***Random Thoughts: RELATIONSHIP FORUM***

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I don't wake up and put on my byioch hat. It's that sometimes I choose the wrong words when explaining my feelings. I need to work on that.

So when he comes home I will be apologizing for reacting the way I did.

But to be honest, I wish he would think about what he says too. I take things more literal than figurative, so if you are speaking metaphorically, then please let me know in advance.

**singing lady gaga**....I as born this wayyyyyyyyy.

Your daughter seems to think (and yes, I'm reassuring her) that she is a master peeler because she can peel the skin off a grape without puncturing the pulp. I use do to so the same thing as a kid. :ohwell:
I have been in long term relationships but I am inexperienced in the dating world. I think this guy may be taking advantage of me / manipulating me :( I don't get it because I thought he was a nice person.
I have been in long term relationships but I am inexperienced in the dating world. I think this guy may be taking advantage of me / manipulating me :( I don't get it because I thought he was a nice person.

Oh no :(
What makes you think so? is he saying things that sound far-fetched? is he beating around the bush?

If you think he is... then you have to watch out and call him out on it, in the nicest way possible.
Maybe we can help you brainstorm how to? (I know I have trouble telling someone: I know, and you know too, that all this stuff you're saying sounds like lies. I value honesty in my relationships, and this does not sound like honest reality.)
So... I'm supposed to be checking out some artwork with my ex-so in the evening. Yeah... Evidently, I've yet to erect a boundary on the past:ohwell: I'm actually looking forward to it, though, because I'm thinking that this should be our last meeting for a long while.

I'm not even sure what I want to say to him, but I'm curious what his thought process is these days because, despite me saying outright that I don't see a romantic future, he's expressing that he misses me and is looking forward to hanging out. I really like hanging out with him, but I know it is time to move on from that. Yet I continue to do so from time to time. He and I seem to be maintaining strands of emotional intimacy (no physical), but I don't know what the motivations are on either part.

On my part, I'm wondering whether it is that I'm having attachment/letting-go issues, or whether this is indicative of a serious lack of boundaries.

He may in fact like you, but if you're uncomfortable and not ready, then that's just what it is.
One book suggests saying: "let me come to you when I'm ready" which is supposed to have him fall back yet still be intrigued and excited about the thought, especially if he thinks you'll be initiating.

The other book says: "I will not go as far as you want sexually, and if you continue pushing, I will not see you again."
Which is pretty much what your friend is suggesting.
This will quell his pushiness, and what happens next should give you an idea of where he really stands about you.

If he sticks around, then good. If he stops taking you out, then you know that him taking you out in the first place was to set the stage to be intimate with you.

I'd go with your friend's/book recommendation #2 because it is clear on boundaries and will prevent further discussion.

It is truly valuable to wait, for so many reasons, and I'm sure that he himself knows it. So, I'd let him know that you are prepared not to see him again if you constantly find yourself in situations where your values are being challenged. If he is a decent guy, watch him fall in line real quick.
I don't think two nights of live high school football is a good thing for me MISTER, maybe for you but not meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..........................
I'm going to have a headache right after early dinner tonight. I can already feel it coming teeheehee
Also, Katherina, just to share my experience.
I was in a similar position many years ago. I was not ready, but I guess I was giving off the wrong signals, because I really liked the guy. I did, however, feel uncomfortable when he would try to put me into sxual situations that I also didn't want to be involved in.

He "said" he understood, but there was so much implicit pressure still there. I'd continue re-stating that I wasn't ready, and I heard some of the very same things this guy is telling you.
I held my ground for several months, and particularly remember one instance when he suggested that we get a hotel room (?!?!?) to prolong our time together since I had a roommate. Eventually, I said he could sleep in the hotel, and I would be heading back to my dorm room to sleep:yep:

He thought it didn't make sense for him to sleep in a hotel room alone, blah blah, and I wasn't budging, so that meeting didn't happen at all.

These days, I would drop a guy who suggested such a thing, but I didn't have enough emotional boundaries (and clearly still don't have enough), so we continued to communicate. He became much less pushy, which allowed me to feel like I could be myself with him (because I didn't have to worry that I was being preyed on), and we grew a lot closer emotionally.

Once it did happen several months later, I realized I wasn't as ready as I thought I was, and again refused to do it for another 3 months:look:

It's so much better to go into something as huge feeling unpressured. Everyone knows that. You need to tell this guy that you only like to do what makes you comfortable, and if he's not comfortable with that, then he's not the person for you.
If he sticks around, then good. If he stops taking you out, then you know that him taking you out in the first place was to set the stage to be intimate with you.

I'm scared because the bold would hurt :cry4: but I have to remember that I'll be worse off if he keeps crossing lines... :yep:


Thank you for the excellent advice and thanks for sharing your experience :rosebud:
Katherina be careful of wolves in sheep's clothing. He may be doing exactly what he thinks it takes to get you to sleep with him -playing the role until he meets his goal. He may switch up on you. Please be careful, this guys sets off a few red flags.
If I were you I wouldn't say another word. He knows how you feel. You like him but you simply are not ready yet to do "it," we all get it and so does he. Make him wait. If he can't wait or continues to push hard then he is not "the one". I don't like him pressuring you:nono:. I'm going to need him to back off and be more respectful. I see it like this, he is not a damned animal, he doesn't have to have sex with you. If he cares about you he will respect your wishes and give you more time.
^^^Exactly! It's YOUR body. Homie gonna have to slow his Alpha roll lol or keep it moving. My dh is Alpha and like you I'm more Beta I think but I say the same thing as you to him all of the time, my wishes are just as important as yours (sometimes more :look:).
I saw an article that talks about what women do to sabotage their relationships. And I realized that I do all 5 of the things on the list. I need to calm down. :nono:


1. You Give and Give and Give and Give
Have you heard the one about the doting girlfriend who gave her heart to a guy for three years, only for him to say that he's not the marrying kind? And then when they break up, he turns around and proposes to some ***** (and we do mean *****!), three months later.
"I see it all the time," confesses Randi Gunther, PhD, couples counselor, and author of the upcoming book Relationship Saboteurs (June 2010). "Women know they have the capacity to nurture and care for men, and will be extremely giving. The problem is when a woman holds it against her partner — as if she's a martyr — and the guy suddenly feels very guilty and, even worse, obligated. A man likes a ***** because she has her own agenda that isn't all about him; he likes that he's not totally responsible for her happiness."
If you enjoy being a giving person, then by all means, keep it up. Just understand that it's like putting money into a bank that has a hole on the bottom — you can't expect to cash in (say, like for a commitment from a guy). Do nice things because you want to — and don't forget to be a little selfish too.

2. You Overcommunicate
With all the Facebooking, tweeting, IMing, e-mailing, and texting going on, it might feel impossible to not communicate a lot with your boyfriend or husband, at least indirectly. But all that extraneous info about what you're doing dissolves your alluring mystery, warns Ian Kerner, PhD, sex therapist and author of She Comes First.
"I actually defriended my wife on Facebook," he admits. "We've all heard the phrase that familiarity breeds contempt, but in this age of social networking, perhaps familiarity breeds something worse: boredom."
Keep some of your mystery — and mask your mundane day-to-day life — by resisting the urge to check in with your guy constantly. And ditch all the dumb updates about what you had for breakfast. We promise you that No. One. Cares.

3. You Air All Your Frustrations to Your Friends
Admit it: A good venting sesh with your girls feels great. You get to rant about how you think your man was checking out another girl last Saturday, or how you can't believe he wants to buy a new car when he could be saving that money for an engagement ring. But constantly telling your friends your guy gripes — even the smallest stuff — can sabotage your relationship, says Gunther.
"Your friends want to support you, will sympathize with you, and won't challenge you," explains Gunther. "So then everyone comes away from the chat with the deep opinion that your boyfriend or husband is usually in the wrong."
All your *****ing and moaning can have a lasting effect on how your friends feel about your guy, and eventually they'll stop supporting your relationship because they remember every last jerky thing he's done. Not good. So, bottom line? You don't have to cut the chick chat altogether…but tone it down, and be sure to tell them about the nice things he does every once in a while too. You'll feel much better about your relationship overall if you remind yourself from time to time that he's a good guy.

4. You Don't Think You're Hot
Do you have a hard time accepting compliments about your body? Freak out at the thought of your guy watching you walk butt-naked to the bathroom? Cringe anytime your guy grazes his hand across your stomach? These seemingly minor habits could be more dangerous than you realize because poor self-esteem about your body can damage your sex life, warns Kerner.
"If you don't feel sexy, you're just not as interested in having sex," says Kerner. "Or maybe you only want to do it with the lights off or leave some of your clothes on. Many men I work with are very frustrated because they think their girlfriends and wives are beautiful, but the women are very inhibited."
To keep your insecurities from hurting your relationship, the first thing you have to do is take your body-bashing down a notch. Stop pointing out your flaws to your guy — you don't want him to start believing what you're saying, do you? It's easier said than done, but start making the transition by incorporating confident little changes in the bedroom. Even if you really don't want the lights on, try lighting a few candles instead. After all, everyone looks good in candlelight!

5. You Confuse Hopes with Realistic Expectations
Have you ever fantasized about your boyfriend doing something special — say, throwing a surprise birthday party for you — and then thought about it so much that when it didn't happen, you were genuinely disappointed? Maybe you even got a little mad that all he did was get you a cupcake and sweater from Express. This kind of behavior can wreak havoc on your bond.
"You can't walk into a relationship with a script," says Gunther. "A lot of us have neurotic expectations, but are so invested in our fantasies that we keep going back to them. It's fine to hope for certain things from your man, but they need to be based on some realistic potential of actually being satisfied."
In other words, if your boyfriend never plans weekend getaways, stop disappointing yourself by daydreaming that he'll whisk you away to a B&B. It's fun to have fantasies, but if they're causing constant disappointment in your relationship, you're just setting yourself up to fail. Focus on the stuff your guy does right (rather than what he's not doing), and you'll strengthen — not sabotage — your love connection.
Talking to you on the phone has been physically painful. My throat hurts. My head hurts. I am hungry. Tired. And the worst part is, you STILL think we can work things out. I've told you how I've been badly hurt and have badly hurt others (as a result) for so many years. I finally healed. I finally took a square look at myself and decided I had to do better and I am. I am not where I want to be but I am not where I used to be.

You refuse to believe you are the straw that broke my back. I don't want a new car from you. I don't want to quit my job for you and travel the world. I don't want a damn stick of gum from you. You broke my heart and all of your money and dreams mean spit to me.

I kept it honest with you. I never hid anything. I shared all that I could remember to share with you. How do you repay me? By humiliating me in front of your family! And even when you did, I forgave you. I couldn't stand to see you beat yourself up. I chose to see a person having a bad day and that it was just poor judgment. And now you think money and dates will make things better?

My dude, love comes before money. And the things I wanted from you were all free. I hate that even when you hurt me, I still give you the time and respect to express youurself. I just know I am going to go cry before I go to sleep but I will wake up stronger and wiser.
Talking to you on the phone has been physically painful. My throat hurts. My head hurts. I am hungry. Tired. And the worst part is, you STILL think we can work things out. I've told you how I've been badly hurt and have badly hurt others (as a result) for so many years. I finally healed. I finally took a square look at myself and decided I had to do better and I am. I am not where I want to be but I am not where I used to be.

You refuse to believe you are the straw that broke my back. I don't want a new car from you. I don't want to quit my job for you and travel the world. I don't want a damn stick of gum from you. You broke my heart and all of your money and dreams mean spit to me.

I kept it honest with you. I never hid anything. I shared all that I could remember to share with you. How do you repay me? By humiliating me in front of your family! And even when you did, I forgave you. I couldn't stand to see you beat yourself up. I chose to see a person having a bad day and that it was just poor judgment. And now you think money and dates will make things better?

My dude, love comes before money. And the things I wanted from you were all free. I hate that even when you hurt me, I still give you the time and respect to express youurself. I just know I am going to go cry before I go to sleep but I will wake up stronger and wiser.

Aww, Lucie :bighug:

You always have such GREAT quotations. You should write a book of relationship quotations or start one of those FB pages like BroTips., lol :yep:

On another note, I got Delgatti's phone number today. *moving on to possibly greener pastures*
Fancy Pants emailed me today, 24 hours after we last emailed. Maybe I should chill. I will email him back on sunday since he made me wait,,,

In the meantime, I am trying to up the numbers of men I interact with and socialize with. One guy asked for my number but he's only here for 3 months for work. He's from Argentina. He's really cool and very smart. He will practice Spanish with me and god knows what else... ;)

I have a party tomorrow night. Dead set on meeting and connecting with more men. I need 3 on rotation! It will happen!
He's just like all men -- don't know what they'll miss till it's gone. Always want one more chance, always want to believe they really get what you want this time. I for one am proud of you:yep:, you are screaming to the universe: I am ready for more and better. If all you got to offer is money, find a chick that wants that, plenty of them out there. It sounds like you gave him ample opportunity to get himself together. And embarrassing you in front of his family? What the? Girl, he must be out of his mind.
Look for someone who is going to give his best because you are going to give them your best.

Be fed up, ask questions, don't trust blindly.

Love him because he earnestly earned it, and continues to earn it.

Love him because you refuse to get used to disappointment, and because he does his best to not make it common place.

Love him because he's a man, not a boy playing a part.

But first, love you as GOD loves you, as you love you, and as you deserve to be loved.

From MyTouch 4G...On which animated Gifs may not be seen:(
Aww, @Lucie :bighug:

You always have such GREAT quotations. You should write a book of relationship quotations or start one of those FB pages like BroTips., lol :yep:

On another note, I got Delgatti's phone number today. *moving on to possibly greener pastures*

rafikichick92, thank you so much. (((HUGS)))

Congrats on getting his number. :grin:


Get it all out, you will feel better when it's all said and done. Feel the emotion and move forward.

I listened to this song when I went through a similar phase


"When I wake up, everything I went through will be beautiful..."


Thanks, I actually do feel better. My computer has been acting normal again, so I've been able to surf YouTube again. That is a great song, thanks for sharing it. :yep:
He's just like all men -- don't know what they'll miss till it's gone. Always want one more chance, always want to believe they really get what you want this time. I for one am proud of you:yep:, you are screaming to the universe: I am ready for more and better. If all you got to offer is money, find a chick that wants that, plenty of them out there. It sounds like you gave him ample opportunity to get himself together. And embarrassing you in front of his family? What the? Girl, he must be out of his mind.

hopeful, ITA with your entire post! I think that's why he keeps wanting things to work because he knows I am 1 of a kind. He just goes about things stupidly. But, it's not my mission to change him. I'd rather just find someone who is what I am looking for NOW. Not someone who is trying to be what I like. Or can be what I like for a little bit and then goes back to who they are.
Today is my official declaration that I'm going to have fun and enjoy my life until you come along...whoever you are. And then when you do show up, maybe you can join in on the fun and we can make the best of life together.
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