Dating Woes: First Date, Guy Asks To Pick Him Up..

sj10460 Yes, rent a car. I learned those views from an old Indian man that I call daddy. He didnt have a car when he met my mother, and he made it work until he got one. And I couldnt care less if, as you say, a black man feels i am difficult and attitude, so be it. I'm off the market and happy...with a Hispanic.

Good job OP! You took the trash out early.
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This reminds me of a story my grandma told me of her brother. :lol: It would be a 100 + humid day, but he'd drive around with the windows rolled up because he wanted people/women to think he was mackin' and had air conditioning. He'd be sweaty and soaked, but pride wouldn't let him roll those windows down. :lol::lol:

Men of yesteryear SMASH on men today. :look: :lol:

OMG!! I am hollering at this!:lachen: