Dating someone of different race for the first time

UMBlessedBeauty_1 said:
Hey everyone,

Thanks for all yall responses I just wanted to let yall know that we met yesterday and things went well. I'm not sure if I'm interested in him romantically but I'm definitely interested in him as a friend.

that's cool. I loved casual dates (when I did them ;) ). Always fun to have some good conversation and laughs with someone even if there is no love connection.
HoneyDew said:
that's cool. I loved casual dates (when I did them ;) ). Always fun to have some good conversation and laughs with someone even if there is no love connection.

Yea I think I want to hang out with him more and just chill but I'm not trying to rush a romantic connection w/ anyone at the moment. I really want to take things slower so I can really get to know the person.
I had to come back into the thread to see how things went.
I'm glad you met and had a nice time. I understand how it is, though, when you want to just focus on a friendship. It's good when you focus on you, then you don't rush into anything.
tyefrmy said:
I had to come back into the thread to see how things went.
I'm glad you met and had a nice time. I understand how it is, though, when you want to just focus on a friendship. It's good when you focus on you, then you don't rush into anything.

Yeah I really thought I wanted a boyfriend but the more I think about it the more I realize it's probably because I'm just really lonely. I need to make some friends down here and start enjoying myself more and not depend on a guy.
Bunny77 said:
Nothing wrong with being concerned! The thing is, if you two go out, have a good date and you start spending more time with him, you'll begin to wonder what you were so worried about! :) (And you'll start wondering what the big deal is about interracial dating anyway... at least that's how I felt!)

This is sooo true. I have nothing to add, these ladies have all given you great advice.
UMBlessedBeauty_1 said:
So I know that a lot of ladies on the board are in interracial relationships and marriages and I need a little push in the right direction I guess. I've never been on a date with anyone of another race but I'm considering it now, actually the date has already been set. This is a completely new territory for me and I'm really nervous. To make life even more nerve wrecking we met on myspace so it'll be my first time going on a date with someone off line that I'm interested in as more than a friend. I've met guys and some of my girl friends online but I was never really interested in dating the guys it was more of a friendship thing. I'm not against interracial relationships at all but it's always something that I never thought would happen to me since I tend to be attracted to tall, chocolate or darker men. We've been talking on myspace and AIM for about two months now and I'm definitely interested. He's the first guy to send me a really respectful message on myspace and I could tell he actually read my profile before he sent it. He's the kind of guy I want to go out with in terms of qualities only he's white (I know that sounds really stupid but I'm being honest). I've been talking to my friends about it and they think it's hilarious because I'm definitely one of those Black Power type of girls even though I'm really prissy. No one would expect me to actually be interested in a white guy as more than just a friend.

So ladies how did you handle being apprehensive about dating someone from a different race the first time? What was the experience like?

ETA: I am not trying to offend anyone by writing this so please don't take the post the wrong way and please don't leave angry responses. I want this thread to stay as clean as possible.
Lol that and bunny's *country-dude* part sounds just like me.:lol:
I met dh online,I'm open to interracial dating but I'd never thought I'd end up with a cowboy(no I'm so not kidding).

Just relax and enjoy your time,after all you're just a woman and he's just a man.;)

Sorry I didn't notice you already went,I'm glad it was a positive experience even tough not a romantic one.
Take your time and don't rush anything,you're doing the right thing:)