Single and Ready to Mingle Challenge 2010!

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member

So many of us have affirmed that we will meet our future husbands in 2010. But it is very important that we take proactive steps to meet our future husbands as well. Therefore, I propose the . . . .


What is involved in this challenge? Actually going outside of your house :lachen: and attending social events/functions at which you will have the opportunity to interact with eligible men who you are likely to want to date a minimum of twice per month.​

What counts as an "outing"? Okay, it does not have to be a speed-dating event or hitting the club with your girls. On the contrary, it can be any event (book club meeting, group outing, organizational happy hour, wine tasting, fundraiser, community service activity) that is outside of your normal routine and involve some sort of interaction with others.​

What doesn't count as an "outing"? Outings must be outside of our normal routine AND must be events/places at which you have a reasonable expectation of meeting eligible men that you actually would/could date. (So no "Oh I went to choir rehearsal" when you know good and well that all the men in the choir are married or gay :look:)​

Dates achieved as a result of these outings do NOT count. :grin: (So, even if you land a date or two, that doesn't excuse you from still going out to two outings that month.)​

Women-only events do not count as an "outing." (So, nope, your girls' book club meeting doesn't count - even if y'all meet at Starbucks.)​

What is the goal of this challenge? While certainly, I hope that this challenge does lead many of us to meet our future spouses, that is not the only nor even the primary purpose of this challenge. I am incredibly shy around men and have virtually no male friends. Therefore, for me, a large part of this challenge is just learning how to interact with men -- learning how to read their signals, to flirt, and to learn to not start mentally planning my honeymoon anytime a guy looks at me funny :lol:

We can report back here about our outings and any lessons we learn.​

So, are you single and ready to mingle in 2010? I am :grin:

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I'm in. I can certainly do two events a month. There is no excuse for not being able to find something to do. I'm looking at local wine tastings now. :yep:
I am interested, though I am not in it to meet Mr. Right, I would like to take the challenge to meet new friends since I did my friends overhaul in Count me in!
I say that Glib about the choir girls I mean boys... Im in..this is a goal for this year anyway bc I got to get out of my current friends who are gay males..just not going to do for 2010
Dates achieved as a result of these outings do NOT count. :grin: (So, even if you land a date or two, that doesn't excuse you from still going out to two outings that month.)​

I'm confused by this guideline. Does that mean that even if I already have dates from previous outings that I must continue to go out to other places without those guys I'm seeing in addition to the places I'm going with those guys? I hope that question made sense :spinning:
I'm confused by this guideline. Does that mean that even if I already have dates from previous outings that I must continue to go out to other places without those guys I'm seeing in addition to the places I'm going with those guys? I hope that question made sense :spinning:

That is exactly right :yep: The idea is to boost your chances of meeting men by increasing the volume of times you go out. I mean, let's say you meet someone during one of these outings and the next thing you know you go out with him a couple of times the next month. But after about 6 weeks, you guys decide not to continue seeing each other. If you were not going out to those other social outings, you missed at least a month's worth of opportunities to meet other men. The only "out" is if you get into an exclusive relationship :grin:
I'm in, even if I don't meet anyone I definately need to get out more and meet people outside my tiny circle of friends.
I like this thread and accept the challenge. However, I want to up the ante. If we are all serious about finding "him" in 2010 we have to explore all avenues possible. So I will go out to 2 social events/functions per month. Plus, I will
  • Continue to pursue online dating options
    I will keep at least one online dating profile active. On a weekly basis I will send 3 first contact messages. I will update pictures and "About Me" section every other month.
  • Allow friends, co-workers, associates, etc. to set me up on one blind date per quarter
    Consistently let people I interact with know that I am single and ready to mingle and am interested in being set up with any good guys that they know. My only criteria to them will be that he be single and a wonderful man (whatever that means to them).
  • Switch up my daily routine at least once a week.
    At least once a week I will deviate from my normal routine. For example, I will go to a different coffee shop than I normally do. I will go to the gym in the early morning instead of after work. I will take a different running route than normal. I'll also go to different sports bars to watch sports instead of the same one all the time. By doing this I am more likely to cross paths with people I normally would not encounter.
  • I will make more female friends, especially ones that are in relationships or married.
    Sometimes the best way to meet men is through the women in their lives. For example there's always a girl with a single brother she's dying to hook up with one of her friends. Or she may have a male best friend who she can't wait to see in a relationship.

Anyone else have any other activities to add to the challenge? I'm starting right right now.
I'm in...Anyone in ATL want to come with? All of my friends are married, this is part of the problem!
I like all of these suggestions. I am joining as well. I didn't date much in 09 but want to change that for this year.
Sounds like fun! I'm not typically one to venture out into the cold and snow, but this will help get me off of my couch and out of my comfort zone. Count me in!

CT ladies, feel free to hit me up if you need a sidekick. :grin:
Sounds good, I want to expand my social and professional network in addition to meeting FH, so this sounds like a great way to kill two birds with one stone. :yep:
I'm in...In the other thread I said I would be more proactive, so this will help me be accountable :)

Like Cheetarah, I'm going to switch up my daily routine at least once a week. Lately, I've been a little complacent, so I'm going to step out of my comfort zone more. First up, I'm going to create a profile on a dating site :drunk: