Official Single and Sexy Thread 2008......

hey ladies

I think i am giving the on line dating deal a rest for now... There are too many fools out there it seems and well I don't want to meet them. I think I am going to look at the constant in all my relationships, me. I have friends who have no problem meeting good men and I seem to come up with losers. I am going to figure out why.

How i am going to do that, I am not sure... I may need to have a professional approach to this, but I have no clue where to start when looking for a counselor.

Wish me luck

That's what I'm going to do to prettypuff1. I found a counselor, actually someone on here recommended one in the DC area that they used. If you live in the DC/MV/VA area PM me. I haven't seen her yet but I"m waiting until next month and my finances get better to see her. She's not covered under my insurance. :ohwell:
Anyway, good luck to you. I think this is a postive & proactive approach. :yep:
I agree with talking to a professional to deal with any issues you might have. I used the counseling services at my undergrad extensively during my sophomore year. I figured since my tuition was paying for it anyways, I might as well right. it helped me out A LOT.

As far as my dating life is concerned, I have met someone. I'm treading very softly because while he is a nice guy, I don't know if I'm in the right frame of mind to be dealing with a relationship right now. I've been repeating the "happy to be single and sexy" mantra in my head for so long that I finally started believing it and now I kinda like being self-absorbed and selfish. :look:

I feel like if I enter into a relationship I would lose that. :lachen:
I had a date yesterday..

Dude came up to my chest. I met dude talking to him on facebook, but not in person until today. I saw his pictures but they never gave him in perspective to other people....

I told dude i was going to the bathroom and slipped out the door never to be seen or heard from again....

Dating is getting pretty pitiful.
Dating sucks.

I met this guy. Seemed cool, great. We talked for a month, everyday. Connected and it was like he got it. Went on our first date almost 3 weeks ago. Best first date I ever had. There was chemistry but we also had a lot in common (family background, morals, values, goals).

A couple of weeks later, we both had a misunderstanding. It scared us both off. He has past issues with picking bad women and getting in horrible relationships. I have past issues with dating a serial player and I'm not looking for game. Yesterday we decided to 'just be friends for a while.'

I'm all for getting to know the guy better but how does the friends thing work, exactly? :sad:
I had a date yesterday..

Dude came up to my chest. I met dude talking to him on facebook, but not in person until today. I saw his pictures but they never gave him in perspective to other people....

I told dude i was going to the bathroom and slipped out the door never to be seen or heard from again....

Dating is getting pretty pitiful.

Why did you leave him there? :look:
What happened to Date #2 from coffe guy? :look:
LOL, I've posted about him in the thread.

Long story short, Mr Vacation (coffee guy) went out of town a few weeks ago and drove to Texas. Well, I called him that morning that he started his road trip to wish him luck and to have fun. We talked for maybe 20 mins or so. Now that i'm thinking back, the call got dropped and I called him back :wallbash: Anyway. He told me he would call me.

Well, he was out of town for about a week and a half and not once did he call me. He sent me a few text messages here and there. So he gets back into town on a Wednesday, then sends me a text mesage on Friday saying "Hey Bre, just wanted to say happy Friday". I didn't respond to the message because I figured if he was into me he would have picked up the phone and called me. I was very right about this. He hasn't called me since and it's been over a week. NEXT!
I can't do petite men.. i just can't... I couldn't even look at him with out hearing the clwon song in my head...

Don't feel bad fab, this is date number 6 in two years :look:.. All of them were bad dates.:ohwell:

I would have felt bad leaving someone on a date like that:lachen: Hey, this has been date#1 for me in 6 years so you need to feel sorry for me!!!!!
Awwww. Damn.

But you're right. Llike Baskin' & Robbins... NEXT!! :yep:
LOL, I've posted about him in the thread.

Long story short, Mr Vacation (coffee guy) went out of town a few weeks ago and drove to Texas. Well, I called him that morning that he started his road trip to wish him luck and to have fun. We talked for maybe 20 mins or so. Now that i'm thinking back, the call got dropped and I called him back :wallbash: Anyway. He told me he would call me.

Well, he was out of town for about a week and a half and not once did he call me. He sent me a few text messages here and there. So he gets back into town on a Wednesday, then sends me a text mesage on Friday saying "Hey Bre, just wanted to say happy Friday". I didn't respond to the message because I figured if he was into me he would have picked up the phone and called me. I was very right about this. He hasn't called me since and it's been over a week. NEXT!
Hey Ladies, add me to the bunch! looooong story but I'm good :yep:I don't think I want to date or marry a black man-as a whole they can't seem to get it together emotionally, they are like 14 yr olds in mens bodies wearing men's pants and shoes. It's a battle to get "them" to raise there level of consciousness and even then there is no connect :wallbash: . I don't know if any of you ladies can identify with what I'm speaking on; it's like black men have this hardened rough way of handling relationships and life. The approach is old and I'm done! I'm going for Asian. Now I know that they are NOT on the top of the list for us, but I think I will be moving in a different direction. I've heard the stereotypes about the Asian male anatomy :brainy: :scratchch all stereotypes are true ( praying right at this moment ). Ladies weight in there's a thread about dating Asian men.
I will tell u like i told the last member to join us...

Welcome to the Jungle:look:

And it definitely is a jungle out there! LOL I want to be non single in 09. I'm tired of people telling me to focus on other things. I've done that but I want a companion.
And it definitely is a jungle out there! LOL I want to be non single in 09. I'm tired of people telling me to focus on other things. I've done that but I want a companion.


I don't need to focus on other things. I've got 7000000000000000 other things. I NEED to focus on a relationship, that's what I need! :)

I was out of the jungle from April-October, now I'm back. Hi everyone! :wave:
I would have felt bad leaving someone on a date like that:lachen: Hey, this has been date#1 for me in 6 years so you need to feel sorry for me!!!!!

(Phew) Glad I'm not the only one. I recently went on my first date since like 2004 :perplexed. I felt so awkward and dorky.
Why oh why did I just read through this whole thread?

I forgot all about my posts from when I was starting to like dude, which was painful, since we're no longer seeing other.

*sigh* Oh well.
I thought I would have good news to add, but no.:ohwell: A guy saw my pic and asked to be introduced to me through a mutual friend. We talked in a group setting and it was nice. But he has not made a move to further things soooooooooo...I'm just gone keep it moving.