I dont have any realadvice regarding your sons care, unfortunately. Do you have help with him to give you a break? I hear diet (again I dont really know) plays a big role. Getting them to eat clean with little to no chemical and sugary foods supposedly helps a ton. But that means more time in the kitchen cooking from scratch or extra cash on organic packaged foods.
However, on stress relief which ALL mothers can use, single or not:
-Exercise. Yea, cliche but effective. I dont actually have time to get out to the gym or run (im out 12 hrs a day between work and commuting). But I do stretches at my desk and home throughout the day to remove tension from muscles. best days are when I take 5 min upon waking to do upper body stretches since I hold all my stress from the waist up.
-Fragrances. Have you tried aromatherapy? I got a little diffuser a cpl months ago and keep it in my bedroom. Relaxing scents help bring a more restful sleep or just relaxing atmosphere in the home. Good quality incense is helpful too.
-nature time (WITHOUT the kid
). nothing like the smell of trees and grass, and feeling the wind on your skin even on chilly days. Parks are free too! Having the kid to entertain (and mine just
) does not make it relaxing
-inner ear candy. Downloading uplifting podcasts, even not so uplifting news, Pandora, audio books for the commute keeps my mind off my own **** for a while.
-a confidant even if it has to be a professional. If you dont have somone you can let loose with, maybe a councelor? I know the waiting list in the UK can be as long as a year excepting emergencies. They can help you maintain while you raise your son plus have solid professional advice on how to deal.
Thats all I got for now.
Be well