Hey ladies!

So, DS stayed up late the other night to pull his own tooth. He was adamant about doing it himself and that night. I tried to get him to wait but, he kept tugging at it until he got it out. Unfortunately, the tooth fairy doesn't carry cash... He was so disappointed. I felt so bad.
Did you say the tooth fairy will give him an IOU? She really only operates on alternate business days.

I stay telling my son stuff like this :lachen:
So, today was the 2nd time in six months I ended up in the ER and my son's emergency contact was unable to get to him. My uncle's a good guy, but his business does not really allow him to be anywhere convenient!
I was very lucky these two times that alternative resources were available. And I mean LUCKY.
The first time we lucked out and found a transportation service that was willing to transport both of us even though my son and I have different insurance carriers and we had to wait 40 minutes!
This second time, the Principal and my son's teacher worked together to bring him to my apartment complex's office and the transportation service dropped me off within five minutes behind them, which was very lucky because they were unable to stay and watch him.

BUT this has got me thinking about what resources are really out here for some one in my situation. I mean, what if I end up in ER again (god forbid!) or worse, who will take my son? Will he get absorbed into the system and disappear? I feel so helpless. It sucks.

Do you ladies have a plan of action in place?
I have come to realize class/status does matter in friendships. Even those with two single mothers. I have realized me being the one who has been through he'll and back is seen as a sob story and always putting blame on others. I have always taken responsibility for my flaws but that is not enough especially when you are dealing with someone has not had to struggle nearly as much as you. One disagreement over a babysitting misunderstanding has shown me a friends true feelings. She says to let her be mad and have her space but I rather end the friendship. I am the sole offender in the original issue and have apologized but the things said to me and about me we're unwarranted and callus,that I will not accept. That is not who I am nor part of my character what was said about me. I have to draw the line somewhere and this is it. I guess this was my birthday gift,lol.
Funny story: My son is an only child and my mom had previously wanted me to have another oneo_O She was doing some babysitting of infant twins. They started crying nonstop (they're teething) and I told her "And you wanted me to have another one." She replies "Hell naw, I changed my mind."

This was my reaction: :lachen::lachen:
I told you so:toocool:
Anyone else in here get sick and tired of being a single mom?
Well... :look: No. :look:

But I am a control freak and co parent with my ex husband 50% of the time. So I get half of every week free. On the flip side I have zero support when he cant hold up his half (which happens more than i like) or when im sick on my days , need to work overtime, stuck in traffic and late to pick her up from after school care, or just stressed out/cramping and need a break. No family or anything.

My hair would probably have fallen out by the fistfull had he bailed when we split. Seriously.

Props to the truly single moms cuz id be in a padded room by week 3.
This is how I feel all day. Not just at bedtime.
This is how I feel all day. Not just at bedtime.
I actually feel like this all day except at bedtime. I love bedtime. My son is and has always been a healthy sleeper. He seldom fights the bed. Occassionally, like on the weekends when I put him to bed at his regular bed time, he will actually crawl out of the bed big as you please and plop himself in front of the balcony door and stare out into the night. lol I don't really mind because he's quiet and all into whatever is happening on the other side of the glass.

Now those other 12 hrs and 45 minutes, I just want to choke a kid! Nary a day goes by without some kind of breakdown. Grrr...
I actually feel like this all day except at bedtime. I love bedtime. My son is and has always been a healthy sleeper. He seldom fights the bed. Occassionally, like on the weekends when I put him to bed at his regular bed time, he will actually crawl out of the bed big as you please and plop himself in front of the balcony door and stare out into the night. lol I don't really mind because he's quiet and all into whatever is happening on the other side of the glass.

Now those other 12 hrs and 45 minutes, I just want to choke a kid! Nary a day goes by without some kind of breakdown. Grrr...
What's up with that!

My dd did the same all thru the age of 2! Just up and literally chatting with moon. It was cute!
Going to check out a daycare this evening for my daughter. I had to bring her to work with me the last few weeks and my job sent me home on Saturday because of it. I had two people just bail on me. I just need someone to watch her without getting wrapped up in their feelings. I can't stand when people offer to help out and then when they feel a certain way about something within the friendship it's "Screw the kids". I rather hand over my whole check to a proper daycare provider than deal with friendship issues. I still kept my obligation with their kids but then it's like "*** me",lol. I am just trying to get through nursing school. Never asking for/accepting help from friends again. I rather do this on my own no matter how hard it may be.
Going to check out a daycare this evening for my daughter. I had to bring her to work with me the last few weeks and my job sent me home on Saturday because of it. I had two people just bail on me. I just need someone to watch her without getting wrapped up in their feelings. I can't stand when people offer to help out and then when they feel a certain way about something within the friendship it's "Screw the kids". I rather hand over my whole check to a proper daycare provider than deal with friendship issues. I still kept my obligation with their kids but then it's like "*** me",lol. I am just trying to get through nursing school. Never asking for/accepting help from friends again. I rather do this on my own no matter how hard it may be.
That's what it comes down to. Even if you hire paid help, they find a way to screw you over.
No and yes. No, because I get to call most if not all the shots.

Yes, because sometimes I just want to fall out and go to sleep and let someone else take care of meals, practices, etc.
I got off work early today, so I went to the library with the intent to read a book while I waited in the parking lot for my son to be let out of school. I couldn't keep my eyes open for ish. So I leaned the front seat way back closed my eyes and fell fast asleeep. Only woke up because it felt like my throat was closing on me. And I'm thinking this is one of those days I really need to have someone else behind the wheel! lol Oh yeah, and pizza was for dinner.
"It's hard out here for a scrimp! Finding love online with these shrimps. Every other sucker is a simp make believin' he some fleeked out pimp!"

Ladies, I found the following note in my inbox today. It brought real tears to my eyes. I'm just going to leave it right here. :look:

good day to u my beautiful honor how are u doing how is u day and u work with u how is u beautiful children my name is john joseph very independent man trust faithful regard and respect honor hope to no u very soon how was u nice day with u i will like to met u for a coffee and with lunch can u sand u number to me to call u believe me you look nice with u smile can will see on weekend to no each other very well i live in brooklyn park m n pls for god sake honor no game with me i promise that with u thanks and say bless honor believe me love is very important to me very caring a lot thanks bye
"It's hard out here for a scrimp! Finding love online with these shrimps. Every other sucker is a simp make believin' he some fleeked out pimp!"

Ladies, I found the following note in my inbox today. It brought real tears to my eyes. I'm just going to leave it right here. :look:

good day to u my beautiful honor how are u doing how is u day and u work with u how is u beautiful children my name is john joseph very independent man trust faithful regard and respect honor hope to no u very soon how was u nice day with u i will like to met u for a coffee and with lunch can u sand u number to me to call u believe me you look nice with u smile can will see on weekend to no each other very well i live in brooklyn park m n pls for god sake honor no game with me i promise that with u thanks and say bless honor believe me love is very important to me very caring a lot thanks bye
I feel as though I would like a friend that is a single mom like me. Talking to some people without children is hard because they don't really get what it is like. But I realize from the last friend I had that was a single mom it is more than that aspect. Even having a single mom friend doesn't help if they have never really struggled and you have your whole life. I honestly just want that one friend that we are like Thelma and Louise. I haven't been able to find that. I think I have to look inside myself to see what I am doing. But for right now I am my own best friend. I have learned so much in the past few years on learning to truly love and appreciate who I am, where I have been and where I am going. I just can't wait to graduate as an RN in December, become fully self sufficient, and tell my caseworkers I no longer need the services and can have my own place.

I am so glad I have found you ladies. This is a great way to find support! I appreciate each and everyone of you! Thank you!
I feel as though I would like a friend that is a single mom like me. Talking to some people without children is hard because they don't really get what it is like. But I realize from the last friend I had that was a single mom it is more than that aspect. Even having a single mom friend doesn't help if they have never really struggled and you have your whole life. I honestly just want that one friend that we are like Thelma and Louise. I haven't been able to find that. I think I have to look inside myself to see what I am doing. But for right now I am my own best friend. I have learned so much in the past few years on learning to truly love and appreciate who I am, where I have been and where I am going. I just can't wait to graduate as an RN in December, become fully self sufficient, and tell my caseworkers I no longer need the services and can have my own place.

I am so glad I have found you ladies. This is a great way to find support! I appreciate each and everyone of you! Thank you!

Try meetup.com for single mom social groups in your area.
I feel as though I would like a friend that is a single mom like me. Talking to some people without children is hard because they don't really get what it is like. But I realize from the last friend I had that was a single mom it is more than that aspect. Even having a single mom friend doesn't help if they have never really struggled and you have your whole life. I honestly just want that one friend that we are like Thelma and Louise. I haven't been able to find that. I think I have to look inside myself to see what I am doing. But for right now I am my own best friend. I have learned so much in the past few years on learning to truly love and appreciate who I am, where I have been and where I am going. I just can't wait to graduate as an RN in December, become fully self sufficient, and tell my caseworkers I no longer need the services and can have my own place.

I am so glad I have found you ladies. This is a great way to find support! I appreciate each and everyone of you! Thank you!
I agree with the meetup idea. For me time is difficult and i cant make those meetups.

Its also hard to make friends period much less single mom friends. Just 2 weeks ago we werr to meet another single mom and her dd, who is classmates with mine since kinder, and she flaked last minute. Like literally as we were pulling on our coats to leave. Mind you we been talking about this playdate for months. Anyway i see her almost everyday since we pick up our kids at the same time and shes been avoiding me. Ugh

Its been a few like that. I know its not us. We are not weird or awkward or strange. California is just full of flakes. Irritating.

I tend to have better luck with married moms. Idk why.
So I'm new to this site and have been clicking around literally all day (it's addicting! lol) but when I saw this post I had to come see what it was all about... I am a single mother and full-time Active Duty military member. I didn't get a chance to thumb through all 74 pages of this post so I'm not sure if there are others here like me... (being in the military I mean) Being a parent can be difficult... being in the military can be difficult so I live a "can be difficult" life... however I have learned so much throughout this journey. It is not a path to be pitied, but one of strength, growth, commitment and dedication to both yourself and your child. On the days that it gets hard, one look into those glistening eyes is all I need to pull it together and go back out there another day. I hope that doesn't sound cliché or cheesy, but for me it is the God's honest truth. I am so glad I found this post because having a support group and others who truly do understand what this life can be like helps more than words can explain. So keep pushing and movin' on up! :)