Hey Ladies :wavey::wave:
I've got some awesome news to share? Can I share my awesome news???

So as some of you know, my son's got the spina bifida (yes, I call it the spina bifida lol), and this year the National Spina Bifida Conference is being held in my state. I didn't think about it because I remember looking up the cost about a year or two ago and screaming.:spike:

Last year my son and I filmed a testimonial for the company that provides his medical supplies. So, one of the reps contacted me last week asking if I would like copies of the photos from the shoot and where could he send them. Apparently, our video and photos have been showcased at most of the SB conferences across the nation as well as in-house with good reception. The rep then asked if I was going to the conference and, after checking out those prices ($460/adult/conference, $435/ child/kids' camp) I told him "aintnobodygotmoneyforthat!" :shocked:

A few days later, he shoots me an email letting me know, because of the work my son and I put into the video, and to show their gratitude, the company has offered to pay for my and my son's tickets to the conference!!! :thud:

I just completed the applications on Thursday and am now waiting on instructions on where to pick up our tickets unless they mail them to us.

So..uh..yeah...we going to the Spina Bifida Conferences this year. :rocker:
Hey Ladies :wavey::wave:
I've got some awesome news to share? Can I share my awesome news???

So as some of you know, my son's got the spina bifida (yes, I call it the spina bifida lol), and this year the National Spina Bifida Conference is being held in my state. I didn't think about it because I remember looking up the cost about a year or two ago and screaming.:spike:

Last year my son and I filmed a testimonial for the company that provides his medical supplies. So, one of the reps contacted me last week asking if I would like copies of the photos from the shoot and where could he send them. Apparently, our video and photos have been showcased at most of the SB conferences across the nation as well as in-house with good reception. The rep then asked if I was going to the conference and, after checking out those prices ($460/adult/conference, $435/ child/kids' camp) I told him "aintnobodygotmoneyforthat!" :shocked:

A few days later, he shoots me an email letting me know, because of the work my son and I put into the video, and to show their gratitude, the company has offered to pay for my and my son's tickets to the conference!!! :thud:

I just completed the applications on Thursday and am now waiting on instructions on where to pick up our tickets unless they mail them to us.

So..uh..yeah...we going to the Spina Bifida Conferences this year. :rocker:
Am I the only one sick and tired of the bashing single mothers get from some of these ignorant forum members??? I often suspect some single mom did them wrong and now they're out for blood! The ignorant and inaccurate generalizations backed by NO facts other than "I know A single mom...blahblahblah!"
I get the feeling most of these bottom feeders have NO self-esteem so they attack what they really don't know just to feel better about themselves. Female-on-female misogyny is real!!

You never see threads bashing single fathers, do you? You never see threads accusing single fathers of using their daughters like surrogate wives, do you?

These chicks are set to raise some of the most intolerant, hateful, sexist future generations ever all the while crying about how other ppl discriminate against them.

I swear to god, I feel my IQ drop every time I venture into one of those threads. Women without kids telling women with kids how to raise kids. Women in marriages (probably co-dependent) swearing up and down they know EXACTLY what goes on in every single mom's home.
When I read these threads, I always get visions of teeth sucking, big haired, fake eyelash wearing gossipy wives with no life outside of preening for their hubbies (like that scene in Good Fellas, when Karen met the other mob wives).
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Am I the only one sick and tired of the bashing single mothers get from some of these ignorant forum members??? I often suspect some single mom did them wrong and now they're out for blood! The ignorant and inaccurate generalizations backed by NO facts other than "I know A single mom...blahblahblah!"
I get the feeling most of these bottom feeders have NO self-esteem so they attack what they really don't know just to feel better about themselves. Female-on-female misogyny is real!!

You never see threads bashing single fathers, do you? You never see threads accusing single fathers of using their daughters like surrogate wives, do you?

These chicks are set to raise some of the most intolerant, hateful, sexist future generations ever all the while crying about how other ppl discriminate against them.

I swear to god, I feel my IQ drop every time I venture into one of those threads. Women without kids telling women with kids how to raise kids. Women in marriages (probably co-dependent) swearing up and down they know EXACTLY what goes on in every single mom's home.
When I read these threads, I always get visions of teeth sucking, big haired, fake eyelash wearing gossipy wives with no life outside of preening for their hubbies (like that scene in Good Fellas, when Karen met the other mob wives).
We are the root of all evil, dontcha know?! :lol:

Just... dont trip. Dont take it serious. I dont. Learn the art of ignoring...
Speaking of terrible single mothers, the scurge of American society, we had a fabulous second trip :lol: we glamped on a wildlife reserve. DD first semi camping trip. She wants to do it again. So do i!

Prior this week we spent some time on the California coast doing tourist things and spent the night at a historic victorian hotel. Also had time on the beach.

I musta drove around 500 miles up and down the California coast since monday. My car broke down. Imma get it fixed tomorrow because its back to work monday (and 1st day of summet camp for dd). Tonight we are super exhausted. But a pleasant type of exhausted. :)
Speaking of terrible single mothers, the scurge of American society, we had a fabulous second trip :lol: we glamped on a wildlife reserve. DD first semi camping trip. She wants to do it again. So do i!

Prior this week we spent some time on the California coast doing tourist things and spent the night at a historic victorian hotel. Also had time on the beach.

I musta drove around 500 miles up and down the California coast since monday. My car broke down. Imma get it fixed tomorrow because its back to work monday (and 1st day of summet camp for dd). Tonight we are super exhausted. But a pleasant type of exhausted. :)

How DARE you take your child on a fabulous trip up and down the California coast! You are setting her up to FAIL at everything in life. Doesn't she have enough disadvantageous already with a single mom who works and can afford to send her to summer camp??? I bet you feed her, too. The disgrace!!!!!!
...disadvantageous already with a single mom who works and can afford to send her to summer camp??? I bet you feed her, too. The disgrace!!!!!!
The shame!!!

Not only do i feed her but we.... well... eat mostly organic :cry3: And we juice fresh fruits and vegetables every week:cry: idk what else to do. I mean, i am even in therapy to try and be a better person and mom :ohwell: Maybe I might should call child services on myself?!:cry4:

You should consider it to.

The shame!!!

Not only do i feed her but we.... well... eat mostly organic :cry3: And we juice fresh fruits and vegetables every week:cry: idk what else to do. I mean, i am even in therapy to try and be a better person and mom :ohwell: Maybe I might should call child services on myself?!:cry4:

You should consider it to.


You vile person you! I'm calling CPS right now! Uh...where do you live again?

My parenting of the special needs kid has gotten better. He is in special olympics and really happy with his sporting events and new friends. I am happy that he is happier.

Wonderful! Special needs kids are challenging, but the reward of seeing them happy is priceless. My son fought me tooth and nail when I brought him to this Spina Bifida conference, but when I stuck my head into the room to catch him in Kids Camp, he was having a great time!
Happy 4th of July, ladies. Not sure why we celebrate it, but it's a good excuse to stay home from work. Unfortunately I cannot cook so we won't be having any fancy meals. Took the kid to Ihop for brunch and we'll just have to scrounge the fridge for food later. Ppl killing each other over in the hood this weekend, so we gonna be staying home today.
Long rant incoming. Edit: Don't Quote.

Parent B (B is short for the popular curse laden acrynom BAN) just brought our daughter back to my place at 10pm! Way pass her bedtime!

He didn't even say bye to her because he was too busy deflecting my questions and running to the front door to leave with his narcoleptic skank hoe who was in the car. A mess.

He tried to bring her around earlier at 5-6pm due to him "having to get up early" for work. Told that fathead joker to just bring her early tomrrow, but, no, he says he'll bring her around 9pm. I thought he gained some sense until I receive that "outside" text.

I calmed her down from crying and put her to bed. Now, I'm crying. This is so stupid.

Douche-nozzle's never forthright with info. I know he has to get up early because he'll be staying over that chicks house, an hour away from here and she's probably 2hrs from his job. And if he was all the way out there, he needed to start driving at 8, Not 9!!
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That thread about Keisha Knight Pullam is triggering me. The dude's a Taurus, he says "she popped up pregnant" when things were "bad." Leaving her while she's out of the abortion range.

Dafuq is wrong with these men out here? Just itch-made... It makes me sad.
Wow. I hadnt seen this thread. Not in ET at all so...

Its amazing how irresponsible ppl are when it comes to the lives of their own much less anyone else.
That thread about Keisha Knight Pullam is triggering me. The dude's a Taurus, he says "she popped up pregnant" when things were "bad." Leaving her while she's out of the abortion range.

Dafuq is wrong with these men out here? Just itch-made... It makes me sad.

I read that Keisha financed the gym he bought. Wouldn't it be ironic if she got it in the divorce settlement? :look:

I need to stop whining about being single. There are so many things that are worse.
Long rant incoming.

Parent B (B is short for the popular curse laden acrynom BAN) just brought our daughter back to my place at 10pm! Way pass her bedtime!

He didn't even say bye to her because he was too busy deflecting my questions and running to the front door to leave with his narcoleptic skank hoe who was in the car. A mess.

He tried to bring her around earlier at 5-6pm due to him "having to get up early" for work. Told that fathead joker to just bring her early tomrrow, but, no, he says he'll bring her around 9pm. I thought he gained some sense until I receive that "outside" text.

I calmed her down from crying and put her to bed. Now, I'm crying. This is so stupid.

Douche-nozzle's never forthright with info. I know he has to get up early because he'll be staying over that chicks house, an hour away from here and she's probably 2hrs from his job. And if he was all the way out there, he needed to start driving at 8, Not 9!!
Why are you upset? Is it about the bedtime, or the fact he is with someone else?
@shortdub78 Can you just let my rant be and delete my post? I should have put "don't quote." There's a lot in that situation and it happened 2 weeks ago. I don't want to talk about those parts.
Her daddy money is (always) funny this summer. Even more extra than normal. Havent seen a dime from him since May. Oh well. :confused: i have begun planning stuff for her on it wont get done. Wait on him and she will forever be 4 steps behind. Smh.

Anyhoo her main camp ended but because she is so excellent at computer programming the director invited her to join the one week extended camp that focuses solely on computer programming and robotics. They will make space for her since its full.... and for FREE!



This is great since i just spent a mint on school clothes and was gonna have to cough up 350 for a regla sports camp. Will divert that money for extras for school.
Ok, so whew!
DS 2 got a summer internship at Bowie State University. It's about an hour or so from here but they pay for their train tickets to and from and they get free lunch in the cafeteria. It's an awesome opportunity. He's learning web-design and coding. He's enjoying it. But it's been upwards of 95-100 degrees here so I have been hanging around at work to pick him up from the train station. Because he gets in town during rush hour and it would take him another hour plus to get the bus home. Just draining since I usually get to work between 6:30 and 7, but don't pick him up till around 5, THEN have to pick up DS#3 from his dad. So we don't walk in the house till around 7. WHEW
And DS 1 has got to go. I'm so disappointed in him, but he made his bed now he has to lie in it elsewhere. He just turned 22 last week and it's just sad. But I'm good with my decision. He has to grow up, sink or swim and get his act together.

Also last week did placement testing for DS 2 for college in the fall. And he's looking for a full time job for after his internship ends. So much going on and two weeks until school for my youngest. Can't believe that I'm down to one in school. School shopping but I don't have to get much other than uniforms. His school provides a lot and their list is basic.
Excited and trying to find a way to do a mini trip before school or labor day. But since I'm in this by myself, might be tough! But still pushing!!!!!
Ok, so whew!
DS 2 got a summer internship at Bowie State University. It's about an hour or so from here but they pay for their train tickets to and from and they get free lunch in the cafeteria. It's an awesome opportunity. He's learning web-design and coding. He's enjoying it. But it's been upwards of 95-100 degrees here so I have been hanging around at work to pick him up from the train station. Because he gets in town during rush hour and it would take him another hour plus to get the bus home. Just draining since I usually get to work between 6:30 and 7, but don't pick him up till around 5, THEN have to pick up DS#3 from his dad. So we don't walk in the house till around 7. WHEW
And DS 1 has got to go. I'm so disappointed in him, but he made his bed now he has to lie in it elsewhere. He just turned 22 last week and it's just sad. But I'm good with my decision. He has to grow up, sink or swim and get his act together.

Also last week did placement testing for DS 2 for college in the fall. And he's looking for a full time job for after his internship ends. So much going on and two weeks until school for my youngest. Can't believe that I'm down to one in school. School shopping but I don't have to get much other than uniforms. His school provides a lot and their list is basic.
Excited and trying to find a way to do a mini trip before school or labor day. But since I'm in this by myself, might be tough! But still pushing!!!!!
Keep pushing! You're doing an awesome job and so are boys! Excellent work mom!