The Date Was Going Well Until........

Finish the sentence. I know y'all been on some bad dates, dig in the archives :giggle:

I'll go first -until he left a cheap tip, like a really cheap tip. I was embarrassed and felt like I needed to chip in. I can't stand stingy men.
Until he took out enough money for our dinner and not my drink. Not even a tip. I paid for my dinner drink tipped and told him he wasn't man enough for me...

We were sitting in the movie theater on our first (and last) date, he asked to hold my hand. Sweet, right?


He started sucking my fingers slowly one by one. I was in my early 20s then and I was so shocked that I just sat there and let him do it. :oops:
This is a good one.

1st (and last) date was going well until he said there was a club around the corner we could hit after dinner. And the club was a swingers/sex club.
You know we need more details!

This was in college and I'd returned home for the summer per my usual. Dude was fly and was supposedly a good catch according to many folks so when I ran into him at the mall and he asked me out, I easily obliged.

He took me to this restaurant and we were sitting there having a great time. He was intelligent, and seemed to be super down to earth. WRONG!!!

We were talking when I noticed him fidgeting with something under the table and silly me being nosy decided to take a glance to see what the trouble was. When I saw his thang out I almost knocked the table over trying to get away. Here we were in a crowded restaurant and this fool was airing his junk out like it was nothing.

Luckily I was smart enough to have driven so I left immediately. Do you know this dude had the nerve to call me the next day talking about I wasn't a real woman because a real woman wouldn't have ran away like a scared little girl?
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This was in college and I'd returned home for the summer per my usual. Dude was fly and was supposedly a good catch according to many folks so when I ran into him at the mall and he asked me out, I easily obliged.

He took me to this restaurant and we were sitting there having a great time. He was intelligent, and seemed to be super down to earth. WRONG!!!

We were talking when I noticed him fidgeting with something under the table and silly me being nosy decided to take a glance to see what the trouble was. When I saw his thang out I almost knocked the table over trying to get away. Here we were in a crowded restaurant and this fool was airing his junk out like it was nothing.

Luckily I was smart enough have driven so I left immediately. Do you know this dude had the nerve to call me the next day talking about I wasn't a real woman because a real woman wouldn't have ran away like a scared little girl?
This grown man asked me to wash my underwear and requested a cycle stain because he enjoyed beating stains...:nono:

Girl whet??

This village boy I gave a chance to was trying to impress me at a Steakhouse and asked for "Salon" instead of "Sirloin" The waitress had no idea what he was saying. It took everything in me not to burst out laughing.

Faux pax #2. While dining with his friends, he told us a story about someone who fell on the soccer field and "bleeded" instead of "bled". The guy he was chatting with was a School Principal. I wanted to hide under the table in embarrassment. This was the first time I was meeting them.
1997. The movie was Dante's Peak. The date was named Kenny.

We got to the movie theater early and no one else was there. We were talking, all good. Out of the blue, we heard a loud chomping sound coming from beneath our seats. I pulled my feet up onto my seat.

He looked down and looked back at me smiling. "Oh, it's just a rat. He's eating popcorn." Then he leaned back in his chair like he was going to start talking again.

As I ran out of the theater, I heard him yelling "Where are you going? It's just a rat! Don't be a bougie-a$$!"

Haven't seen Kenny OR the movie since.
1997. The movie was Dante's Peak. The date was named Kenny.

We got to the movie theater early and no one else was there. We were talking, all good. Out of the blue, we heard a loud chomping sound coming from beneath our seats. I pulled my feet up onto my seat.

He looked down and looked back at me smiling. "Oh, it's just a rat. He's eating popcorn." Then he leaned back in his chair like he was going to start talking again.

As I ran out of the theater, I heard him yelling "Where are you going? It's just a rat! Don't be a bougie-a$$!"

Haven't seen Kenny OR the movie since.
Really? Really!!!?? He actually thought you were going to just chill and enjoy a date in a rat infested theater? He would've had you settling all your life had you not ran.