Spin-Off: Husband Hiding A Pic Of An Ex-Girlfriend

This seems like a good spin-off from the "BF is hiding a box of nude pictures of his ex-girlfriends" thread.

One of my closest friends has been married for 3 years now. She recently told me that she found a picture of one of her husband's ex-girlfriends on his computer in a folder that was labeled for business. In other words, she wasn't looking for anything or trying to "catch him" doing something wrong, she was simply looking in a folder for something related to their business. Instead of the business documents she was searching for, she found a picture of his ex and she was naked from the waist up in the pic (she had on panties and she was laying on the bed). She could see her face clearly, plus the picture was named the girl's name.

Anyway, she is feeling really torn up about it and doesn't know whether to bring it up or not. She is keeping quiet about it right now, but it seems like it's really affecting her. She called me tonight and asked for my advice about whether to come clean with him and tell him what she found.

By the way, she deleted the pic so it's no longer there at all. I'm assuming if she deleted it, he will realize his wife must've found/erased it and not ever bring it up at all. I doubt he would have the audacity to ask her about it, since he was obviously hiding it in that folder.

So if you were in my shoes, what advice would you give her? Would you recommend she tell her husband about what she found and risk getting into it over her invasion of his privacy? (At least I'm assuming he would spin it that way.) Or would you tell her to keep it to herself and get over it, since it's gone anyway?

This is more serious in my eyes, b/c it's her husband - not just a BF. I don't know what to tell her at this point, I told her I needed to think about it b/c it's complicated....thoughts?

She's better than me...i would have made the pic the screen saver/background.
I would confront him. Not in an aggressive way...just to find out why it was there. I'm sure he has a good reason.:look:
I finally talked to my friend last night and she did bring it up to her husband. He said that he hadn't looked at the picture in years and he wasn't trying to hide it from her, he simply forgot it was there. She believes him, so the situation seems to be resolved. She said he did not get angry or defensive when she asked him about it, b/c she asked in a calm way - without any grand accusations or a huge attitude. I'm glad they were able to discuss it and she is ready to move on. I'm happy for them - marriage seems to require hard work and has it's ups and downs, but if you can keep the lines of communication open I think most issues can be resolved.