He left his FB open...

He did it to get a reaction. I say date him for free meals and continue to see other people. And don't tell him you saw it.
When me in my SO were just talking, not even dating, he dropped everything. No talking with multiple people, and he expected the same of me. I don't believe in getting with guys that are 'playing the field'. Who says they'll chose you? Send him on his way, he probably has a back up date scheduled. Or he's just lame which is an even better reason to quit.
Omg how bold lol how please let us know how he justified making from your computer and then was sloppy enough to leave it open.
Oh I just read the update from when you went with another dude. OK yeah he was trying to make you jealous :lachen:

Op did you not realize he was childish before this? Cause that is childish dude 101.
Excuse you? You don't know me. This is a casually made thread not the story of my life. This is not my future husband, it ain't that serious. You are beyond rude.

if i had the lhcf elephant memory id go "werent you the poster who..." on some of your other threads because this is not the first time i recall this username in these parts... yeshrug

So you wanna pull up old threads? feel free. These are all different folks, and I haven't married, settled down, or shacked up with a single one of them. I'm allowed to date around and get over all the losers I want and make threads while I'm at it. My self-esteem is fine,my standards are fine, and I'll be just fine. What is your goal here *****? Some of the chicks around here...
OP, I wouldn't say anything to him but I also would slow up talking to dude.

It's just not grown man behavior. Some men think disrespecting a women makes them powerful.

He shouldn't have asked you who you go on dates with and if he was bothered by it he should have asked you to date him exclusively or learn to stop asking questions he doesn't want to answers to.
Or is this a sign he's just playing games and biding his time while he looks for someone else?

:yep: Since you don't want to be one of many, don't go. Cancel it saying something came up and you can't go. He might have stood you up anyway. Text him. That's it. Don't let him call you at all. Have your mobile off and your landline set to answering machine and go out someplace he won't have gone. Don't be home. Don't ever bring it up and avoid him like the plague but don't let him know you're avoiding on purpose lol.

Please come back in here and let us know you cancelled. :look: TokyoReina
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:yep: Since you don't want to be one of many, don't go. Cancel it saying something came up and you can't go. He might have stood you up anyway. Text him. That's it. Don't let him call you at all. Have your mobile off and your landline set to answering machine and go out someplace he won't have gone. Don't be home. Don't ever bring it up and avoid him like the plague but don't let him know you're avoiding on purpose lol.

Please come back in here and let us know you cancelled. :look: @TokyoReina

I called him after I got home from work and told him I didn't appreciate him messaging other women on my supplied resources and in my presence. He then got mad and said he he didn't send messages on my pc, why would he do that, he only had it a couple minutes and he can't type that fast..:lol: Then he said if he wanted to do that, why would he do it from my PC?

Then I said I was still offended and the movie/dinner date is off. His actions have ruined my taste for his presence this evening. Which only made him madder...and then he said I must plan on going with someone else...which prompted me to hang up. So there it is...I don't have anything to say to him right now.
was it intentional?

I really think it was intentional. Forgetting to log off? Having the nerve to do it all in OP's presence? To him, it may have been payback for OP going out on another date without him, and OP's last conversation sealed the deal: he is jealous :lol:

OP: he is jealous but doesn't want to exclusively date and he plays games instead of being upfront about what he wants. Such immature men ain't worth it.

Enjoy exploring your other options! :grin:
I called him after I got home from work and told him I didn't appreciate him messaging other women on my supplied resources and in my presence. He then got mad and said he he didn't send messages on my pc, why would he do that, he only had it a couple minutes and he can't type that fast..:lol: Then he said if he wanted to do that, why would he do it from my PC?

Then I said I was still offended and the movie/dinner date is off. His actions have ruined my taste for his presence this evening. Which only made him madder...and then he said I must plan on going with someone else...which prompted me to hang up. So there it is...I don't have anything to say to him right now.

This so ain't over. :lachen:

You engaged him by telling him what you were mad about. You just had to get that off yo chest huh? :lachen:
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I called him after I got home from work and told him I didn't appreciate him messaging other women on my supplied resources and in my presence. He then got mad and said he he didn't send messages on my pc, why would he do that, he only had it a couple minutes and he can't type that fast..:lol: Then he said if he wanted to do that, why would he do it from my PC?

Then I said I was still offended and the movie/dinner date is off. His actions have ruined my taste for his presence this evening. Which only made him madder...and then he said I must plan on going with someone else...which prompted me to hang up. So there it is...I don't have anything to say to him right now.

Oh no. So the song and dances continues. You will want to be in his presences tomorrow and he knows he has the upper hand. Make clear boundaries, let him know that you are really feeling him and tell him you want to be exclusive with him might as well lay it all on the table. Good Luck with this Guy.
Girl, I would've started from his messages go down! It is very disrespectful for him to be chatting up women on your laptop while next to you! I would stand him up! If he were a bf I'd change his password :look: :blush:
My immediate reaction is to cancel my date and tell him I do not appreciate being one of many. However, since we are not in an actual relationship and we're just dating right now, I'm not sure I have the right to be upset. Do I just keep it moving, go on my date, and act like I never saw this? Or is this a sign he's just playing games and biding his time while he looks for someone else?

I would have thought that if two people subscribe to multiple dating you have to accept that the other could be doing anything in their free time. So you decide to only date one more person. That doesn't mean the other person will match you exactly!

They could be going for dates any day of the week because they can.:look: They can casually flirt with whomever on FB because they can.

Sounds like you're both "catching feelings" over the others potential dates even though you're supposed to be cool with multiple dating:spinning:

I do think he probably did this to make you jealous and it worked. Definitely game playing.
Goodness! all these games:perplexed :barf:

Cease all contact!! Even if he felt jealous that you went out with someone else, the MATURE thing would be to have a conversation with you about where this is going, and what will be the next step. Either: a) he displays his feelings and decides to make things official with you asap, or b) he bows out of the game gracefully.

This is so extra, unnecessary, and signs of the kind of relationship that this person would offer: FULL OF DRAMA, LOW ON COMMUNICATION. Basically, among the 2 biggest relationship-killers:nono:

It sounds like you might need to work on being more assertive, having more boundaries (him hanging out at your house without having taken you on a date (several, actually) yet suggests fluid boundaries, but that's just my opinion), and directing the conversation so that men don't start giving you BS excuses when they mess up (you say you SAW the messages, and he's trying to prove you otherwise? is he 16?:perplexed).

Anyway, good luck! But throw that bad fish back out in the water:perplexed
Goodness! all these games:perplexed :barf:

Cease all contact!! Even if he felt jealous that you went out with someone else, the MATURE thing would be to have a conversation with you about where this is going, and what will be the next step. Either: a) he displays his feelings and decides to make things official with you asap, or b) he bows out of the game gracefully.

This is so extra, unnecessary, and signs of the kind of relationship that this person would offer: FULL OF DRAMA, LOW ON COMMUNICATION. Basically, among the 2 biggest relationship-killers:nono:

It sounds like you might need to work on being more assertive, having more boundaries (him hanging out at your house without having taken you on a date (several, actually) yet suggests fluid boundaries, but that's just my opinion), and directing the conversation so that men don't start giving you BS excuses when they mess up (you say you SAW the messages, and he's trying to prove you otherwise? is he 16?:perplexed).

Anyway, good luck! But throw that bad fish back out in the water:perplexed

This. If he was trying to make her jealous, he's an immature a**.

If he genuinely thought what he was doing was ok, he's disrespectful and clueless.

Either way, es no bueno.
Curious why anyone would casually date anyone for a long period of time with no commitment? I see no reason to be upset when you were not in a relationship with him. Why allow someone to string you along and play with your emotions. Some of us need to do better. Any man who has not claimed you or planning too is 100% entertaining other women.
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Casual dating aside.....He shouldn't have been talking to other women on your laptop. That speaks volumes to me and we would share nothing after that.

I doubt it's over just reading your phone call with him, so I'll just say good luck OP.
And no shade, please don't take it the wrong way because when I was young I made some bad choices too.....but if losers or disrespectful men are some sort of pattern, even just "dating"......it's time to adjust the 'picker.' It normalizes things, so when you finally decide to find someone serious, it could impact it. Besides, there is no reason to waste your yrs on men in either category. It nornal
I see nothing wrong with him talking to other women when you're both casually dating, however it was very disrespectful of him to do it on your computer. He could be chatting with Jesus' sister for all I care... he just better do it on his own device!