Rejected Him 2 Years Ago; Now, I'm Feeling Him

The dinner was fun. We had 30 minutes to chat beforehand and we played "this or that" to get to know each other. I discovered he doesn't like cats or steak. I love cats and steak. :look:

When I got home, he said we didn't discuss what changed, in his words. I guess he's cautious and wary which I honestly understand.

What? Is he talking about why you didn't want him back then versus your interest now?
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The dinner was fun. We had 30 minutes to chat beforehand and we played "this or that" to get to know each other. I discovered he doesn't like cats or steak. I love cats and steak. :look:

When I got home, he said we didn't discuss what changed, in his words. I guess he's cautious and wary which I honestly understand.
I'd just say I don't know and that It isn't something I've been focusing on.
I'd think that was a lie.
This is a good answer. Why not be honest? If you weren't in a place to date then that is a valid reason.
It is a lie.
Idk it's like lets live in the now. Rejection is rejection.
Maybe that's just me- I haven't asked why for a very long time.
And she said she wasn't feeling him. And I don't think she's gonna say that.
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I rarely give men my real reasons for doing ish. Keeps them guessing. So, yeah, it's a lie, a lie intended to say 'You heard of feminine mystique, right? Well, this is it.' :lol:

I'm very masculine in that sense. But we know this. i'm learning to lie. Ay it's hard!

It is a lie.
Idk it's like lets live in the now. Rejection is rejection.
Maybe that's just me- I haven't asked why for a very long time.
And she said she wasn't feeling him. And I don't think she's gonna say that.

I forgot. I didn't feel like rereading the OP, so I guessed the reason she rejected him the first time. Smh. I'm with you guys.
I'd just say I don't know and that It isn't something I've been focusing on.

:yep: me too. Or I would say like she mentioned earlier, that he seemed to have workaholic tendencies and at the time that was a turn off. I would not take one for the team or shoulder most of the blame. If he can't handle that then oh well. Once I answered his question simply, I'd say can we move on now or nah? Can we move forward and have fun or we gon' just keep rehashing why I wasn't interested in you two years ago :look:? It's like he wants a guarantee that she won't go ghost again or for her to gush about how great he is now but she can't really -- here they are once again at the beginning stages of dating and getting to know each other.

I would also consider asking him why he keeps bringing it up, how he felt back then about me, and how he felt when the communication fell off etc. She should be able to ask questions too. Maybe the question is really trying to get at something else? I think I would ask him what are you really asking me? It could just be that they make a deal that if either of them isn't feeling the other they will be honest and upfront. But idk. Whatever the deal is I hope you guys can have a frank and fair conversation and move on.
Allison Armstrong recommends being direct and not overly emotional in the early beginning stages and laying it all out on the table about your needs before getting too involved or physical. No need to play games and then later on try to change up the strategy when he will feel bamboozled.

And also spending time listening to a man rather than talking way too much out of nerves. Why? Because usually early on a man's opinions and what he says are good indications of who he is and you need to watch that.

Almond Eyes
The dinner was fun. We had 30 minutes to chat beforehand and we played "this or that" to get to know each other. I discovered he doesn't like cats or steak. I love cats and steak. :look:

When I got home, he said we didn't discuss what changed, in his words. I guess he's cautious and wary which I honestly understand.

Red flag. It seems like he keeps approaching you as if you have something to prove to him. Almost like a subliminal grudge, when he should be the one trying to prove himself to you. IDK. I still think you should slow it down and not be so available. He knows good & daggone well that he was in need of self improvement back in the day. Don't allow him to use the fact that he improved his own well being as a ploy to behave as though he has an edge over you.

I've never been through this exact situation but I've made A LOT of mistakes that led to heartache. Those mistakes included behaving in ways that mirror some of the things you're doing right now. Not to say that it will be the case with you, but really try to listen to what these ladies are saying. I really hope this stays fun cute and exciting for you. What I would hate to happen is this going deeper, your feelings are more invested, he starts acting "funny" and you're hurt because you have no idea why.
I agree with @Browndilocks
I don't like how he keeps circling back to this what happened thing. Hopefully you can have one good convo where both of you share some and move on. Otherwise he will end up being a wet blanket. Maybe this is what you were sensing before and why you bailed two years ago :look:. I hope not. Go ahead and have the conversation, don't take the blame unless you did something really awful to him, and see if he can then move on and get to know you. If not then I don't know what to tell you.
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I agree with @Browndilocks
I don't like how he keeps circling back to this what happened thing. Hopefully you can have one good convo where both of you share some and move on. Otherwise he will end up being a wet blanket. Maybe this is what you were sensing before and why you bailed two years ago :look:. I hope not. Go ahead and have the conversation, don't take the blame unless you did something really awful to him, and see if he can then move on and get to know you. If not then I don't know what to tell you.

Part of the reason why my attraction decreased was his actions, but I think if I had talked about it with him back then, we could have cleared it up. These are the two things that happened back then:

1) On our first 1 on 1 date, he invited his friends on it because, "I haven't had a day off in a long time and I wanted to see my friends too." So when one of his friends showed up, they spent part of our date conversing with each other and left me out of the convo.

2) After our 2nd 1 on 1 date, my uncle died, and I was at my aunt's house. That night around 10 pm, he asked if I wanted to come over. He might have meant it innocently (since he's never made a move on me) but I felt like it was inappropriate, which I told him and he agreed.
Now we are getting somewhere. Bringing someone on a first date is ridiculous and insulting. That is why I would not say I wasn't in a position to be pursued. He was not pursuing you:nono:. And sounds like you would have been ready and open to proper courting. But he wasn't doing that. It sounds like you guys got off on the wrong foot and he is hopefully happy that he is getting a 2nd chance. If a guy brought someone on our first date I would not have explained or asked anything. He is very lucky he got a 2nd date.
Now we are getting somewhere. Bringing someone on a first date is ridiculous and insulting. That is why I would not say I wasn't in a position to be pursued. He was not pursuing you:nono:. And sounds like you would have been ready and open to proper courting. But he wasn't doing that. It sounds like you guys got off on the wrong foot and he is hopefully happy that he is getting a 2nd chance. If a guy brought someone on our first date I would not have explained or asked anything. He is very lucky he got a 2nd date.

Our 2nd date was our last date until now :lol: I was trying to figure out if I liked him to continue then he sent me that text asking if I wanted to come over and I knew I didn't.

Funny thing is, he also invited his friend (my friend's BF) and she came with him. She didn't realize this was our date (not just another double date) and she made her BF leave with her. So both B and her BF are idiots. :lol:
I think that a conversation need to be had and put your cards on the table as to what did not go well the first time, then the ball is in his court. He seems to be playing the "back then they didn't want me, now I'm not they're all on me" game. I also think that you should stop suggesting dates, things to do, places to go, accompanying you to xyz place etc. I get that you really like him but he needs to get it together and pursue the hell out of you if he wants you. You're the prize.

Funny thing is, he also invited his friend (my friend's BF) and she came with him. She didn't realize this was our date (not just another double date) and she made her BF leave with her. So both B and her BF are idiots. :lol:

He probably didn't know how to date either. My bf had this problem, however he figured it out before we became exclusive. When we became exclusive I sat him down and told him to stop asking me what to do, he needs to figure out what I like, make plans and I'll show up looking pretty. So far so good :lol:.
Part of the reason why my attraction decreased was his actions, but I think if I had talked about it with him back then, we could have cleared it up. These are the two things that happened back then:

1) On our first 1 on 1 date, he invited his friends on it because, "I haven't had a day off in a long time and I wanted to see my friends too." So when one of his friends showed up, they spent part of our date conversing with each other and left me out of the convo.

Ok, this is just ridiculous. On a first date when your ass is supposed to be putting your best foot forward?!? I would have just left and told him to call him when he's ready to have a proper date. Babanla nonsense.

Hopefully, he makes a better go of it the second chance and courts you like a proper gentleman should...
Honestly if he kept asking me why am I interested now versus earlier, I'd straight up tell him. I'm blunt like that. :lol: I'd say: "You brought along your friend on our first date and spent the whole night talking to him! Then on our 2nd date you asked me to come over even though there was a death in my family." I guarantee you he'll quit asking after that. :lol:
You said a mouthful right here OP! Some men need to learn this!

I think that a conversation need to be had and put your cards on the table as to what did not go well the first time, then the ball is in his court. He seems to be playing the "back then they didn't want me, now I'm not they're all on me" game. I also think that you should stop suggesting dates, things to do, places to go, accompanying you to xyz place etc. I get that you really like him but he needs to get it together and pursue the hell out of you if he wants you. You're the prize.

He probably didn't know how to date either. My bf had this problem, however he figured it out before we became exclusive. When we became exclusive I sat him down and told him to stop asking me what to do, he needs to figure out what I like, make plans and I'll show up looking pretty. So far so good :lol:.
Honestly if he kept asking me why am I interested now versus earlier, I'd straight up tell him. I'm blunt like that. :lol: I'd say: "You brought along your friend on our first date and spent the whole night talking to him! Then on our 2nd date you asked me to come over even though there was a death in my family." I guarantee you he'll quit asking after that. :lol:

I should say it just like that instead of putting the blame on me; it really was his actions that showed he wasn't into me in the first place. If he doesn't like my answer, welp; I've been messaging this guy on OKC. :lol:
Off topic but I've never experienced buyers remorse. One time I got this long ass email from this dude out of nowhere talkin about had I stuck around longer I could have reaped the rewards of his new life:rolleyes: i simply replied that I still don't like him. Congrats on your new found degree, car, home and whatever else you've accomplished but I still don't like YOU so what point are you really trying to make here? We don't mesh and that's ok. My goodness.

People really don't seem to get it. Even my friend from long ago bless her heart...rejected by a dude and was doing the absolutely most to show him what he could have had. I wanted to be like he wasn't feeling you and never will so why are you making a fool of yourself? Like the rejectee is going to live some dismal life because they didn't give your sorry ass a chance. Everybody ain't for everybody. Don't mind me just a rant lol:lachen: