My Dating Quest in 2011. Is He the One?

I missed the pics:-(

Congrats Ediese, I have followed your story and can see so many similarities between yours and mine. I'm very happy for you and Luke....

Team Luke (because he reminds me of my boy).
i saw the pics and you guys look cute t'getha. plus he's real real nice on da eyes..u don't hafta squint to look at him lololol. he is very attractive.
So mad I missed the pics!!! I guess I should have got instant alerts instead of daily :sad:

As for the trip, it sounds reasonable since you can afford it and it's something you would enjoy as's not like all the money is being spent on him, it's being spent on you too!
Whatever you decide, I'm sure it'll be nice.
Shouldn't Dee's real name be removed?

It doesn't seem unfair that his real name floating around in this thread.....IMO
Gift idea:

Take his car (with permission of course) and get it cleaned inside and out. Get the tires shining, wax the interior, shampoo the carpets. Go to like a Benny's or something and have them do it. If a man loves his car, he'd probably appreciate it.
Gift idea:

Take his car (with permission of course) and get it cleaned inside and out. Get the tires shining, wax the interior, shampoo the carpets. Go to like a Benny's or something and have them do it. If a man loves his car, he'd probably appreciate it.

Too soon for this stuff. She should do this when she is actually driving his car on the regular.
Ediese, I agree with evreyone the $700 is too much...right now. He is still courting and trying to prove himself, so of course he needs to come correct.

You both are still in the googly eye stage so all you need to really impress each other is...each other. When you become a long term couple, you will definitely need that $700 to keep things new and fresh. I'm not saying to half-step, but since you're so new in this relationship, the itty bitty things are exponential.

Besides, if you spend that much now, you will have to spend more next time and much more after that and you don't want to feel like you have to keep outdoing yourself.
Have both of you taken your profile off match.?

Good question. His profile is no longer on there, but mine is..

Actually, I'm still receiving emails from guys :look:, but I haven't checked them. My membership is over, and I'm not interested in renewing.
Thanks everyone for replying! I'm still thinking through it. Like someone else mentioned above, the trip would really be for the both of us. I need a break. :yep: I actually found a really nice B&B that's about 1/3 of the initial trip. It's an awesome place. If anything, I think we'd go there instead.

Anyway, Luke and I went to dinner and mattress shopping last night. I actually felt pretty good about it. It's as if he valued my opinion, since I've mentioned the discomfort of the current mattress and the problems that I have with my lower back. He wants me to help him decorate his new place too, so I can't wait for that. I love decorating, once I'm not spending my own money, of course. lol

We're going to a party at a restaurant, and then to a lounge tomorrow. He said that he sent a few bullet points about me to the hostess of the party. lmbo When I asked him what he said, he mentioned that he told her that I'm "from St. Croix, have a post grad degree, work as a xxxxx, attractive, very shapely, and really tall. lol Why is any of that stuff important?

I'm a little nervous because I'm SUCH an introvert, and that's really hindered me in the past. I don't want them to think that I'm stuckup or antisocial because these are some good friends of his. I wish I was more like my sister in this area. Ugh! It's so hard!! How can I overcome this? I just get so nervous around people that I don't know, especially when it's a crown. My palms actually start to sweat.
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awww, he just wants to show you off to his friends Ediese :) he sounds like a proud bf:yep::lol:

those are very good signs to me because he's not wasting any time introducing you to the important people in his life:yep:. That says alot about his end motive marriage******:look:

As for the party, just try your best to relax and enjoy yourself. I'm somewhat of an introvert myself so I don't have many good pointers. I'm sure the ladies will chime in with great suggestions though.

Enjoy yourself tomorrow:grin:
^^^ oh
enjoy it seems like you will be just sure ppl will be interested in seeing what type of woman has captured your mister tall and handsome so...just stay calm and sure he will make you feel at ease

and it is a huge sign when a man brings you around his social circle so..kudosss to you!!!

watch out for a molly that tries to chat you joking...but you know how they"sooooooooooo where did you guys meet" etc etc
Wow...Ediese and missware2003... Dee gets around! I'm in Houston, went out with him a couple of times. Immaculate apartment in Pearland (NOTHING HAPPENED). Ended the 2nd date when he bit my necklace off. Yes, bit.

But don't let me discourage you girl! lol

Ps. I need a date lol
This is super funny. I am also on and Dee sent me a message on a few weeks ago and we briefly talked on the phone on Saturday. He is sweet guy....just thought it was crazy that we spoke witht he same guy!!!!

You have also given me insipiration to go full force with this and take some of these men seriously!!!
Wow...@Ediese and @missware2003... Dee gets around! I'm in Houston, went out with him a couple of times. Immaculate apartment in Pearland (NOTHING HAPPENED). Ended the 2nd date when he bit my necklace off. Yes, bit.

But don't let me discourage you girl! lol

Ps. I need a date lol

@Ms Red and @missware2003:lachen::lachen::lachen:Wth? I KNEW something wasn't right, and GIRL yes, I've been to that apartment too. It's nice. :lachen::lachen:

He bit your necklace? lol Here I was thinking he was too feminine for me. lmao!!!!! This is such a HUGE coincidence, and a colossal mess!

We went out twice, and even after he asked for subsequent dates, I couldn't do it. :nono: It just didn't feel right. Thank God for following my intuition. This was his last message to me: "We can still be cool right, hang out, go out to eat and discuss fasshion..." LMAO!!!:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:

@missware2003, you might want to delete his name out of that one post.
Just read upthread--- Congratuations Ediese!!! I'm so happy you found your guy through this :):) OMG lol

Etherealsmile-- Believe it or not, we don't live to far from one another (both on The first date was great but like the other ladies mentioned, I didn't gel with his mannerisms and the fact that he was living in ATL made me think :look:

But I went out with him on a second date to confirm and boy did he. He was really aggressive and a bit disrespectful! I got out of there pronto and haven't returned any phone calls. Oh well, it's online dating, ya know? Have fun but be careful, ladies. :drunk:

Just read upthread--- Congratuations Ediese!!! I'm so happy you found your guy through this :):) OMG lol

Etherealsmile-- Believe it or not, we don't live to far from one another (both on The first date was great but like the other ladies mentioned, I didn't gel with his mannerisms and the fact that he was living in ATL made me think :look:

But I went out with him on a second date to confirm and boy did he. He was really aggressive and a bit disrespectful! I got out of there pronto and haven't returned any phone calls. Oh well, it's online dating, ya know? Have fun but be careful, ladies. :drunk:

SMDH @ the highlighted, i'm glad you're not returning his calls.

I bet he thinks because he's an MD he can act however the heck he wants and women will still come a runnin':rolleyes:
*clutchin ma pearls*

dayum. dee gets around huh. sittin round bitin folks and wantin to tawk about "fasshion"...chile puleez. dis bama got a rep already and don't even know it. i wonder if he's really a med student.

doesn't matter now. but bitin people's necklaces n shyt off? I woulda slapped him to sleep.

took the words right outta my mouth- damn DDDDD gets his onnnnnnnnnn and popppinnnnnnnnn....what in the heezyyyyyy

he got his money worth with that all of the quality women...

*clutchin ma pearls*

dayum. dee gets around huh. sittin round bitin folks and wantin to tawk about "fasshion"...chile puleez. dis bama got a rep already and don't even know it. i wonder if he's really a med student.

doesn't matter now. but bitin people's necklaces n shyt off? I woulda slapped him to sleep.
Wow...Ediese and missware2003... Dee gets around! I'm in Houston, went out with him a couple of times. Immaculate apartment in Pearland (NOTHING HAPPENED). Ended the 2nd date when he bit my necklace off. Yes, bit.

But don't let me discourage you girl! lol

Ps. I need a date lol

I would like to hear the story of the necklace?
I hope all of you ladies steer clear of Dee. I get a bad vibe from him just by reading about him in this thread. :look:
I'm tryna figure out how a resident has that much time to date multiple women. No offense ladies. He must not sleep alot. Maybe a med student/resident can help with this.

We may need to hand this off to the LHCFBI. :sekret:
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Oh yea, I wanted to say that right after talking to him to last night, he called me right back to say "I just wanted to tell you that I miss you, and can't wait I see you on Friday. Jut figured I'd let you know." .....he's such a sweetie pie. :-)