My Dating Quest in 2011. Is He the One?

Hey you guys!

I really haven't had time to sit down, and type out what's been happening since last month. I feel really bad that I haven't been updating regularly, but it's been a bit hard since I feel that I'm sooooooo far behind.

For now, I'll say that Luke and I decided to become exclusive a few weeks ago, so I do have a new SO. :-) Things are going really great so far, but I realize it's still the beginning of things, so I'm proceeding with caution. I'm attending a wedding with him in a couple weeks, and he's really excited about it because that's when I'll get to meet all of his friends. According to him, he's been telling them all these great things about me. lol He has even mentioned me to his mom, and suggested that we go on down to his parent's ranch one weekend. I'm not ready for that yet though.

I promise to post the events leading up to this as soon as I can.
Ok, I need to catch up BIG TIME!

Seriously Ediese,

I have a question…

Has any of these guys tried to lock you down prematurely-- either by hinting about you not needing to stay on the dating site or asking point blank for you to take down your profile.

If so, how have you handled this request?

Yes, two of them did. Nathan wanted us to be exclusive after probably a week of dating, and Dee did the same as well. I told the both of them that I wasn't ready to take that step, and I wanted to take time to date and get to know someone before making that big of a commitment. I explained that at this point in my life, I'm envisioning the next guy that I commit to as potentially being my husband. I said I didn't want to waste time commiting myself to anyone until I felt that it was right, and that I was ready.

Personally, I think felt that they were rushing it for the wrong reasons. They didn't want to commit because they felt that they saw a future there, and wanted to see where things woud go. They just didn't want me seeing other men. :lol:
So you went from being scared to look Luke in the eye on your first date, to exclusivity in a few weeks? Interesting....and good for you! How did you let yourself move past the race issue?
So you went from being scared to look Luke in the eye on your first date, to exclusivity in a few weeks? Interesting....and good for you! How did you let yourself move past the race issue?

Very good question. For now, I'll say that it was the amount of respect and admiration that he had for me. I love that he's really honest, and he has strong values that I'm really impressed with. There are a lot of other stuff that I'll go into at a later time.

When we started dating, it's almost been 2 mos by the way, we saw each other probably 3-4x times per week. My initial hesitation didn't last long at all because I started to feel really comfortable with him by the 2nd date. It also helped that I realized I was/am very attracted to him as well. :look: I'll explain it better when I'm able to post the date by date update.
Please don't quote!!! I'll be taking these down at 12p. No right clicking either! PLEASE!!!!! Not really good quality because they were taken with my phone.

Took him to my spot to get a manicure. lol We were in there for a few hours, and he didn't complain that much. He did say he'll be happy to drop me next time, but he's never going back. lol I think he secretly enjoyed it.
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*walks in room n looks for Ediese*

well, well, well playa... ./'./'./' Hercules, Hercules, Hercules damnit!!! ./'./'./'

*clappin like da Clumps*

u go playa!!! good for you.

you know i slowed my roll, lit a newport one hunnit and poured me some Jamaican Rum and picked up where i left off at.

i'm so happy for you. you were consistent and true to yourself throughout this whole journey. you were honest with these men in telling them what you wanted and you did not compromise yourself by any means. you were aggressive and didn't waste any time.

looks were important, however, you didn't let that derail you into disaster. judging from what i've read, you made this all about you and how you wanted to be treated. Luke treats you the way YOU want to be treated cuz see, when it comes to looks, everything that glitter dayum sure ain't gold chile...

I admire you for that. And for that, I wish you and Luke the best of luck going forward. I think you've found a winner baby girl.

*grabs a kleenex and wipes a tear*

now, playa...does this mean you are turning in your playa's card, or is it in "pending" status for now lololol.....bless ya heart chile...

Please don't quote!!! I'll be taking these down at 12p. No right clicking either! PLEASE!!!!! Not really good quality because they were taken with my phone.


Took him to my spot to get a manicure. lol We were in there for a few hours, and he didn't complain that much. He did say he'll be happy to drop me next time, but he's never going back. lol I think he secretly enjoyed it.


No fair! I missed the pic. Congrats, my dear, VERY HAPPY FOR YOU....
Can u pm me a link to the pic? I wanna see this wonderful guy!!

*walks in room n looks for Ediese*

well, well, well playa... ./'./'./' Hercules, Hercules, Hercules damnit!!! ./'./'./'

*clappin like da Clumps*

u go playa!!! good for you.

you know i slowed my roll, lit a newport one hunnit and poured me some Jamaican Rum and picked up where i left off at.

i'm so happy for you. you were consistent and true to yourself throughout this whole journey. you were honest with these men in telling them what you wanted and you did not compromise yourself by any means. you were aggressive and didn't waste any time.

looks were important, however, you didn't let that derail you into disaster. judging from what i've read, you made this all about you and how you wanted to be treated. Luke treats you the way YOU want to be treated cuz see, when it comes to looks, everything that glitter dayum sure ain't gold chile...

I admire you for that. And for that, I wish you and Luke the best of luck going forward. I think you've found a winner baby girl.

*grabs a kleenex and wipes a tear*

now, playa...does this mean you are turning in your playa's card, or is it in "pending" status for now lololol.....bless ya heart chile...


Thanks love! You're absolutely right. I figured I didn't want to waste my time this go around, and I definitely want to waste anyone elses. I really appreciate your well wishes and optimism! :-) I'm hoping for the best too.

Re: playas card, lol yes I turned it in, for now anyway. :look: It's funny because there was this guy next to me in the checkout line at the grocery store. I pulled out my phone to answer a text from Luke, and the guy started spouting out some numbers. I turned to look at him kinda confused before I realized he was giving me his number. lol As cute as he was, I said, thanks, but no thanks. :yep:
Quick question for you guys.

What do you do to show the guy that you're dating that you appreciate him? The places that we dine are usually not chain restaurants, and he's been shelling out a bit of money. I feel a little bad, although I know I shouldn't. He does work in finance, so I'm sure he knows how to handle his money.

Anyway, here's my question. So far, I've cooked two really nice meals (honey grilled salmon, mash potato, bacon wrapped asparagus, and Indonesian ginger chicken, bismati rice, and roasted carrots courtesy of @NikStar -- thanks so much for this delicious recipe. Pics on my new camera.) Bought him this book that was mentioned in a play we attended. He was really surprised, and absolutely loved it. Took him to get a pedi/mani because he definitely needed it.

I'm thinking of surprising him with a little road trip for the weekend. We'd have dinner on Friday. Take in the sights/rides during the day, jet ski, and a couple's massage at night, followed by a dinner cruise. This trip will cost approx. $700. Does this seem like too much to you guys?

I'd love to do something nice, and I hate feeling like he's shelling out all this money, and I'm not reciprocating. We're not nearly in the same payscale, but I thought this would be really nice for us. Plus, it'd would be 9 weeks since we started dating, and I'm ready to get a I thought that would be perfect timing.
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I think it's a nice thing to do although I wouldn't spend over $500 but I don't make that much money.

My SO always appreciates a homecooked meal including dessert, sex and breakfast in the AM. Giftwise...I might buy him a shirt here and there if I see something nice or some other item he'd like. Similar to women, men like knowing that you were thinking about them throughout the day.
Glad you liked it!

I say go for it (the road trip). It's a great way to get a better idea of ya'lls compatible-ness by being together all day/all night for a few days, and of course the intimacy. Have fun!
I don't normally post (3yr lurker here) but your thread kinda brought me out.

I would say don't feel too bad. I'm sure he knows what he's doing when it comes to his money. But in terms of reciprocating, I think that trip sounds like an awesome time. Active & romantic which I think is the perfect combination. I think its a great way to show your appreciation for what he has done so far.
Glad you liked it!

I say go for it (the road trip). It's a great way to get a better idea of ya'lls compatible-ness by being together all day/all night for a few days, and of course the intimacy. Have fun!

We certainly both loved it! I cooked a family pack of the wings, and he ate just about all of it. lol I took some pics, so I'll try to post when I get the cord to my camera. I couldn't see his plate because it was covered with bones. :lachen:Oh yea, I used wings too, and to make sure that the marinade didn't only stick to the skin, I cut slits in the chicken. That worked wonders.:yep:

:yep: yep, I think it would be fun spending that much time together, especially since things are still new and we're still getting to know each other. Lol @ the intimacy. He's been such a good sport about it. I actually told him I tend to wait 3 months. lol I'm ready. lmbo
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