Single and Ready to Mingle: 2011 Edition!

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
Okay ladies, we did a great job in 2010 - many new adventures and even a few relationships *pops collar, brushes dirt off shoulder*

But, it's a New Year and many of us are still on our quest to get out there, date more, have fun, and maybe even meet Mr. Right. So, I hereby present . . .


Same rules as last time! *copy* *paste*

What is involved in this challenge? Actually going outside of your house
and attending social events/functions at which you will have the opportunity to interact with eligible men who you are likely to want to date a minimum of twice per month.​

What counts as an "outing"? Okay, it does not have to be a speed-dating event or hitting the club with your girls. On the contrary, it can be any event (book club meeting, group outing, organizational happy hour, wine tasting, fundraiser, community service activity) that is outside of your normal routine and involve some sort of interaction with others.​

What doesn't count as an "outing"? Outings must be outside of our normal routine AND must be events/places at which you have a reasonable expectation of meeting eligible men that you actually would/could date. (So no "Oh I went to choir rehearsal" when you know good and well that all the men in the choir are married or gay

Dates achieved as a result of these outings do NOT count.
(So, even if you land a date or two, that doesn't excuse you from still going out to two outings that month.)​

Women-only events do not count as an "outing." (So, nope, your girls' book club meeting doesn't count - even if y'all meet at Starbucks.)

What is the goal of this challenge? While certainly, I hope that this challenge does lead many of us to meet our future spouses, that is not the only nor even the primary purpose of this challenge. I am incredibly shy around men and have virtually no male friends. Therefore, for me, a large part of this challenge is just learning how to interact with men -- learning how to read their signals, to flirt, and to learn to not start mentally planning my honeymoon anytime a guy looks at me funny

Report back here about our outings and any lessons we learn.​

yay for the 2011 thread! i actually joined a few meetup groups of things im interested in. i plan on going to them either later this month or next month. (my primary goal right now is getting a new place.) but after that's done, and it will be come february. i can focus on other things. being more sociable and meeting new ppl is really important to me.
i'm definitely in... the holidays are just about over and I'm ready to start going out again.
I never been on a date.
I want to change that this year.
*Yall pray for me, :lol:*

ETA: Can you ladies suggest any FREE dating sites?TIA
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This is a good one. (I don't remember the one from last year) I'm not good with challenges but I wish everyone the best of luck.
I'm in. :grin: Sunday night, I am going out to dinner and a movie with a group of 3 other girls and 3 guys. Two of whom are interested in me. While I am interested in the little competition that is sure to commence. :lol:
I'm in this one. I read some of the 2010 thread a few months back and was very impressed with the effort everyone put in during that challenge.

I really want to start going new places and meeting new people. I go out a lot, by most ppl's standards but with the same group of people doing the same type of things.
My first move for 2011 is to join a running club in my new town. It's a great way to meet people and expand my social circle.
So Guy 1 (let's call him S) could not show up because he lives out of town but he is VERY into me and pretty much thinks I'm perfect. :grin: Guy 2 (call him P) was there and was very funny and nice and awesome and even walked me to my car and we chatted for a while. I'll be seeing him this weekend. :grin:

But since my engaged friend, the one who plans all the outings, will be moving away when she gets married in February, I'll be in charge of all outings now.
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i'd like to join.

apart from dating, i just really need to get out more anyway.

it's always been a pretty scary thing for me since i'm so shy and even have a bit of social anxiety.

lets do this.
I'm definitely in. I've already written down my plans and have put them into action. So far, it's working.
I'm in. I'm not necessarily looking to date anyone seriously right now, but I do need to get out and socialize more.

I don't know that I can do twice a month every single month tho, bc I live in Nowhereville and basically have to drive over an hour to get to a real city, but I will definitely be doing at least once a month.
I really want to somewhere fri or sat. I swear I can't stand another weekend at home by myself. I need to step it up this year.
Im in. I need to get out there. Love my friends but i gotta ditch them if im going to meet someone.
I'm joining a couple of new activist groups, and plan to attend meetings.

Also going to try to join the local squash club - can't play squash, but it looks like a game I'd enjoy (hitting the ish out of a ball against a wall). Should meet some people that way.

Joined an internet dating site at the beginning of the year.

Will be trying to go to salsa every week.

Will go out once per week in addition to salsa.
Alright ladies - my first outing of the month is tomorrow. My co-worker invited me to a happy hour sponsored by a frat . . . . Of course, my first reaction was


(That's just for you, MzLady :lachen:) But, then I remembered this challenge. So, yeah. I'll go . . . for at least an hour . . . and I will smile and be bubbly and bright.

I am also going to another speed dating event this Saturday :grin:
Alright ladies - my first outing of the month is tomorrow. My co-worker invited me to a happy hour sponsored by a frat . . . . Of course, my first reaction was


(That's just for you, MzLady :lachen:) But, then I remembered this challenge. So, yeah. I'll go . . . for at least an hour . . . and I will smile and be bubbly and bright.

I am also going to another speed dating event this Saturday :grin:

Which frat? Is it the Alphas or the Sigmas? If so, then they're cool people.