Im really alive and this is not a reallllllyyyyy badddd dream. This is real and Im soooooo incredibly embarrassed.

So the mom comes to the door and asks me who I am. I make up a name....probably something like Tanisha. She tells me to get dressed. I come out once Im dressed and she advises me to comb my hair.Gosh, Im so embarrased.

Then "John" comes home while Im still in the bathroom. She tells him that shes pissed at him and is taking "Tanisha" home. He's like, WHO????:lachen::lachen:

Anyhow, now my high is GONE and im PISSED. She takes me home and is really nice to me - asking me about myself and my grades (I was a straight A student, despite my foolishness) and my plans for college.

Since we lived in the same neighborhood and she might know my parents, I had her drop me off a few doors from my house...just in case. Waited for her to drive off, then walked home, and went STRAIGHT to bed. When I woke up in the morning, I wanted it to be a dream...but it wasn't :dead:

Poetist, this story had me rolling so hard at work :lachen: Funniest story Ive ever heard.
I met this guy very very briefly at a friends house. She was having her place done up and so we were sitting in her bedroom watching tv. The electrician put his head around the door to say goodbye and our eyes locked - he was wearing overall's at the time. Two days later my friend said Gary would like your number etc etc.

We talked on the phone for about a week and my friends said that he had popped by her house with normal clothes on and he scrubs up really well.

He picked me up at my house. He knocked on my door and i was digusted by the way he was dressed......
- The largest black puffa jacket on this planet....it wasn't THAT cold.
- Bozzo the Clown steel toe capped boots - made his feet look like a size 15.
- Skinny legged dark blue jeans
- Un-shaven face and head was balding and as he hadn't shaved his head either it looked terrible.
- cracked lips and dry hands.

I said to him 'You do know we are going to visit a museum and then have lunch don't you?' He replied, 'Yes'.
I asked him if he has just come from work and he said 'no'.

Stupid me should have said i had a headache and shut the door but typical me felt sorry for him and went out anyway. All that afternoon i had to walk in Central London with him wanting to link arms with me and be all lovey dovey. I was sooooo embarrased - i was dressed in skinny jeans, heels and smart jacket, hair all done nicely.
I felt people were staring at me - and him - and wondering what the heck we were doing togther.

We went to Wagamama's - i was starving and had to eat something. (with hindsight i should have bought me a bag of crisps) For anyone he doesn't know this place its just an upmarket noodle restarant.

He sat down, looked around like a little kid and said, 'Wow, thanks for bringing me to this posh place. Its fantastic. I've not been too such a nice place before'. He fiddled and fidgeted the whole time.

He didn't ask for the bill. So as i wanted to go home i did. After 5 minutes i said to him, 'Well shall I pay for the bill?'. He said, 'Yeh, thanks'.

He dropped me home disappointed we didn't spent the rest of the day together.

By the way this guy is 36 years old. No children. Never been on a date in the last 2 years.

He must have thought all his Christmas' had come at once when he went out with me (sorry, but in this case i will not be modest).

DAMN! i feel embarrassed for you.
:rofl: :rofl: all of these are too funny...

I was about 19 when this happened.... Okay well my friend was dating this guy and hooked me up with his younger brother. I wasnt really attracted to him but he seemed to have a good sense of humor so i talked to him on the phone every now and then.

Anyway, he calls me one day and says that he has some free tickets to a local theme park and asks me to go cuz they are going to expire soon. I agree but he adds that I will have to pick him up cuz he doesnt drive. Okay well, I didnt think too much of it. After I get him, he asks me to pick up a 'couple' of his friends who live 'around the corner' wellllll... around the corner turned out to be in in the ghettooooooo and the 'couple' of friends turn out to be 5 -6 raggady ass boys who decide to try to cram theirselves into the back seat of my car. One boy couldnt fit and was like ' Ah forget it her ride is sh!t anyway!'

Anyway, so we get to the amusement park and before we enter the grounds he is like 'Umm okay.. .stop here.' I was like ':perplexed why?' He is like ' Just stop' These boys get out of the car and try to hop the fence onto the fair grounds cuz their asses were too cheap to pay to get in.... I should have taken this as a sign that 'birds of a feather flock together' but instead I continued on to the parking lot. Dude is like 'Nah dont park there. Just park on the side. Its free!' Meanwhile, it is a towing zone.

Then we get into the amusement park and I come to find out that the tickets were only for entry and did not cover games or rides. I was like ' Lets play a game' Dude is like ':nono:Nah it costs too much. Lets just walk around' We walk around for a couple hours. No rides, no games, no food no fun.

I get fed up and decide its time to go home. He is like 'Okay lets get something to eat first. Drive up to McDonalds'. We get to McDee's and he is peeking through the window looking around. Then goes 'Nah lets not go here. Tyrone isnt working tonight.. that means no free food! Lets go to Burger King instead' Stupid me drives to Burger King where he proceeds to do the same thing. Fed up, I just go to the 7-11 to get something to drink. This guy is like, 'Ill be back in a sec." He comes back carrying a KFC bag, munching a greasy chicken leg in front of my face. :nono:

Then when I drop him home I am like 'Okay well bye.' and he plants a nasty, wet sloppy, dribbly kiss on me. I was sooooo pissed. And he had the audacity to wonder why I stopped calling. :nono:

THAT ONE TAKES THE CAKE!!!! :rolleyes::lachen:
:perplexedAbout 4 or 5 years ago I met this guy while I was waiting for my chinease food.:eat: He'd been asking me out everyday for like 2 weeks until finally I said yes this particular day. He told me his car was in the shop and asked if I could drive. Not a problem I understand a brother in the struggle. So I'd been lusting:lick: over this TGIF commercial and mentioned I wanted to go there. On the way there he asked me if I wanted to eat at every fast food place we passed and just go and watch tv. I thought he was just trying to get me back to get some booty.

We get to TGIF and I'm asking him what he's getting so he's like I don't know what do you want so I already knew I wanted what I'd seen on the commercial. SO I tell him he looks and it and says he's not hungry, then he says it's nothing on the menu he likes. Then he had the crazy nerve to say he would just have a little of mine. So I'm like HUH??? So we go back and forth for a min until I finally realize what was going on. This dweeb asked me out with no money. So he finally orders something small.

The bill comes and he's like um yeah I only have 12 bucks do you mind putting in the rest. He handed me a five and 7 singles. Lucky my mama told me never go anywhere without with anyone without any money:naughty:

But this is the kicker, I stopped calling him this weirdo showed up at my job slid a note to me (mind you I worked at the bank at that time) and left. He called me all day while I was at work and left me like 5 messages. You would have thought I gave his some of my good love'n:kiss3:. The only time I was alone with this fool was the ride to and from Fridays.

But it get's better about two days later his baby's mama calls me and is telling me he is a liar and has 3 kids he doesn't take care of and he's a bum and all types of stuff. I assured her she had nothing to worry about from me.

THEN!!!!! about a week later a friend of my cousin was around when I was telling the story and she said she went out with him and was about to give him some of her love'n and he wanted all the lights out and didn't want her to see him although he seemed to have a nice body so she turned the lights on and she said he had all types of rashes and lumps on his memeber.:eek:
:perplexedAbout 4 or 5 years ago I met this guy while I was waiting for my chinease food.:eat: He'd been asking me out everyday for like 2 weeks until finally I said yes this particular day. He told me his car was in the shop and asked if I could drive. Not a problem I understand a brother in the struggle. So I'd been lusting:lick: over this TGIF commercial and mentioned I wanted to go there. On the way there he asked me if I wanted to eat at every fast food place we passed and just go and watch tv. I thought he was just trying to get me back to get some booty.

We get to TGIF and I'm asking him what he's getting so he's like I don't know what do you want so I already knew I wanted what I'd seen on the commercial. SO I tell him he looks and it and says he's not hungry, then he says it's nothing on the menu he likes. Then he had the crazy nerve to say he would just have a little of mine. So I'm like HUH??? So we go back and forth for a min until I finally realize what was going on. This dweeb asked me out with no money. So he finally orders something small.

The bill comes and he's like um yeah I only have 12 bucks do you mind putting in the rest. He handed me a five and 7 singles. Lucky my mama told me never go anywhere without with anyone without any money:naughty:

But this is the kicker, I stopped calling him this weirdo showed up at my job slid a note to me (mind you I worked at the bank at that time) and left. He called me all day while I was at work and left me like 5 messages. You would have thought I gave his some of my good love'n:kiss3:. The only time I was alone with this fool was the ride to and from Fridays.

But it get's better about two days later his baby's mama calls me and is telling me he is a liar and has 3 kids he doesn't take care of and he's a bum and all types of stuff. I assured her she had nothing to worry about from me.

THEN!!!!! about a week later a friend of my cousin was around when I was telling the story and she said she went out with him and was about to give him some of her love'n and he wanted all the lights out and didn't want her to see him although he seemed to have a nice body so she turned the lights on and she said he had all types of rashes and lumps on his memeber.:eek:

:blush::blush: ...........................:nono:

Weelllllll, maybe he wasnt being cheap... Maybe he needed the money to buy medicine for his 'condition' :lachen:
OK another really bad one....I was in high school and was chillin with my boyfriend. We had been "smoking" and and drinking:alcoholic I was kinda new to it, so I was ALLLLLLLL messed up....like it was all bad. We go to his house because his parents arent home. We start fooling around and my clothes are off. :over18: All of sudden the garage goes up...ooooppppsss....his parents are home. So he's struggling to get his clothes on and so am I, but Im soooooo disoriented that I couldnt do ANYTHING!!!!!! :drunk::spinning: He keeps telling me to hurry up so we can bounce out the back door, but its not happening. I honestly cannot coordinate myself to put my clothes on. So I tell him, "just go without me, I'll hide in the closet." :nono: So he's out. I get in the closet, :takecover: but forget to take my clothes with me.

So his parents come home and this is what I hear
MOM: Honey, I smell alcohol
DAD: Yeah, John (names have been changed to protect the guilty) was here. His car is outside.
PARENTS: John? John? Are you here?
DAD: No, he's not here. But something is going on.

quiet for a moment until his parents walk by the room I'm in. The light goes on.

MOM: OMG - some girls clothes are on the floor.
DAD: what the hell?
MOM: John has some girl out there in the cold butt naked!!! I can;t believe this ish.

At this point, Im am SHAKING in the closet. Not because I was cold (lol) but because I was MORTIFIED. This can not be happening. Im shaking soooo badly that I am sure that his parents are gonna open up the closet door and find me. But they dont. They leave the room and go to their bedroom which I right across the way.

It felt like hours passed. In the mean time, Im praying that I can somehow get out of this mess :pray:. However, drunk + high + petrified = ON ONE. Sooooooooo, I start thinking that Im dead....because, of course, this CANNOT be happening to me. So, I start thinking that I have died and gone to heaven (no lie.) And since Im dead, I figure that I can escape by walking out of the window. :superman: :look:

But before I do that, just to make sure that Im really dead, I decide to come out of the closet and peek out of the bedroom door, just to survey the scene :peek:

So his parents room is right across from me, so I am basically looking at his parents in their room :hide:. All of a sudden, his dad looks my direction (only my head was peeking out) and kinda squints, then taps his wife.

I'm thinking to myself.....Im a ghost, how can they see me?
Then the wife looks my direction and gets up.

Awwww hell!!! Im really alive and this is not a reallllllyyyyy badddd dream. This is real and Im soooooo incredibly embarrassed.

So the mom comes to the door and asks me who I am. I make up a name....probably something like Tanisha. She tells me to get dressed. I come out once Im dressed and she advises me to comb my hair.Gosh, Im so embarrased.

Then "John" comes home while Im still in the bathroom. She tells him that shes pissed at him and is taking "Tanisha" home. He's like, WHO????:lachen::lachen:

Anyhow, now my high is GONE and im PISSED. She takes me home and is really nice to me - asking me about myself and my grades (I was a straight A student, despite my foolishness) and my plans for college.

Since we lived in the same neighborhood and she might know my parents, I had her drop me off a few doors from my house...just in case. Waited for her to drive off, then walked home, and went STRAIGHT to bed. When I woke up in the morning, I wanted it to be a dream...but it wasn't :dead:
:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: I haven't had a good laugh in a long time
:perplexedAbout 4 or 5 years ago I met this guy while I was waiting for my chinease food.:eat: He'd been asking me out everyday for like 2 weeks until finally I said yes this particular day. He told me his car was in the shop and asked if I could drive. Not a problem I understand a brother in the struggle. So I'd been lusting:lick: over this TGIF commercial and mentioned I wanted to go there. On the way there he asked me if I wanted to eat at every fast food place we passed and just go and watch tv. I thought he was just trying to get me back to get some booty.

We get to TGIF and I'm asking him what he's getting so he's like I don't know what do you want so I already knew I wanted what I'd seen on the commercial. SO I tell him he looks and it and says he's not hungry, then he says it's nothing on the menu he likes. Then he had the crazy nerve to say he would just have a little of mine. So I'm like HUH??? So we go back and forth for a min until I finally realize what was going on. This dweeb asked me out with no money. So he finally orders something small.

The bill comes and he's like um yeah I only have 12 bucks do you mind putting in the rest. He handed me a five and 7 singles. Lucky my mama told me never go anywhere without with anyone without any money:naughty:

But this is the kicker, I stopped calling him this weirdo showed up at my job slid a note to me (mind you I worked at the bank at that time) and left. He called me all day while I was at work and left me like 5 messages. You would have thought I gave his some of my good love'n:kiss3:. The only time I was alone with this fool was the ride to and from Fridays.

But it get's better about two days later his baby's mama calls me and is telling me he is a liar and has 3 kids he doesn't take care of and he's a bum and all types of stuff. I assured her she had nothing to worry about from me.

THEN!!!!! about a week later a friend of my cousin was around when I was telling the story and she said she went out with him and was about to give him some of her love'n and he wanted all the lights out and didn't want her to see him although he seemed to have a nice body so she turned the lights on and she said he had all types of rashes and lumps on his memeber.:eek:

Sweet fancy moses!!! Yuck yuck and more yuck.
it would have to be when I took my precious time to get fly as hell for my blind date only to find out he was literally 5 feet (no joke) and I'm 5'7" and I had on heels. He told me he was 5'9" lol.I was so pissed. He asked for us to go to the movies. I thought "There is no way I'm being seen in public with this midget". We stayed in my car for like an hour. He was talkin all this yada about how sexy I was and how me and him would look good together..I was just thinking oh please time hurry up. And then I told him I had to go to Bed Stuy. He was soooo madd because it took him awhile to get to me. He took a train and cab from Harlem to Coney Island. Anybody that knows NYC, knows that is a RIDE. I didn't care. He should have never lied.
it would have to be when I took my precious time to get fly as hell for my blind date only to find out he was literally 5 feet (no joke) and I'm 5'7" and I had on heels. He told me he was 5'9" lol.I was so pissed. He asked for us to go to the movies. I thought "There is no way I'm being seen in public with this midget". We stayed in my car for like an hour. He was talkin all this yada about how sexy I was and how me and him would look good together..I was just thinking oh please time hurry up. And then I told him I had to go to Bed Stuy. He was soooo madd because it took him awhile to get to me. He took a train and cab from Harlem to Coney Island. Anybody that knows NYC, knows that is a RIDE. I didn't care. He should have never lied.

:rofl3: @ the bolded
:perplexedAbout 4 or 5 years ago I met this guy while I was waiting for my chinease food.:eat: He'd been asking me out everyday for like 2 weeks until finally I said yes this particular day. He told me his car was in the shop and asked if I could drive. Not a problem I understand a brother in the struggle. So I'd been lusting:lick: over this TGIF commercial and mentioned I wanted to go there. On the way there he asked me if I wanted to eat at every fast food place we passed and just go and watch tv. I thought he was just trying to get me back to get some booty.

We get to TGIF and I'm asking him what he's getting so he's like I don't know what do you want so I already knew I wanted what I'd seen on the commercial. SO I tell him he looks and it and says he's not hungry, then he says it's nothing on the menu he likes. Then he had the crazy nerve to say he would just have a little of mine. So I'm like HUH??? So we go back and forth for a min until I finally realize what was going on. This dweeb asked me out with no money. So he finally orders something small.

The bill comes and he's like um yeah I only have 12 bucks do you mind putting in the rest. He handed me a five and 7 singles. Lucky my mama told me never go anywhere without with anyone without any money:naughty:

But this is the kicker, I stopped calling him this weirdo showed up at my job slid a note to me (mind you I worked at the bank at that time) and left. He called me all day while I was at work and left me like 5 messages. You would have thought I gave his some of my good love'n:kiss3:. The only time I was alone with this fool was the ride to and from Fridays.

But it get's better about two days later his baby's mama calls me and is telling me he is a liar and has 3 kids he doesn't take care of and he's a bum and all types of stuff. I assured her she had nothing to worry about from me.

THEN!!!!! about a week later a friend of my cousin was around when I was telling the story and she said she went out with him and was about to give him some of her love'n and he wanted all the lights out and didn't want her to see him although he seemed to have a nice body so she turned the lights on and she said he had all types of rashes and lumps on his memeber.:eek:


On the other hand,Poetist,that is comedy!
I got one. A loooooooooooooooong time ago I went out with this guy named Garrett Randall. He is from Chicago originally but lived in LA where his parents own a Seafood restaurant.


Anyways, I met him in Monterey which is 5 hours north and he wanted to see me so badly he sent me an airline ticket.

I made plans to stay at a friend's I knew down there that weekend.

I can't remember what we argued about but he had a crazy hellacious temper and he was scaring me. He took me to his parent's restaurant to meet them and we got some take out to go to his house and eat dinner.
I had a good time but about 8 I was ready to go crash at my girl's house.

He got pissy and asked why I wasn't staying.

I told him I didn't think it was proper 'cause I didn't know him that well.

So he proceeds to take me to my girl's house in Van Nuys and in the middle of this crazy buys intersection he picks a fight with me. And he's like so you mean I'm not going to get laid at all this weekend.

I was like no...

And he was like wth did I spend all that money for

And I said, no clue but I'm not a prostitute. You're spending money is not my problem. You should have clarified WHY you were spending the money before I came down here.

So he starts calling me all kinds of B's and what not in the middle of this intersection at this red light and tells me to get out of the car. I had no idea where I was and it didnt' look like a "safe" part of town. :nono:

So...............I jerked his car into park. Took his keys out of the ignition in one swoop then got out of the car and RANNNNNNNNNN!

I through his keys in a nearby dumpster he made me so mad and called my girlfriend from a gas station.

He called me on my cell pretending he was sorry but still pissy obviously about his key. :lachen:

I went back to Monterey and only hard from him a few years ago (this was like 10 years ago) when I was married.

Remember, Garrett Randall. Last time I saw him he drove a Mustang. From Chicago but lives in LA. Has parents who owned a place called Seafood Supreme. Watch out!
:perplexedAbout 4 or 5 years ago I met this guy while I was waiting for my chinease food.:eat: He'd been asking me out everyday for like 2 weeks until finally I said yes this particular day. He told me his car was in the shop and asked if I could drive. Not a problem I understand a brother in the struggle. So I'd been lusting:lick: over this TGIF commercial and mentioned I wanted to go there. On the way there he asked me if I wanted to eat at every fast food place we passed and just go and watch tv. I thought he was just trying to get me back to get some booty.

We get to TGIF and I'm asking him what he's getting so he's like I don't know what do you want so I already knew I wanted what I'd seen on the commercial. SO I tell him he looks and it and says he's not hungry, then he says it's nothing on the menu he likes. Then he had the crazy nerve to say he would just have a little of mine. So I'm like HUH??? So we go back and forth for a min until I finally realize what was going on. This dweeb asked me out with no money. So he finally orders something small.

The bill comes and he's like um yeah I only have 12 bucks do you mind putting in the rest. He handed me a five and 7 singles. Lucky my mama told me never go anywhere without with anyone without any money:naughty:

But this is the kicker, I stopped calling him this weirdo showed up at my job slid a note to me (mind you I worked at the bank at that time) and left. He called me all day while I was at work and left me like 5 messages. You would have thought I gave his some of my good love'n:kiss3:. The only time I was alone with this fool was the ride to and from Fridays.

But it get's better about two days later his baby's mama calls me and is telling me he is a liar and has 3 kids he doesn't take care of and he's a bum and all types of stuff. I assured her she had nothing to worry about from me.

THEN!!!!! about a week later a friend of my cousin was around when I was telling the story and she said she went out with him and was about to give him some of her love'n and he wanted all the lights out and didn't want her to see him although he seemed to have a nice body so she turned the lights on and she said he had all types of rashes and lumps on his memeber.:eek:

No, THAT one takes the cake! :barf::barf:
:grin: I'm glad ya'll enjoyed the story. The bad part was I ended up looking like a hoodrat to his mama and daddy and left their house a virgin. :look: I was sooo embarrased by the whole situation that I refused to pick up dudes calls or see him for MONTHS. So glad its but a memory :nono:
I got one. A loooooooooooooooong time ago I went out with this guy named Garrett Randall. He is from Chicago originally but lived in LA where his parents own a Seafood restaurant.


Anyways, I met him in Monterey which is 5 hours north and he wanted to see me so badly he sent me an airline ticket.

I made plans to stay at a friend's I knew down there that weekend.

I can't remember what we argued about but he had a crazy hellacious temper and he was scaring me. He took me to his parent's restaurant to meet them and we got some take out to go to his house and eat dinner.
I had a good time but about 8 I was ready to go crash at my girl's house.

He got pissy and asked why I wasn't staying.

I told him I didn't think it was proper 'cause I didn't know him that well.

So he proceeds to take me to my girl's house in Van Nuys and in the middle of this crazy buys intersection he picks a fight with me. And he's like so you mean I'm not going to get laid at all this weekend.

I was like no...

And he was like wth did I spend all that money for

And I said, no clue but I'm not a prostitute. You're spending money is not my problem. You should have clarified WHY you were spending the money before I came down here.

So he starts calling me all kinds of B's and what not in the middle of this intersection at this red light and tells me to get out of the car. I had no idea where I was and it didnt' look like a "safe" part of town. :nono:

So...............I jerked his car into park. Took his keys out of the ignition in one swoop then got out of the car and RANNNNNNNNNN!

I through his keys in a nearby dumpster he made me so mad and called my girlfriend from a gas station.

He called me on my cell pretending he was sorry but still pissy obviously about his key. :lachen:

I went back to Monterey and only hard from him a few years ago (this was like 10 years ago) when I was married.

Remember, Garrett Randall. Last time I saw him he drove a Mustang. From Chicago but lives in LA. Has parents who owned a place called Seafood Supreme. Watch out!

NOOOO...:lachen::lachen:LMAO:lachen::lachen:!! That is too freakin funny...serves him right. I got heated just reading...I could only imagine that situation.

BTW i'm mad at you for putting his gov. name out there like that...:nono::look::drunk:
I got one. A loooooooooooooooong time ago I went out with this guy named Garrett Randall. He is from Chicago originally but lived in LA where his parents own a Seafood restaurant.


Anyways, I met him in Monterey which is 5 hours north and he wanted to see me so badly he sent me an airline ticket.

I made plans to stay at a friend's I knew down there that weekend.

I can't remember what we argued about but he had a crazy hellacious temper and he was scaring me. He took me to his parent's restaurant to meet them and we got some take out to go to his house and eat dinner.
I had a good time but about 8 I was ready to go crash at my girl's house.

He got pissy and asked why I wasn't staying.

I told him I didn't think it was proper 'cause I didn't know him that well.

So he proceeds to take me to my girl's house in Van Nuys and in the middle of this crazy buys intersection he picks a fight with me. And he's like so you mean I'm not going to get laid at all this weekend.

I was like no...

And he was like wth did I spend all that money for

And I said, no clue but I'm not a prostitute. You're spending money is not my problem. You should have clarified WHY you were spending the money before I came down here.

So he starts calling me all kinds of B's and what not in the middle of this intersection at this red light and tells me to get out of the car. I had no idea where I was and it didnt' look like a "safe" part of town. :nono:

So...............I jerked his car into park. Took his keys out of the ignition in one swoop then got out of the car and RANNNNNNNNNN!

I through his keys in a nearby dumpster he made me so mad and called my girlfriend from a gas station.

He called me on my cell pretending he was sorry but still pissy obviously about his key. :lachen:

I went back to Monterey and only hard from him a few years ago (this was like 10 years ago) when I was married.

Remember, Garrett Randall. Last time I saw him he drove a Mustang. From Chicago but lives in LA. Has parents who owned a place called Seafood Supreme. Watch out!

Wow, you put this man on blast! I almost googled him!
OK another really bad one....I was in high school and was chillin with my boyfriend. We had been "smoking" and and drinking:alcoholic I was kinda new to it, so I was ALLLLLLLL messed up....like it was all bad. We go to his house because his parents arent home. We start fooling around and my clothes are off. :over18: All of sudden the garage goes up...ooooppppsss....his parents are home. So he's struggling to get his clothes on and so am I, but Im soooooo disoriented that I couldnt do ANYTHING!!!!!! :drunk::spinning: He keeps telling me to hurry up so we can bounce out the back door, but its not happening. I honestly cannot coordinate myself to put my clothes on. So I tell him, "just go without me, I'll hide in the closet." :nono: So he's out. I get in the closet, :takecover: but forget to take my clothes with me.

So his parents come home and this is what I hear
MOM: Honey, I smell alcohol
DAD: Yeah, John (names have been changed to protect the guilty) was here. His car is outside.
PARENTS: John? John? Are you here?
DAD: No, he's not here. But something is going on.

quiet for a moment until his parents walk by the room I'm in. The light goes on.

MOM: OMG - some girls clothes are on the floor.
DAD: what the hell?
MOM: John has some girl out there in the cold butt naked!!! I can;t believe this ish.

At this point, Im am SHAKING in the closet. Not because I was cold (lol) but because I was MORTIFIED. This can not be happening. Im shaking soooo badly that I am sure that his parents are gonna open up the closet door and find me. But they dont. They leave the room and go to their bedroom which I right across the way.

It felt like hours passed. In the mean time, Im praying that I can somehow get out of this mess :pray:. However, drunk + high + petrified = ON ONE. Sooooooooo, I start thinking that Im dead....because, of course, this CANNOT be happening to me. So, I start thinking that I have died and gone to heaven (no lie.) And since Im dead, I figure that I can escape by walking out of the window. :superman: :look:

But before I do that, just to make sure that Im really dead, I decide to come out of the closet and peek out of the bedroom door, just to survey the scene :peek:

So his parents room is right across from me, so I am basically looking at his parents in their room :hide:. All of a sudden, his dad looks my direction (only my head was peeking out) and kinda squints, then taps his wife.

I'm thinking to myself.....Im a ghost, how can they see me?
Then the wife looks my direction and gets up.

Awwww hell!!! Im really alive and this is not a reallllllyyyyy badddd dream. This is real and Im soooooo incredibly embarrassed.

So the mom comes to the door and asks me who I am. I make up a name....probably something like Tanisha. She tells me to get dressed. I come out once Im dressed and she advises me to comb my hair.Gosh, Im so embarrased.

Then "John" comes home while Im still in the bathroom. She tells him that shes pissed at him and is taking "Tanisha" home. He's like, WHO????:lachen::lachen:

Anyhow, now my high is GONE and im PISSED. She takes me home and is really nice to me - asking me about myself and my grades (I was a straight A student, despite my foolishness) and my plans for college.

Since we lived in the same neighborhood and she might know my parents, I had her drop me off a few doors from my house...just in case. Waited for her to drive off, then walked home, and went STRAIGHT to bed. When I woke up in the morning, I wanted it to be a dream...but it wasn't :dead:

This was HILARIOUS I amsitting here crying from laughter. good one
This is short and sweet. This was back in the early 90's. This guy took me to the movies, no dinner and mind you this was the first date. He didn't even offer to get me popcorn, soda, candy nothing. After the movie he ask did I want to go to his place. I said no I want to go home. He drove back to my place in silence. This was late October\early November. I had on a long leather coat when they were still sorta in style. I told him thanks for the date as he was leaning in to kiss me, ugh, no kiss on first date bro. I got out the car and shut the door, little did I know my coat was caught in the door, he drives off and rips my coat off of my body and I am screaming. He goes about 500 feet stops leans over to open his door and pushes the rest of my coat out of his car and keeps on driving. Of course I never spoke to him again.
Upon arriving at dinner he told me that a couple of his friends were coming and asked if that was okay.

Anyhow they were extremely loud and ghetto! I was sooo embarrassed the waitress seemed so uneasy. Then to make matters worse...tell me why none of them had money...my date either! I was too through....Sooo once we were outside they were like so are we car pooling to Frankies (Mini-Golf) because we don't have alot of gas...I was done! Itold them they must be out of their minds if you think they were going to have a fun filled not on my expense! Hopped in my car and went home. He had the nerve to call me and ask why I was tripping. I told him that I wasn't really feeling his friends. He said that if I can't except his boys then I obviously can't except him....point taken! I hung up on him, called Sprint and changed my number. The nerve of some men!!!

I think ya betta call Tyrone, callem.:lachen::lachen:
This old friend of mine called me up and asked me out on a date. I've known him for years, and he's been single for a while..so I figured I'd take him up on his offer and just focus on having a good time without worrying about a relationship.

Well we get to the place and he doesn't open the door for me. Instead, he walks through first and lets it shut. I have to catch the door for myself.

Next, he takes it upon himself to order us an appetizer to share for our meal.:rolleyes: Here I am on a date, dressed up all cute, and we're sharing Mozzarella sticks for our meal. So embarrassing, and to think that I didn't eat most of the day in order to save my appetite for that upset.

In the middle of our "dinner" he gets up and leaves in order to PLACE HIS WEED ORDER WITH HIS DEALER! WTF?:nono: Now he's really trying to get us out of there so he can get HIGH. Oh brother, I should have known better.

So we're leaving, and once again he walks in front of me and doesn't hold the door for me. I'm pissed. This frat boy walking up behind us catches the door and holds it open for me while looking at me with pity.

I let him know that I don't want to be in a relationship with him. He's too rough around the edges. I need a gentleman.:wallbash: