Silkycoils is . . .the BLACKchorette. :-D

Awright Ladies, I'm back in this thing after a three-day break from Hinge! :lachen:


I came back to only one new like, but that's all I need for now, and it was from a doctor . . . and not no fake "Dr. Detroit" (showing my age here :lachen: ) like that "Hood Court Judge." :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: He's a PhD. He's already asked me to dinner. I haven't yet met my man, but Ima be fed in the interim. :lachen: But seriously, I'm in it to win it, and I will not let a few disappointing interactions cause me to retreat back into my shell. Nope! I have to fly this weekend, so I won't be able to go out with him until next week, but I'll be sure to report back to y'all . . .good or bad. :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: I have some initial thoughts about him, but I'll keep those on reserve for a bit. Nothing bad though.
Awright Ladies, I'm back in this thing after a three-day break from Hinge! :lachen:


I came back to only one new like, but that's all I need for now, and it was from a doctor . . . and not no fake "Dr. Detroit" (showing my age here :lachen: ) like that "Hood Court Judge." :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: He's a PhD. He's already asked me to dinner. I haven't yet met my man, but Ima be fed in the interim. :lachen: But seriously, I'm in it to win it, and I will not let a few disappointing interactions cause me to retreat back into my shell. Nope! I have to fly this weekend, so I won't be able to go out with him until next week, but I'll be sure to report back to y'all . . .good or bad. :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: I have some initial thoughts about him, but I'll keep those on reserve for a bit. Nothing bad though.
We shall be
waiting :pop:
BUMPING to see how it's going with the Dr. :detective:

:lachen: It didn’t happen. He gave me his number and I gave him mine, but he never called or texted.

I’m not reaching out first. ETA: The thing I thought was kind of “interesting/strange” about him was that when I asked him what kind of physician he was, he said he was a PhD, but then immediately sent me a link to him making a YouTube presentation on healthcare disparities during covid.


I thought that it was strange that he had it readily available. It gave me either narcissistic teas or socially awkward teas. Let’s face it, a lot of academics are . . .”different.”

Anywho, it was almost one hour long, so of course I didn’t watch it. :lachen: Please see our exchange below:

Keep in mind, I don’t just tell people that I’m an Attorney right off the bat, but I do have a picture of me in my Flight Attendant uniform.

It was certainly no loss on my end. :laugh:

Things are kind of slow right now. I’m doing this thing where I only respond to men who “like” my pictures first. I don’t always like everyone who’s “liked” me.
I’m very engaging, but I won’t carry a conversation, so if a man doesn’t make an effort to move the conversation along, then I unmatch after a day.


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:lachen: It didn’t happen. He gave me his number and I gave him mine, but he never called or texted.

I’m not reaching out first. ETA: The thing I thought was kind of “interesting/strange” about him was that when I asked him what kind of physician he was, he said he was a PhD, but then immediately sent me a link to him making a YouTube presentation on healthcare disparities during covid.


I thought that it was strange that he had it readily available. It gave me either narcissistic teas or socially awkward teas. Let’s face it, a lot of academics are . . .”different.”

Anywho, it was almost one hour long, so of course I didn’t watch it. :lachen: Please see our exchange below:

Keep in mind, I don’t just tell people that I’m an Attorney right off the bat, but I do have a picture of me in my Flight Attendant uniform.

It was certainly no loss on my end. :laugh:

Things are kind of slow right now. I’m doing this thing where I only respond to men who “like” my pictures first. I don’t always like everyone who’s “liked” me.
I’m very engaging, but I won’t carry a conversation, so if a man doesn’t make an effort to move the conversation along, then I unmatch after a day.
Dude was definitely feeling himself. I’m getting superiority vibes from him based on that conversation. Who brings a laptop of themselves giving a work presentation on the first date? And he’s a PhD not even a real doctor!! Boy bye
:lachen: It didn’t happen. He gave me his number and I gave him mine, but he never called or texted.

I’m not reaching out first. ETA: The thing I thought was kind of “interesting/strange” about him was that when I asked him what kind of physician he was, he said he was a PhD, but then immediately sent me a link to him making a YouTube presentation on healthcare disparities during covid.


I thought that it was strange that he had it readily available. It gave me either narcissistic teas or socially awkward teas. Let’s face it, a lot of academics are . . .”different.”

Anywho, it was almost one hour long, so of course I didn’t watch it. :lachen: Please see our exchange below:

Keep in mind, I don’t just tell people that I’m an Attorney right off the bat, but I do have a picture of me in my Flight Attendant uniform.

It was certainly no loss on my end. :laugh:

Things are kind of slow right now. I’m doing this thing where I only respond to men who “like” my pictures first. I don’t always like everyone who’s “liked” me.
I’m very engaging, but I won’t carry a conversation, so if a man doesn’t make an effort to move the conversation along, then I unmatch after a day.
I hear you, sis. I've found that a lot of male academics don't know how to act because they go straight from undergrad, to grad school, to a post-doc and don't have a sense of who they are outside of their work (frankly, this applies for academics regardless of gender). So yes, you are right, we are strange, lol. That's why I don't date them! A lot of us have no social skills. I enjoy meeting new people and learning about their lives, which affects the type of research I do and plays well with my interpersonal skills, but even I have my awkward moments and social gaffes! :dork:

Dude was definitely feeling himself. I’m getting superiority vibes from him based on that conversation. Who brings a laptop of themselves giving a work presentation on the first date? And he’s a PhD not even a real doctor!! Boy bye

Girl yes! Why on earth did he even propose to do such a thing? I literally have never heard of that, but I think it was his weird way of trying to impress Silky. And as a matter of fact, I didn't like how surprised he was to know that @Silkycoils understood disparities (sidenote - you really owned him in your messages! I live!! :love: I'm not saying that to be patronizing. Not a lot of people can articulate the relationship between different social factors and disparities, even though we as Black people have an implicit understanding of it, which seems to baffle White researchers. :rolleyes:) His behavior reeks of both insecurity AND superiority. And then he didn't call? Unnacceptable.

I also just want to say that actually, PhDs are among the original doctors in the sense that the PhD is one of the oldest doctorate degrees. So we are indeed real doctors, lol! :D
Chiiiile . . .Hotep Bible Thumper just texted me?!!!! Of course his number isn’t saved, so I just responded with a question mark, but then I looked up the area code, and I remembered. Y’all see how persistent these men are when you DON’T want them?!!!! :lachen:

That's what
you get for
being a catch
and wearing
that darn
Amber oil. :lol:

Once they
get a whiff
of you and
what you are
about, you put
a spell on them
like crack did
to Pookie

Chiiiile . . .Hotep Bible Thumper just texted me?!!!! Of course his number isn’t saved, so I just responded with a question mark, but then I looked up the area code, and I remembered. Y’all see how persistent these men are when you DON’T want them?!!!! :lachen:
He may be saved...but his number ain't! :lachen::lachen:

(Sorry...I know that was corny, but I couldn't help myself, lol!!)
Yes, I think so. I mentioned the B’Amour brand on Etsy. Our good Sis @Crackers Phinn posted a link above. :)
Even though, I felt like I had to decipher code and clues to find this stuff based on what's in the thread, I won't make you suffer. Here is the link.

20 of these broads got it in their cart. Tryna snatch up all the smell good.

I just snagged some yesterday :giggle:
Silky, Silky, girrll, you had me cracking up with these stories. You have a way with words, maybe you should add author as a third job. Now I’m feenin for more updates.

Thanks Lady! :-) I'm working on having a "Hot Girl Summer" :look::lachen: , so hopefully I'll have some more stories soon. :-)

As for the author comment, thank you. Claude knows I need to add another income stream. :lachen: :-)
Funny you should
bump this thread
up on the day
I decided that
I will use my
amber oil on
my nails.

I had to stop
using it because
as good as it
smells, my body
chemistry does
not work with it.

I had gone
all out getting
everything amber
scented (@Silkycoils
better not start
a cult coz I
just drank this
Kool-Aid and
became a convert
only to discover
not everyone can
be cute and
rock the smell.
It's reserved for

My DH is the
most honest
guy and his
feedback made
sense. When I
shower with Amber
body wash from
Bath and Body
Works the apply
the lotion, I smell
as good as the
products. I would
then dab the oil
on pressure points
And smooth it
over my hair
(It was in the
sermon where
this was introduced)
I smelled like
a lovely doll...
but an hour or
so later, the
scent changed to
a metallic scent.

I know this
happens with scents
and some work
and some don't.

So I have bottles
of Amber Oil that
I long forgot about
until I remembered
that my nails
thrive from natural
oils. So that is
where I used the
oil today out
of the blue
...then I look and
see this bumped.

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My amber oil was delivered yesterday afternoon.

I used it after my evening shower. Layered it on over my Nivea coca butter lotion and my skin was glistening and smelling soo yummy.

I met up with my sister to give my niece some gifts & she asked what I was wearing when I gave her a hug.

I'll have to buy her a bottle.

The fragrance reminds me of the Victorias sercret Amber Romance line from back in the day.

It's nice and lasts. I can still smell it on me this morning.