Spin-off : If You Hit Your Boyfriend/husband

Where is that video of that Asian girl smacking the crap out of her boyfriend while he was on his knees taking it.
Im going to keep hitting dudes first. I'm entitled to--like white and asian women. Plus 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999% of men are of high moral character and wont ever hit ME back! I KNOW THIS because they SAID SO!! Duh?!?

Those "mule" bwitches who dont hit their men because they think a man, typically of high moral character, may have a bad day and hit back, are LE. Im better than them. #lhcflogic
Im going to keep hitting dudes first. I'm entitled to--like white and asian women. Plus 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999% of men are of high moral character and wont ever hit ME back! I KNOW THIS because they SAID SO!! Duh?!? Those "mule" bwitches who dont hit their men because they think a man, typically of high moral character, may have a bad day and hit back, are LE. Im better than them.
please tell me you're using purple font lol!
Im going to keep hitting dudes first. I'm entitled to--like white and asian women. Plus 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999% of men are of high moral character and wont ever hit ME back! I KNOW THIS because they SAID SO!! Duh?!?

Those "mule" bwitches who dont hit their men because they think a man, typically of high moral character, may have a bad day and hit back, are LE. Im better than them. #lhcflogic

I don't think it takes high moral character to refrain from striking a woman in retaliation for being struck. Why would a man go there? He's likely strong enough to restrain her. Just push her away, pin her down or something if she's repeatedly striking (which im not condoning btw lol). If she's going off like a rabid dog, sit on her :look: or get away from the situation.
I looked for the post that said "You should go ahead and smack the mess out of him, thats a good look".

Didnt find it.
I don't think it takes high moral character to refrain from striking a woman in retaliation for being struck. Why would a man go there? He's likely strong enough to restrain her. Just push her away, pin her down or something if she's repeatedly striking (which im not condoning btw lol). If she's going off like a rabid dog, sit on her :look: or get away from the situation.

Women have to decide how we want to be viewed by society. Either we are capable of being in high stress situations and leadership roles which require us to control our emotions and function at a emotionally mature level even when we are angry or we are not. We want to tell men that it is no cause for concern when a woman wilds out and become physically violent (because we are emotional) and then be surprised that sexist use this to keep women at lower levels in business and their careers. That whole line of thinking makes it seem as women are too unstable to handle high stress situations. And yes, you may demonstrate professionalism at work but his wife/So/Mom reinforcing that women are emotionally less stable than men can create issues for all of us in society as a whole in the end.
(s/n, why do people keep thinking I'm mad when I'm clearly :lol:'ing???? :confused: I don't :lol: passive aggressively, I'm really laughing. )

The problem I'm having with this conversation is that, on one hand, everybody's a feminist, career women, captains of industry and such. :rolleyes: :look: But otoh, y'all wanna act like stereotypical hysterical women. The very same people will be in a thread next week writing tomes against traditional femininity and the wrongness of those women who buy into it. Either don the cloak of femininity and accept the restrictions, obligations, and protections or don't, but you can't switch back and forth.

It's like the first girl on the hs wrestling team getting her feelings hurt when her @ss get laid out. :spinning: :lol:
So...... In summary hitting your man is a sign of privilege, mainly for fair skinned minorities as well as blonde haired blue eyed unicorns.

Those who elect to not hit and not be hit are just...what exactly? Why can't anyone agree to that?

I think the majority of posters in this thread are single or divorced or not interested in men to start with. :look:
So...... In summary hitting your man is a sign of privilege, mainly for fair skinned minorities as well as blonde haired blue eyed unicorns. Those who elect to not hit and not be hit are just...what exactly? Why can't anyone agree to that? I think the majority of posters in this thread are single or divorced or not interested in men to start with. :look:
I'm divorced but in a relationship lol.
I don't understand why this is even an argument. If you feel men that are on average taller and stronger physically than women should be able to knock you out if you touch them, by all means keep on with your stance.

If you think men should not hit women for any reason because they are on average taller and stronger physically (has this ever been in debate anywhere where???), keep doing what works for you.

What we all agree on is: the best course of action is not to hit ANYONE.
I don't understand why this is even an argument. If you feel men that are on average taller and stronger physically than women should be able to knock you out if you touch them, by all means keep on with your stance. If you think men should not hit women for any reason because they are on average taller and stronger physically (has this ever been in debate anywhere where???), keep doing what works for you. What we all agree on is: the best course of action is not to hit ANYONE.

This topic has touched a lot of nerves for whatever reason ( I have a few non PC thoughts) but I'm going to leave it alone for now. if people really felt that the notion was so outlandish they would've moved on by now.
I don't understand why this is even an argument. If you feel men that are on average taller and stronger physically than women should be able to knock you out if you touch them, by all means keep on with your stance.

If you think men should not hit women for any reason because they are on average taller and stronger physically (has this ever been in debate anywhere where???), keep doing what works for you.

What we all agree on is: the best course of action is not to hit ANYONE.

I would spin it a little differently. I would hope a man wouldn't haul off and hit a woman who hit him first because I think relationships work better when at least one person in them is partially sane.

If you're over the age of 10 and hitting a man (and I'm not talking about playful taps on a thigh or arm...I mean hitting them)...or really anyone, then I hope you at least had the good sense to pick a partner who would not retaliate or escalate the situation. Whether or not he could knock you into tomorrow is irrelevant to me.

Two crazies in a relationship thinking it's okay for either partner to strike a first blow or return the favor are why we have shows like Cops, and Police Women of Broward County. Unless you want to be getting a screen credit on one of those shows, everybody should keep their hands to themselves. And if you're hit LEAVE the relationship and/or call the police if needed....and that applies to men and women.
Those who elect to not hit and not be hit are just...what exactly? Why can't anyone agree to that?

Out of curiosity, how does one "elect" not to get hit? Do folks genuinely believe that men are incapable of deciding, on their own volition, to hit a woman unless she hits him first? :perplexed
Don't know why. Feminism is the biggest change in male-female relationships since chivalry.

Feminism is one of the reasons why women can no longer be abused by their husbands in physical, financial, and emotional ways and it be encouraged and considered legal.

Feminism is always being drudged into a conversation of something ugly and I just disliked it. Feminism was about bringing women on an equal plain socially and economically. Physically, we are never going to be on an equal plain. A man who is 50 pounds lighter than me likely still packs a more powerful punch because physically, we are always going to have differences in men and women.

Aside from pure biology, all men should have a pride in themselves that would not allow them to deal with women in such a rough and tumble manner. As should women have a pride in themselves that would not allow them to stoop to certain actions. But one person going wrong does not have to be the catalyst for the other person looking their pride and dignity.
Out of curiosity, how does one "elect" not to get hit? Do folks genuinely believe that men are incapable of deciding, on their own volition, to hit a woman unless she hits him first? :perplexed

Are you just looking for attention? It's easy to see what I meant. Do not hit and do not let a man hit you. You can see the signs of aggression before it's too late. In the case of unexpectedly being struck, leave and don't allow it to happen again.
Y'all should be keepin yo dang hands to yo selfs! There is no reason in this world that I should feel the need to put my hands on my SO/BF/DH and vice-versa. No way I would be with someone who put their hands on me, even once. Just no. I can't stop a man if he is determined to hit me, the first time but he sure as hay-ell doesn't get any more chances. Stick a fork in that relationship, it's done!
Feminism is always being drudged into a conversation of something ugly and I just disliked it. Feminism was about bringing women on an equal plain socially and economically. Physically, we are never going to be on an equal plain. A man who is 50 pounds lighter than me likely still packs a more powerful punch because physically, we are always going to have differences in men and women.
Tell that to female firefighters and front-line military personnel who fought the 'physical differences' argument to get their positions. I'm not being snarky, I'm just trying to illustrate the point: when you claim you're equal in every measurable way, you take the risk of actually being treated like an equal. You don't get to pick and choose when it doesn't apply.

Similar to wp who are like, 'OK, we did the CRM, let's move along now' when we talk about continuing racial inequities. They feel like they did their part, now pull yourself up by your bootstraps and get out hood, dammit. The reality is, our schools are underfunded, we're over-policed and over-inprisoned :blah:... but they ain't trynna hear it because we said what we wanted and got it. We weren't specific enough. And, based on what you're saying, neither were the feminists.

It's a shame I even have to say this, but to follow my own advice, allow me to specify. I'm not saying men should hit women. I agree that the man who does it is low and undeserving of my respect or attention. But if we're talking cultural shifts and a changing intersex landscape, I point to feminism as the most recent and far-reaching.
Expecting to be hit if you initiate physical violence and believing that men should hit a woman are two separate ideas that people are
trying to marry in this thread. If I put my hands on any adult, man or woman, I have no expectations that they will take the high road when I was the one in the wrong and chose to lower myself to physical violence in the first place. Ideally in a situation where a woman initiates violence the man walks away. However, sometimes it's the wrong day and wrong time to approach someone with foolishness and you get hurt.

Unless you are one of those super feminine women whose slaps feel like the beating of doves wings and the strong muscles in your SO's face cause him to be immune to pain a hands off policy for both partners should be non-negotiable.
Expecting to be hit if you initiate physical violence and believing that men should hit a woman are two separate ideas that people are
trying to marry in this thread. If I put my hands on any adult, man or woman, I have no expectations that they will take the high road when I was the one in the wrong and chose to lower myself to physical violence in the first place. Ideally in a situation where a woman initiates violence the man walks away. However, sometimes it's the wrong day and wrong time to approach someone with foolishness and you get hurt.

Unless you are one of those super feminine women whose slaps feel like the beating of doves wings and the strong muscles in your SO's face cause him to be immune to pain a hands off policy for both partners should be non-negotiable.

This is the bottom line on this. The rest of this thread is fluff.
Tell that to female firefighters and front-line military personnel who fought the 'physical differences' argument to get their positions. I'm not being snarky, I'm just trying to illustrate the point: when you claim you're equal in every measurable way, you take the risk of actually being treated like an equal. You don't get to pick and choose when it doesn't apply. Similar to wp who are like, 'OK, we did the CRM, let's move along now' when we talk about continuing racial inequities. They feel like they did their part, now pull yourself up by your bootstraps and get out hood, dammit. The reality is, our schools are underfunded, we're over-policed and over-inprisoned :blah:... but they ain't trynna hear it because we said what we wanted and got it. We weren't specific enough. And, based on what you're saying, neither were the feminists. It's a shame I even have to say this, but to follow my own advice, allow me to specify. I'm not saying men should hit women. I agree that the man who does it is low and undeserving of my respect or attention. But if we're talking cultural shifts and a changing intersex landscape, I point to feminism as the most recent and far-reaching.

I don't think that is true. The argument has never been that women and men are physically equal, it has always been that women are capable of doing these jobs regardless of our physical disadvantage because of the tools at our disposal. One doesn't need to be a man to be a firefighter. There is a reason we accept men's and women's races and leagues.