My Dating Quest in 2011. Is He the One?


The story of "Dee" biting off the necklace just re-emphasises my opinion, from my experience that African men can be
Sexist, Macho, and Sexually Agressive (especially the Nigerians).

I know not ALL are like this, but...... it gives me more pause....
"Here's a pic we took at the party. I'll post about that tomorrow. "

Oh how gorgeous! Though you know the first thing that came out of my mouth was a squeal and a "Her hair is so pretty!" :blush::lol:

oooh i wanna see the hair! haha i've seen him (from the 1st pics) but i want to see some hair

The story of "Dee" biting off the necklace just re-emphasises my opinion, from my experience that African men can be
Sexist, Macho, and Sexually Agressive (especially the Nigerians).

I know not ALL are like this, but...... it gives me more pause.... sounded to me like Dee was the opposite...kinda. Given his references to fashion...and when Ediese and the other ladies were talking about how his "mannerisms" gave off the wrong vibe...I thought they meant a type vibe :giggle: So when I read about the necklace being bitten off, I didn't even think it was due to sexual aggression, ...I just thought he wanted that necklace for himself! :lol: sounded to me like Dee was the opposite...kinda. Given his references to fashion...and when Ediese and the other ladies were talking about how his "mannerisms" gave off the wrong vibe...I thought they meant a type vibe :giggle: So when I read about the necklace being bitten off, I didn't even think it was due to sexual aggression, ...I just thought he wanted that necklace for himself! :lol:

:lachen::lachen::lachen: Girl you made me spit out my drink with that one. lmbo lol
You do give me hope with the whole multiple dating quest. I had to put a temporary end to it since I was getting NOWHERE with the guy's that I was going out with.

Congrats to you though!
:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: @ the bolded..... Chai Nigerians! just earning bad names left, right and centre:nono::nono: :lol::lol:


The story of "Dee" biting off the necklace just re-emphasises my opinion, from my experience that African men can be
Sexist, Macho, and Sexually Agressive (especially the Nigerians).

I know not ALL are like this, but...... it gives me more pause.... sounded to me like Dee was the opposite...kinda. Given his references to fashion...and when Ediese and the other ladies were talking about how his "mannerisms" gave off the wrong vibe...I thought they meant a type vibe :giggle: So when I read about the necklace being bitten off, I didn't even think it was due to sexual aggression, ...I just thought he wanted that necklace for himself! :lol:

But he's an MD, Surely he can afford one of his own right?? :giggle: :giggle:
Darn it! I haven't checked in for so long that I missed all the pics. Ediese, congratulations! I just read the thread from where I left off (p.12). I'm glad that things are going well with Luke. Keep us posted!
Ediese I've finally caught up from page 11 and I'm so happy for you. Even though we don't know each other it gives me hope that when I start dating again I will have good luck as well. I missed all the pics so hopefully I'll catch them the next time you post something.
I've been secretly following this thread :giggle: I'm so happy for you Ediese. Multiple dating is a girl's best friend :yep: I did it for close to 10 months before I started dating DH.
Have been lurking the thread since close to its beginning, and just wanted to say (finally!) that I'm so enjoying living vicariously through you, Ediese! :grin: Really, the way you set about your dating quest was pretty inspiring, and I'm glad you found someone you are looking forward to moving forward with!

Congrats and Good Luck!
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Where is Ediese? It is happening again, once these single gals meet there SO they go AWOL...Come back Ediese! please give us an update on what is happeing.
Where is Ediese? It is happening again, once these single gals meet there SO they go AWOL...Come back Ediese! please give us an update on what is happeing.
:lachen::lachen::lachen:I'm rolling over here!!!! I guess the "Quest" is over. She's selected one. We need a new bachelorette.
I think I might start my own quest. I have been on and just signed up for Plenty of Fish yesterday and so far, so good. :) I've never been one to date more than one guy at a time (to my detriment), but I think that it's important not to get too caught up until the man has clearly stated his intentions and we are on same page. Sooo . . . with that being said, I'm ready to get it crackin'!!!! :lachen: I need some more "date" clothes though . . . This is going to be fun! :)
I think I might start my own quest. I have been on and just signed up for Plenty of Fish yesterday and so far, so good. :) I've never been one to date more than one guy at a time (to my detriment), but I think that it's important not to get too caught up until the man has clearly stated his intentions and we are on same page. Sooo . . . with that being said, I'm ready to get it crackin'!!!! :lachen: I need some more "date" clothes though . . . This is going to be fun! :)

Make a post when you get started. We all will be rooting for you too!
I think we should leave Ediese to enjoy her new relationship.

I don't think it is a good idea for her to post a play by play now..

She needs her privacy.

of course!:yep: I wasn't asking for a play by play, i quite frankly would not expect that from anyone....this is the net after all

I am moreso curious to know how things are progressing generally speaking :)
I think we should leave Ediese to enjoy her new relationship.

I don't think it is a good idea for her to post a play by play now..

She needs her privacy.


Yes, I don't think I'll update anymore with everything going on, it's too difficult. We're still together, and if anything new or BIG transpires :look::lachen:, I'll let you guys know.

Good luck Silkycoils!! It's really all so much fun!
Posted this in offtopic, but wanted to share with you all too.

Please don't quote. If it's too long to read, I understand.

It’s the hardest thing to know that someone you care about is lying in a hospital bed probably scared, and confused. It’s hard knowing that although you’re only a couple miles away, there’s nothing you can do about it.

I’ve caught myself staring in space a few times today. I’ve answered the phone, and I can’t seem to collect my thoughts. I can’t focus on anything. Every second that passes by, I’m looking at my phone hoping that I receive word of his condition. With every phone ring or alert of my phone, my heart flutters in anticipation. I’m scared too. I’m mad. I know it doesn’t make any sense that I’m mad at him, but I am. I’ve been driving myself crazy with worry for the past couple days because I hadn’t heard from him. Something deep down told me that he wasn’t okay.

I tried to contact him numerous times, and nothing….he’s never done that before. I had to replay Saturday night in my mind to see if maybe I had said or done something wrong. As far as I know, when I met up with him that night to watch the game, we all had a fun time. His best friend, Donald, and his wife, Linda, were super funny, and it felt so natural. Thinking back now, I wasn’t in the mood to hang out at all that day. He had called earlier and asked that I hang out with them, but I wanted to just be alone at home. I wasn’t in a funky mood or anything. Sometimes I just like to spend time with myself, by myself. Plus, it was too hot outside for me to even think about being out there with 70k plus people listening to some rock band.

Isn’t it funny how in retrospect you always feel like you should have done this, or said that? When I hadn’t heard from him, I found myself searching through messages he sent me, or replaying some of his voice messages. I’ve been a total wreck.

I can’t imagine how he’s feeling. He tries so hard to portray this strong, masculine man that can’t be defeated. (Luke 32 -0 TKO). I know he’s scared. I want so much to be there for him. I want to hold his hands, and let him know that I’m here. I’m here to support him, and sleep by his side for as long as he’ll let me.

I’m scared. I’m mad. I’m terrified. What if? What if he hadn’t been found in time? I would have never been able to let him know how I really feel. I would have never been able to see him smiling at me, blowing me kisses, or get goose bumps over the cute way he looks when he’s winking at me. And to think that I was so annoyed with him that night for drinking too much. I refused to kiss him a few times throughout the night, and I even told him that he couldn’t stay at my place. I don’t get along that well with drunks, and my annoyance level was reaching the limit. After sobering up a bit at a coffee shop, I did make sure that he got home okay. We kissed good night, and that was the last time that I heard from him. I’m full of regrets.

My actions were so silly then. I do have so many regrets. If I had a chance now, I would give him all the kisses he wanted. I just want to see him. I want to see his face smiling at me, and then I’ll know for myself that he’s okay. I miss him. I’m scared. I’m mad that he doesn’t want me there. After all, what’s the point of us dating? What have we been doing for the past 2 months?

I knew something was wrong when I didn’t hear from him on Sunday. We had plans to chill for the entire day at his place, since he partied on Friday and Saturday. Yesterday, I grew really worried. It was equally distressing because I didn’t have the contact information for any of his friends. I didn’t even know their last names. I called his job, and was told that he was out. I spent hours searching for his friends on Facebook, without a last name, that was truly futile. I paid to renew my membership on match because I remembered that one of his friends was on there, so I figured I could send them an email. I think I found his parent’s number, but I didn’t want to call to worry them if he was okay. After speaking to some of my friends, I agreed that I would wait a day, and would then place that call. I drove by his place just to make sure that everything was okay. I saw his car parked in the reserved spot, but found it incredibly strange that he would be at home at that time of the day. I called the leasing office to see if someone was physically on premises, and could check up on him. Check to make sure that he wasn’t hurt. That’s all I was concerned about. I called the police station. Even after someone suggested it to me, I didn’t contact the hospital. I couldn’t fathom that he could be lying in one of those beds, even though something deep down told me that something was wrong.

I had a hard time sleeping through the night. I woke up at about 4a, and couldn’t go back to sleep. This morning, I called the number to his parents. No answer. I called his work twice, and the second time I got the news. He had a brain aneurysm on Sunday, and was in the Neuro ICU at the hospital. My heart sank. I couldn’t quiet the sob that was surfacing in my throat. How? What? When? Why? Seconds seemed like minutes, and I just sat there, staring in space bawling my eyes out. I wasn’t there for him. Why was I so annoyed at him again? Truly… silly me.

I finally received word from him, and he pretty much relayed the same message. Blood vessel burst and brain hemorrhaging. He says he’s doing okay, and is not getting worse. He has an angiogram scheduled for today to figure out how serious the problem is, and what caused it. His family is there, so I’m happy that he has the people that love him the most there supporting him. It doesn’t stop me from being scared or mad. I’m mad that he doesn’t want me there. There are no explanations that make sense. My mind is going in so many directions. Trust me; I’ve come up with all possible scenarios. None of them console me. I don’t want to upset him. I can't imagine how scared, and probably mad he is too. This is about him. I want to respect his decision, but it hurts. My eyes are bloodshot red, and I can’t stop crying. I’m so scared for him. When I couldn’t reach him at first, I prayed and asked God to please watch over him, and make sure that he was okay. Now, I’m praying that God sees him through this.

What’s the morale? As cliché as this sounds, it holds true to me, especially now. Live like it’s your last day on this earth, and never take anyone for granted. As much as you’d like to smack them upside the head at times, always remember the feelings that you have for that person, imagine not being able to ever see them again, and act accordingly. If I personally held true to that, I wouldn’t have been so blasé about spending time with him, or annoyed at something so trivial. If nothing else, I know I wouldn’t be brimming with regrets now. Maybe then instead of being afraid and mad, I would be okay knowing that I did the best that I could because I made him aware of how much I deeply care for him based on my actions.
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I'm confused... is this something that really happened or creative writing? The back to back posting confused me since they seem to contradict each other.

eta nvm i get it, just saw the other post
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Oh my goodness Ediese:sad: i can only imagine the thoughts and feelings that are coursing through you right now. I am so so so very sorry to hear this :bighug::bighug: but please don't get it into your heart that he doesn't want you there with him....i bet he just doesn't want you to see what he's going through....he might feel as though you being there will be placing a huge burden on your shoulders.

I will keep both you and him in my prayers. I pray God sees him through this difficult road ahead and I pray that he is blessed with a speedy recovery.

May you two in due time grow closer as you weather this storm together and I ask that you lay your burdens at the feet of Jesus. I know you have many, many questions but please, don't worry yourself to illness. God is in control and He will see you through this difficult time.
yeah, an aneurysm is serious business, i dont think now is the time to jump to conclusions about a relationship.