Spin-off : If You Hit Your Boyfriend/husband

unless you've hit your SO before, you can't say with 100% certain he won't hit back. No man hits women until he does
unless you've hit your SO before, you can't say with 100% certain he won't hit back. No man hits women until he does

Not true. My dh had an ex slap him and then try to claw his face during a break up. He didn't hit her back. Before anyone ask he had witnesses, because she was a little crazy and he didn't want to risk doing alone.
Any man in a relationship with a woman who thinks it's okay for her to hit him should leave that relationship immediately. This is the same advice I would give to a woman. Everyone needs to keep their hands to themselves.
Let's all do an experiment. Go slap the living shiat out of your man and see if he hits you back. Then we can all know for sure what kind of man you have.


Don't forget to report back.
Let's all do an experiment. Go slap the living shiat out of your man and see if he hits you back. Then we can all know for sure what kind of man you have.


Don't forget to report back.

He didn't hit me back... but now I am single. Anyone care to help me pack? :look:

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He didn't hit me back... but now I am single. Anyone care to help me pack? :look:



J/K :lol:
Why did the teacher just stand there the entire time until the end? Why didn't she call someone else or security when the girl was all in his face? Is this what happens in schools now? WTH?

And, I wanted to punch that girl myself watching that video.
Why did the teacher just stand there the entire time until the end? Why didn't she call someone else or security when the girl was all in his face? Is this what happens in schools now? WTH?

And, I wanted to punch that girl myself watching that video.

Yes. This is what happening in some schools. Every one in the comments said he could be moved, but as soon as he did anything she would've still come for him. The only way this situation was being handled is if that teacher would've properly intervened. She let that girl hover and threaten him.....doing nothing. Had this video been a guy doing this I guarantee someone would've intervened. In fact, no one really moved until he slammed her. It didn't need to get there.

Crazy situation.

As far as this post. I keep my hands to myself and think folks need to keep their hands to themselves...at least in any dealings with me. I have a lot to lose and at this stage it would take a lot for me to hit someone even after being hit.....depending on the severity I'd simply call the cops and hit you in every other way that it hurts....nothing cocoa butter or ice could soothe. 15/20 years ago though as a kid?....I would've beat the breaks off someone for just getting in my face like they would fight me. Now though....I can't imagine being that mad at something someone said enough to hit them.....lol.
Nope. I remember an instance of me getting upset hitting him in a car the year we got married before we were married. I slapped him in the face. He restrained me but didnt retaliate. I may have hit him in anger another time too :lol:, not sure if we were married yet or not. He is not a hitter.
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Maybe this is geographical, but Ive seen too many instances of this pitiful scenario play out. Every man isn't the type of stand up guy this young man is; especially after being cornered, taunted and struck. If a man did react, Im would not totally blame him. I would not be on her side.

Most people, let alone men, would need the patience of Job to keep their head after being taunted like that. This young man couldn't even walk away.

I would bet a dollar to a dime she went and told her cuzzin Pookie, Mane Mane 'nem, "he pushed me and I ain't even really do nuffin to him."

I hate talking bad about teachers, but it seems that teacher's classroom management skills could use help.

That video upset me.
I would try not to hit him but then again if I do I would expect a VERY LIGHT form pf retaliation . I can't think of a guy I ve been with that wouldn't send me to the hospital if he decided to hit me . Don't play with fire
you put your hands on him first. Passionate "woman" or not learn how to use your words.

They can't, they want to be allowed to "have that moment" to hit ole boy. You are wasting your time trying to get people to agree that keeping their hands to themselves would cut out a lot of bs . They want to be able to hit a person without any consequences! It makes women look bad because it says we can't control ourselves when we get frustrated. Everybody has their moments, but you need to learn how to control your emotions. :spinning: I believe those that do that, need to be medicated, not in a relationship because you do not know how to act and the same goes for the men! You are hurting women by justifying that bs about "having a moment." We will never see a female president with some of the bs some of y'all are saying in here. :rolleyes:
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We can never have a conversation here without all the extra bs and conjecture. No one said that women need to be hitting on men. I am willing to put money on the general belief being that no one needs to hit another person. Lawd.
I'm the same way lol. But some women get physical when they are frustrated.

I know I do :look: I have gotten better though. But my SO he would hold me against the wall, push me on the bed if I'm near it and go to the other room . But when he gets mad he grabs my neck like he wants to choke the crap out of me and walks away that's when u really go off
I know I do :look: I have gotten better though. But my SO he would hold me against the wall, push me on the bed if I'm near it and go to the other room . But when he gets mad he grabs my neck like he wants to choke the crap out of me and walks away that's when u really go off

Are you ok with him grabbing your neck like that?

Their overall personality and what they say(read: let slip).

My ex was mad arguing with her mom one day, then mumbled that she understood why her dad smacked the crap out of her mom sometimes because of her smart mouth.

I'm a girl with a smart mouth so I had to go ahead and end that one.

Mortons so what did the mom do after your ex said that?
you are equally yoked. the dynamic works for you both. i'd imagine you both would laugh.

This was me and my ex. We're still friends to this day.

My ex used to love testing me and pushing my buttons. He knows me. He knows how I am. I have a temper. I do my best to control it but don't **** with me. I'm not that chick. My tolerance for bs is extremely low. And when I'm mad I fight dirty.

We had a crazy relationship. I was crazy. He was crazy. Hell, we're sill crazy. lol He's never laid a finger on me. He always knew when he was pushing it too far. He said he could see it. That was when he knew it was time to leave the vicinity. unfortunately, it took me a while to get a grip on my temper but I've had other relationship/friendships tuat have fallen victim to my rage. fortunately, I choose quality men with parents that raise them to be a real man of respect and integrity. A man should NEVER hit a woman. EVER.
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I've been married 23 years and have slapped DH on several occasions. *shrugs*
He seems to like it when I get riled up and physical, lol.
Always leads to great sex :yep:

To clarify, I did not "jump on him" like I wanted to fight. DH is super-athletic and I'm a skinny weakling. There is zero possibilty that I could ever hurt him without using a heavy object.

BTW, I used to try to slap my older brother, too (when I was a teen). He'd laugh and it would make me angrier. He was also an athlete and very physically fit.

That said, I've never had a physical confrontation with a girl/woman in my life.

It's sad so many women are used to being beaten or smacked around or have experienced this they think its normal. That's scary. It's their reality tho. Very sad and unfortnate. :nono:
I wouldn't hit him, but if I did, I KNOW he would hit me back. We had that talk a long time ago, and he thinks once you hit somebody you can't expect not to be hit back. Obviously we disagree, I think a man should never put his hands on a woman in anger.